Tension filled the room as the three people gaped at Ian in horror. Ian's words only pushed them closer to feeling despair, and the one who was affected the most was Stuart. Though it was not his mistake in the first place, he had killed someone and it was not because the patient was on her deathbed. No.

Someone had used him brilliantly to get their plan in progress, and he had ended up murdering Linda accidentally. He held his head and pulled at his hair, unable to believe the turn of events. Just a few hours ago, he had been completely happy and everything in his life was working out well. He was even relieved to have left his previous workplace and joined Regal Medical Hospital.

But his happiness and relief had been short-lived, and he was now filled with the guilt of murdering someone. Though he was not at fault, he still deemed himself responsible for Linda's death. 

"Stuart," Aria pressed on his shoulder to comfort him. But any amount of comfort was unable to relieve him of the agony he was going through.. His medical career was at risk, and he had no idea how to save himself from the situation he was in.

Ian clasped his fingers and stared at the capable doctor in front of him. The man was young and still inexperienced. But he had a lot of capability and Ian did not wish to lose such a gem. He needed doctors like Stuart, and Ian vowed to protect him at all costs.

Ian was astonished himself at the trust he had in the young man, for it was quite difficult for him to trust people that easily. He had some serious trust issues as his own family had given up on him when he needed them the most. The only people he had ever trusted were his friends Noah and Joshua and their families and his mentor, Theo. And somehow, Aria and her family had joined the list too without his knowledge.

But he had no idea when Stuart had made himself trustworthy in Ian's heart. 'Maybe it was when he alone decided to join us when our country and our army needed him the most.' He thought as he recalled the time when Stuart had decided to go along with them to the borders, not caring about his life, unlike his colleagues from his previous workplace.

"What do I do now, Aria? I am finished, I am finished." Stuart exclaimed, devastated by the 'impossible to get out of' problem he was in. He could clearly see what the future had for him, the cell in the prison waiting for him and how much he would be suffering, completely different from the life he was living currently. 

But it was the fact that he would lose his medical license that worried him the most. His dream of becoming one of the best neurosurgeons went down the drain even before he could start towards his ambition. His eyes teared up, and Stuart could not control himself from not crying out anymore.

His state not only broke Aria and Ivy, even Ian felt the pain the young doctor was going through. Ian had long perceived Stuart's intentions. He was not here for fame or money. All he intended was to be a doctor and cure people of their diseases. His heart was pure and he did not have any ill intentions towards anyone whatsoever. 

"Stuart," Ian stood up from his seat and went towards the man who still had his head in between his hands. "Nothing will happen to you. Nothing will ever happen to you." The determination and firmness in his tone made Stuart stare at him. "I will not allow anything to happen to you. I will save you at all costs and if things come to worst, I will take the blame for you."

Ian had already grasped onto the situation. The people behind this had targetted Aria and considering the predicament they were in, they were either Noah's enemies or Ivy's. But most of Ivy's enemies were also, Noah's enemies. So, Aria was a pawn they wanted to use to deal with both Noah and Ivy. 

And Noah's enemies were his enemies too, and Ian was not the one to lay low and see his friends be targetted by some bunch of criminals whose death was just around the corner. He was hellbent on saving his loved ones, even if it meant he had to give up his own life.

But he did not have to put a lot of effort, for he was unwilling to give up his life just so that some lowly bastards could fulfill their satisfaction. Ian was planning mass destruction, one that would wreak the people behind this disgusting ploy for sure, and all he needed was Aria and Stuart's support.

"What nonsense are you spouting? The one who will take the blame if things come to worst will be me. I will not allow anybody else to be implicated by this." Aria reprimanded with a soft glare. Ian was just about to protest when Aria's glare turned serious, and he shut his mouth so as to not irk her all the more. 

"But I doubt that will ever happen. With Noah around, who dares to lay a hand on me and blame me?" Aria pushed up her sleeves, ready to battle it out if needed. "Nothing will happen to anyone other than the people behind this. I will make sure that the people behind this will pay for sure."

"That's my sister." Ivy cheered from the side.

"And Stuart," Aria directed her gaze towards the man who was already looking at her."You are an amazing doctor. Don't you ever doubt it. You did not kill Linda. It was somebody else, somebody who wanted to use you to get their work done. If you doubt yourself and feel guilty about Linda's death, you are only helping the bastards behind this plan. We need you to fight, for us, for you. You are not a murderer, and that is what you should know."

Aria's encouraging words did the work, and Stuart stopped grieving about his situation. He was now determined to find the culprit behind this and clear his name. A wide smile graced his lips, brightening his face and he hugged Aria immediately.

"Thank you, Aria. Thank you very much. I am glad I have friends like you and Ian who are willing to believe me. Otherwise, I do not know how I would have survived this."

"Stuart, we believe you and your morals. You do not have to thank us." Aria patted his back after coming out her shock by the sudden hug.

"Yes, Stuart. We are with you. The hospital and the management are with you. You have nothing to worry about. We will protect you at all costs come what may."

"Stuart, I suggest you let go of Aria before her possessive boyfriend finds out that you hugged her," Ivy commented from the side. "Although nothing will happen to you, I cannot say the same for Aria. Her devil of a boyfriend might just eat her alive. So, beware."

Stuart let go of her with a chuckle. Even Aria giggled at her words while Ian just smiled along.

"We now have a long battle to fight. And the first person we will have to deal with is the police. I hope all of you are mentally prepared." Ian ran his eyes, making sure that the three people were listening to him. "He has some serious mental problems and we will have to be careful around him.  And Ivy."

Ivy raised her brows as soon as Ian took her name. "I need your help in this. I hope this will keep the matters low until we find a solution for this problem."

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