When the ten minutes' break was over. The game master called everyone's attention. In the final game ladies from the four remaining teams were competing against each other, likewise the guys. Yang Zi was the only lady to compete with the guys. Some guys who were competing thought it was an insult to them to compete against a lady. They looked down on her because she was a lady and that was their biggest mistake.

Wen Min cracked her knuckles as she stood in position for the signal for them to begin the game. Immediately the signal was shot, Wen Min dived into the pool. Everyone was not surprised to see that Wen Min was ahead of all other competitors since they already saw her skills in the first and second round of the game. ​​

All her teammates and other teams who supported her cheered her enthusiastically. When she was almost finishing her last leg, others were still far behind. None of the ladies were fit to be called her rival. Wen Min won everyone's cheers when she won the last round of the swimming competition outstandingly.

"Wow! Miss Wen, you really did it. I am sure your role model (referring to Yang Zi) is very proud of you," One of her supporters complimented with a broad smile on his face.

"I am so proud of you. You face slapped Mexiang way too much for her to bear. Just look at her defeated expression," Yang Zi said, patting Wen Min's hands affectionately.

"This is just a warning for her to watch it whenever she is around me or she will get it from me," Wen Min said, fuming in anger. "What did you whisper into her ears earlier? I noticed that she is acting crazy after what you told her, so spill it now. I want to know so I can use it to threaten anyone who dares to talk bad about you," Wen Min said as she brought her ears close to Yang Zi's mouth.

"Are you sure you want to know what I told her earlier? Are you not scared that you will become like her if I tell you?" Yang Zi who did not want to tell her what she whispered into Wen Mexiang's ears asked, trying to scare Wen Min away, not knowing that Wen Min was not the type of lady to easily get scared.

"Hmm, I want to know," Wen Min nodded her head vehemently, her eyes glittering in excitement. Yang Zi was surprised that the lady was still very curious, even after what she told her she might get affected by her response.

"I told her that...," Yang Zi who was scrutinising the entire place in search of an excuse to evade her question instantly used her boss who was sitting down some distance away as an excuse. She instantly went to meet CEO Li, leaving the dumbfounded Wen Min all alone.

"Boss, you called me?" Yang Zi stated, stealing secret gazes at Wen Min to see whether she was still looking at her.

"I called you?" Yifeng asked rhetorically, exchanging surprised glances with Su Jin, who was sitting down beside him. Su Jin, who knew that Yifeng did not call for Yang Zi, shrugged his shoulder to tell him he did not know what Yang Zi was talking about. "I don't remember calling you," Yifeng said firmly after confirming from Su Jin that he did not call her name out of his unconsciousness.

"Really!" Yang Zi remarked, still checking to see whether Wen Min's attention was still on her. She turned to face her boss when she saw that something else got Wen Min's attention. "I guess I heard wrongly then," Yang Zi said, smiling in between her teeth towards the two reputable figures. Her smile was so insincere.

"Did you really think Feng called you or you just used him as an excuse to bail yourself out of your new friend's grip?" Su Jin questioned, signalling her to turn around. Yang Zi who didn't understand why he instructed her to turn back did but she instantly faced them again when she saw Wen Min whom she assumed was no longer interested in what they were discussing earlier, smiling at her sweetly.

"Used boss? Of course not," Yang Zi denied. "I saw him staring at me earlier so I assumed he needed my attention. That is why I am here right now or am I wrong, boss?" Yang Zi said, giving him her insincere smile once again.

"I wasn't...," The loud voice of the swimming competition coordinator announcing that it was time for the guy's final interrupted Yifeng.

"Yang Zi, I like your guts for challenging this friend of mine here. Have it at the back of your mind while competing that I am rooting for you. I know you can do this," Su Jin encouraged with sincerity as he shook Yang Zi's hands. Yifeng just stared at the both of them with a blank expression. He did not utter a word even after Yang Zi left. He was not surprised that his friend was siding with Yang Zi, since that has been his hobby even before he met her.

All her teammates except the envious ones were so supportive of Yang Zi. It was supposed to be all the guys competing together, but the team leader of team 2 talked to the coordinator. He told him that the game would be more fun if only Yang Zi and their boss were competing for the first position. The scores of the other two teams were relatively low compared to CEO Li and Yang Zi's team, so the coordinator did not find any problem with that.

Everyone was surprised to learn about this fresh development. Yang Zi knew that the person who brought up this goddamn suggestion wanted to embarrass her. But she won't give them the pleasure. It was scheduled that after their game was over the two remaining teams would compete against each other.

Yang Zi's ears were wide open, waiting for the signal for the game to begin. Her expression was icy and her eyes focused on the gigantic swimming pool. Immediately the signal was shot, Yang Zi and Yifeng dived into the swimming pool at the same time. The both of them did not even swim past the middle of the swimming pool before Wen Min's loud voice cheering for Yang Zi erupted the entire place. Some of her teammates joined in, not minding that they were somehow going against the man who issued their paycheck. Majority of the people were rooting for their boss in fear that there might be consequences if their boss learned later that they were to support Yang Zi instead of him.

"Yang Zi, Yang Zi, Yang Zi....," Wen Min shouted at the top of her lungs, almost overpowering other people's voice. Everyone's heart was pounding hard as they made their last turn. They couldn't say for sure who would win the game since Yang Zi and Yifeng were at the same point. Those who previously mocked Yang Zi or gossiped about her were face slapped hard when they saw that Yang Zi was a pro in swimming.

"Just a little more Yang Zi. You can do this," All her teammates shouted in unison when the both of them were just an arm away from the starting point that would make anyone who reached there first the winner. Their heart was at their lungs as they moved even closer to the starting point.

Everywhere turned dead silent the moment the both of them stretched their hand and touched the spot at the same time.

"Who won?" everyone thought as they exchanged questioning gazes.

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