Fallen In Love: The Ceo Who Tamed Me

Chapter 75 - I Dare You To Repeat That Bullshit Again!

She walked passed all the buzzing around her, sparing none of them a glance. She knew that they would have the liberty to mock her even more if she spared them her attention.

Yang Zi forced a slight smile on her face when she got to where her teammates were waiting for her arrival. Wen Min, representing the ladies for the final, smiled at her enthusiastically, but her smile disappeared immediately when she heard what a competitor of team 2 said. ​ ​

"Look at her acting so prideful and arrogant. I bet she thinks she owns the world just because she won a few games during our stay here? She is so shameless to be competing against our boss when her boyfriend's Company is at the brink of collapsing. Who the hell does she think she is? She is nothing but a bitch good at seducing men. Because of her, none of the guys dare to notice our existence. She is such a flirt," the lady backbited Yang Zi to another lady who was standing close to her. Wen Min who was standing with other competitors previously wanted to run to Yang Zi who was now with her teammates but she immediately turned to face the lady who just uttered that rubbish about her idol.

"I dare you to repeat that bullshit you just said and I promise to beat you to a pulp if you do," Wen Min warned furiously garnering the attention of others.

"I don't recall mentioning your name when I was talking to Yaoyao, so why do you seem affected by my words?" Mexiang, who spoke ill of Yang Zi, fired back rudely with a disgusted look on her face.

"Take a careful look at yourself before you start bad-mouthing others. You are just a loser, that is why you can't tolerate that others are better than you. If you said she is a flirt then what are you? A whore or a sex worker?" Wen Min asked angrily. She would have beaten the lady up for saying those words about Yang Zi if there were not so many spectators.

"Ha haha ...", Mexiang laughed maniacally, "Did you just call me a whore and a sex worker? How dare you call me such vulgar names?".

"Did you feel hurt by what I said? The truth is, I don't give a damn about your feelings because you started it first. You are the one who is always half dressed even though the weather is freezing just so guys would notice you so what gave you the guts to speak bad about Miss Yang?" Wen Min berated angrily. "If you are jealous that she has got a rich tycoon as her boyfriend, I will suggest you find yourself one instead of standing here speaking like one whose candy was snatched away from her," Wen Min uttered those hurtful words without a care. By now everyone gathered to hear what their fight was all about. They didn't need to ask Wen Min what happened because they knew what caused the fight through her many words.

Other people started condemning Mexiang for what she did. They forgot that they also badmouthed Yang Zi some moment ago.

"Wen Min, it's Okay. You don't have to bring yourself down to her standard. She is not worth giving your attention," Yang Zi now standing close to Wen Min whispered into Wen Min's ears. Seeing that she was utterly embarrassed, Mexiang raised her hand to slap Wen Min but Yang Zi who saw her attempts caught her hand in midst air. She pulled the lady closer to her and whispered something into her ears. Nobody heard what she whispered to Mexiang, but all they saw was Mexiang trembling afterwards. She looked so afraid after hearing what Yang Zi said.

"Who the hell said you can make a ruckus when I am around," Yifeng's voice interrupted them. His voice sounded colder than ever. It sent chills down their spine. For a moment they had forgotten that their almighty CEO was around during the commotion. They did not need him to speak further before everyone scrambled for their dear lives. It was rare to see their boss angry, and when he did, no one could fathom what would happen. It was left for everyone to imagine how such a scene will be. Within a blink of an eye, everyone was back to their normal position. Only Yang Zi, Wen Min, and the shivering Mexiang stood at the scene of the commotion.

"What are you guys still waiting for?" The angry Yifeng asked as he stared danger at the trembling Mexiang who had the damn guts to speak ill of his Yang Zi. Yang Zi dragged angry Wen Min with her and brought her to where their teammates were sitting.

"Miss Yang, I am sorry you had to witness such an ugly scene earlier when you were not even at your best mood. I couldn't hold myself back when I heard her call you so many despicable names. You are not what she says you are. You are a kind person. You have been so good to everyone since our stay here but don't worry Miss Yang, I will not hesitate to beat some senses into her if she dares try that again," The now level-headed Wen Min trying to cheer Yang Zi who had a sad expression on not knowing that Yang Zi was not sad or affected by that big mouth's words.

"You don't have to fight with her because of me and thank you for standing up for me earlier. It really felt good to see that at least one person believed in me. You don't even know me too well, yet you stood up for me. I am happy to have met you," Yang Zi thanked her emotionally. She meant every word she said. Apart from Shui Shui and Shiyi, Wen Min was the first person who was not her friend, who stood up for her in the presence of so many people. Wen Min's kindness overwhelmed her.

"I am happy to have you as my idol too. Don't worry, I won't fight with her, but I will make sure I win her with so many points to teach her a lesson not to touch those I care about. Believe me, I will beat her hands down," Wen Min said, beating her chest confidently. Yang Zi smiled when she saw her behave like this.

"I can't wait to witness that and add friends to the idol because starting from now. I am not only your idol but also your friend," Yang Zi said, taking Wen Min by surprise.

"What? You are joking, right?" Wen Min who never in her wildest imagination dreamt of being her friend asked doubtfully.

"I'm damn serious. You are my friend starting now," Yang Zi said, just to assure the dumbstruck lady. Wen Min jumped up in excitement when Yang Zi confirmed her doubts. Seeing Wen Min jump up in the air elatedly, everyone thought she had gone crazy. She hugged Yang Zi warmly afterwards.

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