"Director Su, you don't always cease to tease me whenever we meet," Yang Zi said as she turned around to face him.

"Instead of always calling me Director Su, how about you call me Jin like your Boss does? I consider you my friend so I won't pick offense by calling me that," Su Jin suggested beaming at her. Those who were standing some distance away from them became curious about what they discussed that made their director smile so brightly. ​​

"I will gladly reject that offer. You are my superior so it is only right that I address you with respect and what will other employees say if they hear me call you by your name? I am alright with them gossiping behind my back but I definitely don't want to ruin your reputation so I will just stick to addressing you like I have always done," Yang Zi who saw others lurking around them quickly rejected his offer.

"Are you only afraid they will say that you seduced me into falling for you or are you worried that Feng will misunderstand our relationship? If you are worried about others, you don't have to because no one will dare utter nonsense about you and I have been friends with Yifeng since he was twelve years old so I guarantee you he won't get mad if you call me Jin," Su Jin explained, as the both of them headed outside together.

"Worry about what others will say about me?" Yang Zi asked. "I don't give a damn about others' opinions. What matters is my opinion, and why on earth will I get bothered about what Yifeng will think? Even though I should worry about being misunderstood, it's not by him but by my boyfriend. Besides my opinion, I also care about how my boyfriend or should I say soon-to-be fiance will react to the rumours of us being in a romantic relationship," Yang Zi replied.

"Are you certain that you don't care about Feng's opinion?" Su Jin asked curiously.

"I am just your best friend's employee, nothing else. But I will particularly miss all his scolding when I quit," Yang Zi accidentally said the words she wanted to conceal.

"You will quit?" Su Jin questioned, stopping instantly on his track as he turned to face her.

"Did I say I would quit? I think director Su heard me wrong," Yang Zi lied as she glanced away.

"Miss Yang, stop making it look like I am spewing nonsense because I heard you right when you said you would quit," Su Jin said, sounding very serious. "Miss Yang, if you came about the conclusion of quitting because of Yifeng's constant pestering, I will really suggest that you reconsider your decision. I know very well that the both of you were not in good terms when you first resumed your position as his secretary, but Feng has really come to trust and adore you. Apart from me and Yuan Quan, you are the third person in the company that he trusts unconditionally, so please think twice about your decision, hmm," Su Jin added as he grabbed hold of Yang Zi's hands. Yang Zi was taken aback by his action. She quickly withdrew her hand from his grip.

"I know Yifeng trusts me so much now, but you don't expect me to work as his secretary forever, right?" Yang Zi asked firmly. "Being a secretary was never the profession I chose for myself. I became a secretary because I didn't have a choice, but I've got to live my life now that I have almost accomplished my aim of being a secretary for almost three years. I thought I never had things called dreams, but I was wrong. Although I realised my dreams late, I really want to live a life that befits me now. I am sorry I will have to let you down but don't worry, I will definitely continue working for him if I have just one reason I should still work for him," Yang Zi answered feeling very emotional. She knew Yifeng treats her the best for the past one month and she did not want to disappoint him in this manner but she has got to do this. It surprised Su Jin, who has never seen her this way, to see the pained look in her eyes when she spoke.

"Miss Yang...,"

"Let's not dwell on this depressing topic anymore. I have to gather our teammates so we will prepare for the upcoming basketball match. You might not know this but I hate losing so I must get our team well prepared, I can't afford to lose. Wish us luck," Yang Zi exclaimed before she quickly hurried away.

She wasn't lying when she told him she wanted to gather her teammates for the upcoming basketball match, but the major reason she ran away was because she did not want to continue with the conversation.

When Yang Zi and Su Jin were having their conversation, they did not know that somewhere in the balcony of one of the building someone was monitoring their every move. They were so oblivious of the fact that he has been monitoring all their movements since the moment they stepped foot outside. He watched as Yang Zi left his dejected best friend without looking back.

Su Jin walked around the resort for some minutes before he went back to their quarters. Instead of heading to his room on the second floor, he immediately went to Yifeng's room to relax. When he entered Yifeng's room, he did not see him, but he quickly guessed that he must be in the bathroom after hearing running water. He sat down, resting his back on the couch with his eyes shut. Anyone who met him in that position would quickly conclude that he was sleeping, not knowing he was wide awake. He waited in that manner for Yifeng for ten minutes.

"Don't you know entering someone's house without the presence of the owner is a crime? Are you a thief?" Yifeng who felt the sound of someone entering his room when he was in the bathroom asked wiping his hair dry. He only tied a towel around his waist, leaving his well-toned upper body bare.

"Are you trying to seduce me with your well-toned body? Have you forgotten that I am not your sweet little secretary?" Su Jin teased, staring at Yifeng who was still trying to dry his wet body.

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