The bright rays of the early morning sunlight woke everyone up from their deep sleep. The Madam in charge of taking care of them who already informed all the ladies the previous day that they would be in charge of cooking and cleaning the resort during their stay there summoned all the ladies that early morning. She sternly warned them they were no longer guests, so they had to do all the chores by themselves. She did not fail to also assign some tasks to the guys, too. It wasn't a surprise to anyone when the Madam in charge assigned Yang Zi to be cleaning CEO Li's room. Yang Zi detested the idea of cleaning and arranging CEO Li's room because of the discussion they had the previous night, but she didn't have a choice since everyone was assigned to one place or the other.

Entering Yifeng's room, she saw him and Su Jin discussing. After greeting them, she quickly got to work. Although Yifeng did not tell Su Jin about his brief chat with Yang Zi the previous night, Su Jin felt the awkwardness between these two. His friend's gaze which was always on Yang Zi whenever she was around was on the centre table. Yifeng did not even look at Yang Zi's direction. With the current atmosphere, it felt so suffocating for Su Jin since Yifeng stopped talking to him the moment Yang Zi entered the vast room. ​​

"Yifeng, did something happen between you and our beautiful Miss Yang that I am not aware of?" Su Jin asked loudly, so Yang Z also heard the question. Yang Zi momentarily stopped cleaning the table close to Yifeng's bed when she heard Su Jin's question. She stole a secret glance at Yifeng to see his reaction She felt so relieved when she saw that he wasn't one bit interested in the topic Su Jin just brought up. Su Jin was forced to continue when he saw that he was totally ignored by these two fellows.

"Let me be nosy this once and ask the question that has always been bothering me. Why do you and Miss Yang always get into a fight whenever you see each other? Is it because you hate each other so much to the point that you can't stand each other's existence or because you two are already in a relationship so you are only using your constant fights to cover up your actual relationship? Tell me Yifeng, which one of my guesses is correct?" Su Jin asked, focusing his attention on Yang Zi to see how she will react. Yang Zi who had successfully composed herself continued dusting the same spot on the table for over two minutes without moving. Although she seemed so immersed in her work, all her mind was on what Yifeng's answer would be.

Su Jin knew everything about their push and pull relationship, but he was only doing this to help them sort out their feelings. It wasn't an awful thing to love someone, but denying those feelings was bad for one's mental health.

"Miss Yang, will you be so kind to answer this question on your Boss's behalf since he is totally ignoring me? I bet you still remember my question, right?" Su Jin asked, staring at Yang Zi's frozen figure. She subconsciously dropped the rag in her hand when she heard Su Jin's sudden question.

Yifeng who was secretly staring at Yang Zi as though he did not decided to help her out when he saw how surprised she was.

"Jin, don't you have better work to do instead of disturbing Miss Yang with your silly questions? You know that she won't reply no matter how many times you repeat your question, so why bother asking her?" Yifeng commented coldly. "I heard that today is the day we will be shared into our various groups for the basketball game so won't you go and coordinate your employees?" Yifeng lashed out sternly before he majestically walked out of the room with his two hands in his trouser pockets.

"You see Miss Yang, your Boss is fun of lashing out on others, he couldn't even spare his best friend so I hope that you won't take to heart whatever bad things he did or said to you. I know too well that he didn't mean to hurt you," Su Jin said softly before he strode out of the room.

Yang Zi who had held her breath the entire time breathed out heavily the moment Su Jin closed the door behind him. She sat down on the bed to support her wobbly legs.

"Damn! These two friends are all out to murder me. I better put my defences up or else I might end up falling for their tricks," Yang Zi mumbled as she held her chest, which was pounding fast.


Yang Zi was so scared when she searched for her name on the paper pasted on the wall to know which group she belonged to. Her expression changed to a happy one when she realised that she was not in the same team with Yifeng.

"Yes!" Yang Zi exclaimed excitedly when she saw the team she was in. She was still happy despite the fact that Su Jin was also in her group because she knew very well that she won't feel uncomfortable around him.

"Miss Yang, are you so delighted that you are not in the same team with your Boss or are you happy that a handsome man like me is your teammate?" Su Jin who has been standing at her back for a while now asked playfully.

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