Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 417 Are You Feigning Ignorance?

Evelynn could see that Emperor Ashton was not amused with her presence, however, that didn’t bother her as much as she thought it would.

Without thinking much, she sat with these two people, but then remembered that she was just short of the Fifth Stage and also the wife of the most powerful person in the Grand Sea Continent, giving her some confidence to be seated equally with them.

Emperor Louis Ashton panned his gaze towards Davis as his handsome and devilish features came into their view. He looked evil with his pale countenance, however, Davis knew that this person was easy to mingle with since he knew the other person’s attitude.

Nevertheless, this time, Davis could sense seriousness as well as a solemn feeling radiating from Emperor Louis Ashton.

Emperor Ashton who sat straight rasped his finger on the armrest before slightly leaning forwards, "My prized pearl, my daughter, Shirley is missing."

Davis slightly widened his eyes and so did Evelynn but in an exaggerated matter. She blinked and turned to look at Davis.

"So?" Davis opened his mouth with a confused gaze as he felt that he was being suspected from the tone of the other party.

Did Emperor Ashton perhaps suspect him of hiding Shirley?

Emperor Ashton narrowed his eyes, "She’s been missing for more than two years."

"So?" Davis just repeated his question, intending to make him go straight to the point.

"You really do not know or are you feigning ignorance?" Emperor Ashton’s tone sounded a little aggressive.

Davis just shook his head, his gaze unperturbed.

Silence pervaded around the table for a few seconds before Emperor Ashton slightly heaved a breath.

"Is my daughter Shirley not with you?"

"With me? What makes Emperor Ashton think so?" Davis reclined on the chair as he heard the other party’s doubtful tone. He did not laugh but had a calm gaze.

"When I meant more than two years, I meant three and that she’s been missing ever since you got married."

Emperor Ashton took out a letter and placed it on the table, with his hand still holding it in place.

Davis saw the letter and moved his gaze towards Emperor Ashton, "What has that got to do with me?"

"It has got everything to do with you."

Davis shot a glance at Evelynn before extending his hand towards the letter.

Grasping it in his hands, he opened and swept his eyes over it.


Dear Royal Father,

By the time you find this letter in my room, I will be no longer in the Ashton Empire but somewhere else, somewhere far away, maybe somewhere dangerous.

Due to circumstance, I am unable to inform you of this decision of mine personally, however, just know of this fact.

I’m going to realize my ambition even if it meant my death.

It would be years before you see me again, royal father.

Forgive me...

- Shirley Ashton


Davis’s eyes twitched as read the letter which was written in the Sky Word Language with beautiful and mesmerizing strokes.

However, the letter was as vague as it could get!

Her ambition?

What was it supposed to mean?

Was it cultivation? Or was it him?

Is that the reason why Emperor Ashton thought and connected her ambition with him?

"It pains me to see her be obsessed with someone out of her reach, so the only ambition I knew about her other than cultivation path is you."

Davis once again reclined his head as he passed the letter to Evelynn without moving his gaze away from Emperor Ashton.

"If not for her life tablet which indicates that she is still alive, I would’ve suspected you of killing her."

Davis inwardly groaned as he revealed a wry smile, however, he was astonished, "The Ashton Empire has life tablets?"

"We have the method to create one but not the resources, however, after my daughter cleared the trial, we were able to gather the necessary resources to create one."

"Spirit stones..." Davis nodded his head in agreement.

However, Spirit Stones were just one of the main ingredients. As for the other ingredients and materials, the Loret Empire didn’t possess them, so they still weren’t able to create life tablets.

"I used that single life tablet to host a strand of my daughter’s soul. She might be alive but her whereabouts are unknown."

Davis imperceptibly blinked.

So Emperor Ashton suspected I did something to her and kept her in captivity. His imagination sure does leave a bad impression of me.

However, he can understand that he was the prime suspect and could vaguely comprehend the agony of a father.

Davis sincerely shook his head, "I haven’t seen her at all."

"Judging by the contents of her letter, it is clear that she left towards a danger zone."

Emperor Ashton nodded his head, "I’ve considered this possibility too. I’ve sent many people of my Empire to investigate every danger zone in the Grand Sea Continent."

"So far, they’ve only checked the outer periphery of the danger zones, asking people about the ins and outs, however, it seemed fruitless."

Davis had his chin rest on his interlocked fingers while his elbows were on the table, pondering where Shirley could’ve left too. He had no idea of her whereabouts initially but could now form some conjectures.

"Let’s change our way of thinking then, no, not our way of thinking, but something we missed out; ignored."

"Ignored, I don’t think I have ignored anything." Emperor Ashton frowned.

"What cultivation had she attained before she went missing?" Davis posed a question.

Emperor Ashton thought for a moment before answering his question, "Law Seed Stage."

’Why did he pause? Could it be that Shirley was concealing her cultivation from her father?’

’For what purpose?’

"Which level?"

Emperor Ashton pondered for a while before he answered, "I’m not sure. At that time, she had broken through to the Law Seed Stage quite a while ago, so she should be at Mid-Level Law Seed Stage when she went missing."

Davis pondered for a few seconds before he formed a valid conjecture.

"This information is classified even and not privy even to the Guardian Alliance. However, Princess Shirley should be in possession of this information since she had cleared the King Grade Trial."

He suddenly smiled, "Nevertheless, she chose to hide it from her own father."

"What do you mean?"

Emperor Ashton could not help but tilt his head forward, wanting to know more about this classified information.

"It’s possible that she secretly broke through the Sixth Stage after some time and entered the First Layer."


Emperor Ashton stood up in shock as well as trepidation. He seemed to shake his head in disbelief while muttering, "It can’t be..."

Seeing Emperor Ashton act like a father who lost his precious daughter, Davis inwardly sighed for him.

"Don’t worry. The independent spatial gateway to the First Layer is more or less concealed from the eyes of the masses."

"As long as she conceals herself and acts cautiously, she will not meet with any danger."

Emperor Ashton shot his gaze towards Davis, his gaze staying on him for a few seconds.

Davis could feel Emperor Ashton’s scrutinizing gaze. He knew the other party was trying to find something in his words and expression but he was leisure as he could be.

"If you go back to the First Layer again, can you help her?" Emperor Ashton suddenly asked while his tone had relatively softened.

"Sure!" Davis smirked, "But don’t count on it. I can only help her if we’re able to meet in that vast territory."

Emperor Ashton stayed silent for a few seconds, his gaze slightly absent-minded.

"Alright," He finally spoke and wore his hood again.

He flew towards the skies but suddenly stopped as he stretched his hand. The letter in Evelynn’s hand shot towards him.

"You are probably the luckiest woman in the entire history of the Grand Sea Continent."

Emperor Ashton’s comment echoed as he flew towards the horizon.

Evelynn was startled before a smile lit up her face.

"That remains to be seen..." Davis casually made a comment, which confused Evelynn as she turned to look towards him.

"What do you mean?"

"Uh... Nothing..." Davis refused to answer as he smiled.

The way he thought, Evelynn was just stuck with his selfishness, not really lucky.

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