In Davis’s room.

Davis and Evelynn rested on the bed as their naked figures figured reclined above the soft comfort of the bed. They held each other as their figures were slowly painted with sunlight, giving off a sense of serenity.

Evelynn’s eyelids gently trembled before she opened her eyes. She submitted herself to his warmth by cuddling his arms a few seconds before perching up.

She dressed herself up and went towards the bathroom, intending to clean herself. Davis opened his eyes and sat up looking towards the bright sun that shone on his face.

He yawned as he stretched his body, extending his arms towards his back, feeling pleasurable cracks echo from his body. After their ’battle’ in the bath, they continued on the bed for a long time before sleeping somewhere after midnight.

Davis panned his gaze from the bright rays towards his room, his gaze falling on the numerous objects and furniture that were neatly arranged and decorated in his room.

In the past, his room was once the spacious study but had been later remodeled into his bedroom, bath, and balcony, suiting to his needs.

Many tables were placed on each corner of the bedroom, with many objects on top of it decorating, giving importance and a sense of propriety to the initially hollow room.

He didn’t place much importance in the placings but Evelynn did, letting the room stay clean and making it seem more close towards her aesthetic sense.

However, he looked towards a wardrobe, one of the many wardrobes which had many clothes but remained untouched for a long time.

A certain figure flashed past his mind. Cheerful, affectionate, cute, curious, afraid, and embarrassed, most of the time.

Those clothes of that figure’s were still untouched and his wife still hasn’t said anything about it after learning about its existence one day.

With just an ’Oh...’ from her mouth, Evelynn no longer bothered about that wardrobe, letting it stay as it is.

Davis was confused about this action of hers, not understanding why she did not comment on those clothes in his room which belonged to another woman!

If it were the opposite, he imagined that he would’ve blown his top off from rage and vented his anger on her while arguing whose clothes it was...

He was confused as to why she didn’t do anything about it.

She had plenty of time to throw those clothes away to the trash when he was in the First Layer, but didn’t so, baffling him to an extent.

Could it be that she was afraid of angering him, leading to her silence about this matter?

In any case, he wasn’t bothered by it much as long as she doesn’t complain but it still made him uncomfortable. Her eyes that would gaze past the wardrobe would make him slightly uncomfortable from time to time, making him think if she would ask him why that maid’s clothes were still here.

Yes, it was none other than Ellia’s clothes.

’Maybe since Ellia was no more than a little girl at that time, her clothes don’t bother Evelynn much as I think it did...’ he mused

At this time, a knock could be heard, echoing from his door.

"Enter..." Davis lazily spoke, already aware of who it was behind the door.


The door slowly opened and a womanly figure dressed like a maid with a bun on her head entered his view. She had a letter in her hands tightly clasped as if she was afraid that it would disappear.

Her black pupils paused on his blurry naked figure for a moment before she hurriedly glanced towards the tiled surface as she put her head down.

"Speak..." Davis casually spoke, maintaining an image as if he was unperturbed.

This woman was the one who had replaced Ellia as his personal maid, however, he knew little about her, not much than the other maids who he had seen before.

The woman stuttered, "E-Excuse this lowly servant, your highness."

She paused for a moment, and seeing that there was no reply from the Crown Prince, she continued with a hint of trepidation in her heart.

"Someone with the letter containing the symbol of Ashton Empire wants to meet your highness."

"Someone?" Davis’s lips curved.

He glanced at the letter that was in her hands and extended his hands.

The letter that was extended towards him while being grasped in her hands flew towards him. With a flick of his hand, he caught the parchment and brought towards his face as he opened it.

He paused for a moment before his eyes lit up in understanding.

"I understand, bring that someone to the top floor of the royal castle, the park for a chat." He emphasized.

The maid nodded her head as her heart shook. She didn’t know much but rumor had it that the Crown Prince could observe the entire capital with his prowess if he so wished.

His understanding and acceptance of that someone, even inviting to his place of relaxation meant that he knew who the other party was...

She bowed once before stepping back as she closed the door, leaving to relay and bring the guest to the park personally.

Davis shook his head as he saw the letter. It emphasized a single sentence.

[Can we have a chat?]

At the same moment he read it before, he extended his Soul Sense and saw the ’someone’ who was waiting outside the Royal Castle, clad in black robes while restraining their undulations.

When he realized the identity of that someone, he was surprised a moment before shaking his head in confusion, because he thought of that person to be another person, a woman to be exact.

At this time, Evelynn walked out from the bath, dressed up extravagantly like a princess would, however, her features were entirely covered by her dark green colored robes.

She saw a letter in Davis’s hands and turned confused but when she saw the Ashton Empire’s symbol on it, her gaze turned sharp, "What is that?"

Her eyes even seemed to faintly exhibit wariness.

"Someone wants to see me for a chat, want to tag along?" Davis laughed as he waved the letter.

Evelynn was about to ask who but pursed her lips as she pondered for a moment before nodding her head.

Davis nodded back to her. He stood up to wear clothes that were on the side of the surface and leave to the park but was instead admonished by his wife to clean himself up.

Listening to her words, he spent a few minutes in the bath before being dressed up. He then left with Evelynn to the park, silently pondering what the guest had in store for him.

In a minute, they arrived at the top floor as they left flying through their balcony.

Evelynn flew above with him and once she reached the top, she saw a black-robed figure who possessed a medium build.

’A male?’ A question popped up in her head while she also simultaneously heaved a sigh of relief, albeit inwardly.

She and Davis flew towards the table where the guest sat when she heard Davis suddenly speak without a cue.

"To what do I owe you the pleasure, Emperor Ashton."

’Emperor Ashton!?’ Evelynn’s brows shot up as she turned astonished.

’Not a messenger?’

’But Emperor Ashton!?’

’What’s going on here?’

These thoughts simultaneously echoed in her head, leaving her presence of mind to pause for a moment.

The black-robed man heaved a sigh as he took off his hood which hid his facial features.

"Really, one can’t hide from you, Crown Prince Davis."

"It depends..." Davis just casually commented and sat while Evelynn also promptly sat with them.

The table was quite wide and spacious, able to accommodate more than six people with a few chairs beside it. Three chairs had been occupied by them while a single chair had been left unoccupied.

Emperor Ashton’s gaze fell on Evelynn as he narrowed his eyes, making the latter feel confused and nervous. However, his gaze was quickly removed, making Evelynn inwardly heave a sigh of relief.

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