Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 343 Coming Of Age Ceremony

A few days passed and the coming of age ceremony for three the three royals had been organized with invitations being sent all over the Empire.

Other than the noble families, only a few influential people like the King and Queens from the subordinate Kingdoms could participate in the banquet prepared in a classical hall which was big as two kilometers wide.

Davis, Diana, and Clara sat in the three seats that were arranged for them on top of a platform, making them the main characters for the progression today.

Many people came along and congratulated as they gifted them with riches and antiques.

The three were dressed up quite well in royal attire, making them look noble and majestic, inducing awe in the eyes of the onlookers as they praised endlessly.

Halfway through the banquet...

Davis looked at the people below him, mingling around as if they formed their own small groups or communities according to their statuses.

Seeing this sight, he nodded thinking that it was only in line with the ways of the world.

As for Clara, she was the topic and the center point in most of the conversations being discussed around the hall.

Even though she had a cold temperament, nobody felt as though it ruined her beauty, instead, they all were stunned by her elegance.

Meanwhile, Diana had her face indifferent yet her gaze landed in a direction from time to time. To Davis and the others who were in the know, it was obvious who she was looking at but they paid no heed to that on this special occasion.

Everything went smooth, and in the beginning, they had already paid their respects to their ancestors.

Things were fine with Logan and Claire going around, meeting with all known personalities by accepting their loyalty while ensuring hospitality was given to them.

They didn’t put an arrogant display but choose to move around as they got to know all kinds of people.

In truth, Logan had just wanted to brag about his wife’s beauty obliquely. He wanted to make her feel special on this occasion, especially when his concubines weren’t here in this banquet to make her feel uncomfortable.

Suddenly, at the entrance of the classical hall, the master of ceremonies seemed to be distressed but even before he could say anything, the figure in front of him gestured him to stay silent.

The master of ceremonies nervously nodded and let that figure enter.

Purple-colored long silky hair, gorgeous facial futures with lucid eyes, small nose, and crimson lips. That figure wore a green azure robe with dragon patterns etched on it.

How could the master of ceremonies not know this figure!? He had announced her arrival in the past but now, he dared not to tarnish her name in the slightest with his tongue.

The figure moved inside the hall and silently sat on a table, casting a gaze towards Davis.

Davis who was sitting like a statue, feeling incredibly bored instantly felt a powerful gaze locking onto him, and when redirected his gaze towards the source, he was surprised.

A soul transmission resounded in his head, "No haste, let your coming of age ceremony come to an end..."

Davis nodded his head as he promptly smiled back at the woman. He didn’t expect Isabella Ruth to come to his coming of age ceremony.


He realized that there’s no way she could’ve known that the coming of age ceremony would be held since she was in a far away Empire, and only the subordinate Kingdoms were informed of this event.

Even they hastened themselves to the fullest of their capability to attend the Coming of Age Ceremony without fail.

However, with Isabella’s speed, it was entirely possible that she could’ve arrived here within a few days but that seemed unlikely.

With this, he hypothesized that she had some other agenda.

Thinking like this, he couldn’t help but be worried.

Was she going to announce that the Loret Empire should come under the rule of the Ruth Empire? If so, he had no choice but use Fallen Heaven to kill her.

Davis thought as she shook his head. Even speculating this line of events in his head while taking his imagination to the limits seemed farfetched. After all, she should still be wary of his non-existent master.

However, no matter how he thought, he knew Isabella wasn’t a woman who would resort to schemes.

If she has really had come for domination, then she should have directly come with an army in tow.

In a few hours, the event ended and all the guests left to the Inn’s they stayed at, leaving only a few mingling around in few small groups.

As most of the guests left one by one, the remaining ones noticed the beauty of noble disposition sitting on a chair, eating delicacies as she licked her luscious lips.

Logan, Claire, Clara, Evelynn, and Davis all gathered and approached the table she occupied, their gazes were friendly and normal.

Once they arrived, Isabella stood up and gave a slight bow, "Greetings, Loret Emperor, Empress..."

The two returned the greetings as they smiled at each other while congratulating her on clearing the King Grade Trial.

Isabella concluded their short talk with a nod and looked at Davis, "Prince Davis, congratulations on becoming an adult. I’m sure that now, you and Evelynn can get married with nothing holding you two back. I give you two my heartfelt wishes..."

Davis and Evelynn looked at each other’s face, a smile automatically blooming on their naive expressions.

Logan laughed while seeing their antics.

"Congratulations on clearing the Ice Phoenix Immortal Trial, Princess Clara."

Clara just nodded her head in reply, not opting to speak.

Isabella spoke but then suddenly, her voice turned sorrowful, "I apologize Prince Davis... I thought you did something disastrous to my Ruth Empire, so I had no choice but to treat you like that..."

The atmosphere turned silent as everyone looked at both of them in a suspicious light.

Did something happen?

Although Davis told them the specifics on what all happened when he was in the First Layer, he didn’t explain it in detail.

"It’s fine..." Davis waved his hand indicating that he forgave her, acting as if he was the one with the bigger heart.

In fact, he was quite thankful since he got to meet with Evelynn again sooner, but that didn’t mean he forgave her completely in his heart.

He decided not to say that to Isabella since it would take the conversation in a serious route.

Being dragged around wasn’t a good feeling no matter who experienced it unless that one was a masochist pervert.

Isabella’s worried expression became bright as she instantly set up a sound barrier, "As a token of my sincere apology, my Ruth Empire is willing to accommodate one candidate to participate in the trial of the Earth Dragon Immortal Inheritance!"


Almost everyone except Davis was stunned!

"Truly!?" Logan and Claire asked at the same time, their expression quite vivid and eager with hope.

Isabella nodded with a gentle smile.

The two of them nodded their heads solemnly in reply and instantly changed the location of their discussion.

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