Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 342 Train Him Using Our Resources?

Davis blinked in realization.

So that’s why they had called him here for... He thought for a moment before nodding his head, instead, he was rather astonished that his mother chose not to pursue about Diana’s matter.

Her reaction indicated as if she already knew about this matter.

’Of course!’

Davis remembered the Intelligence Organisation that Claire founded. Maybe she already knew but didn’t choose to stop it? Or didn’t chose to interfere?

Davis became confused.

If it weren’t for Diana entering adulthood, he wouldn’t have informed his mother of her personal life.

If snitching her to mother would protect her, then he would do it even if he had to make his bond with Diana worse.

After all, he couldn’t be there at all times to protect Diana in case of Wayn turned to out to be quite... bad in some ways.

"Perfect! After you completed your coming of age ceremony, you can marry Evelynn in a month or so!"

Davis blinked again but then smiled. He had been wondering why his mother told him to participate in the coming of age ceremony, and now he understood.

A man’s coming of age ceremony isn’t as important as a woman’s coming of age ceremony. It was fine even if the man missed his own ceremony.

Mostly because a man is considered to have entered adulthood when he is 16 while a woman is considered to have entered adulthood when she has her first period.

From this, it could be seen that it was all in preparation for his marriage.

Meanwhile, Evelynn on the side had a faint blush on her cheeks, coloring her beautiful shy expression that was lighting her face.

Too bad, Davis missed the opportunity to witness it as he was looking in the direction of his mother.

"Alright, the two of you, go play somewhere else. I have some matters to talk about with Davis and Evelynn." Claire said.

Clara and Diana nodded their heads and left with their hands held together.

Diana had a worried expression on her face, one that clearly told that she was incredibly nervous.

After the two exited, Claire looked at Davis, "I already knew..."

"Seems like it..." Davis replied but then asked, "You chose not to interfere?"

Claire shook her head, "It isn’t that I’m not interfering, it’s just that I can’t find anything wrong with that boy, Wayn Nolan, was it?"

Davis nodded as he continued listening.

"I employed a lone division which just consists of two people, and told them to investigate Wayn Nolan while keeping an eye on Diana..."

"From the results, there was really nothing suspicious about that boy, and so I had no reason to stop them from meeting since they’re just two children roaming about..."

"But I didn’t imagine that they would secretly hold feelings for each other..."

"Feeling helpless, I had no idea of what to do, after all, it’s not like your father had a higher status than mine when I married him..."

Davis finally understood, "So even if they have a relationship, you’re okay with it, right?"

Claire bit her lips as she hesitated but still nodded her head.

"Does father know about this?" Davis asked.

What if his father opposed?

Surprisingly, Claire nodded her head, "I informed him..."

"He didn’t say anything?" Davis was astonished.

Claire shook her head, "He didn’t, maybe because he felt indebted to the Nolan Family."


"They not only helped out our Empire when it was at its low, but they also did it without asking any compensation, unlike the Cauldon Family who asked for a marriage agreement between our two families."

Claire suddenly panicked, "Ah Evelynn! It’s not that I’m complaining..."

"I understand..." Evelynn quickly replied with a smile on her face, "But I’m thankful to my father for doing that... Because I would’ve never met with Davis if it weren’t for that..."

Claire smiled for a moment before continuing, "And their achievements even include protecting Davis from any adversary for over three years... Considering all this, maybe your father chose to ignore or leave it up to me to be the decision-maker."

"So in conclusion, our father is quite okay with Diana being married into the Nolan Family?" Davis asked.

Claire shook her head, "I doubt that... Although he might allow Diana to marry Wayn, the groom should be the one who will marry into the bride’s family, because we’re obviously the stronger family..."

"Besides, I don’t want to separate from Diana..." Claire indirectly agreed with her husband’s thoughts.

"Me neither..." Davis nodded his head, agreeing with his mother.

"It’s just that, I didn’t expect her to lie concerning matters like these, especially when it decides her future..." Claire’s expression turned anxious, "I already know that she is causing a lot of mischiefs but those were just ignorable as long as she didn’t go past her limits."

Davis shook his head, "Diana likely knows this too, that she can’t go past her limits. That’s why she hid it even while being cornered by us because she knew that she will get into trouble for having close contact with a person of opposite gender."

Claire let out a regrettable sigh, "Why did this even happen?"

Davis hesitated but then asked, "Since it already happened, what further steps are you going to take, mother?"

He wanted to know whether if she had anything in store for Wayn. Otherwise, with the potential of the Nolan Family, Wayn would become a worthless groom who would not be even a standard match for Diana in any way.

Claire paused for a moment and then looked at his eyes, "What do you think I’ll do?"

"You’ll train him using our resources?"

Claire shook her head as she laughed, "Not quite..."

She looked in a direction and said, "He would have to prove his talent and love for Diana before he even gets a tiny part of resources from us."

Davis also turned to look at the direction his mother was looking at and found it was the direction in which the Nolan Family Manor was situated.

Looks like it had been vain worrying on his part. All things had already been considered for Diana’s future by his parents.

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