Chapter 716: – Chapter 706: Change The Mode Of Thinking [ Second Update ]

Lucius was stunned. Dudian’s words had a great impact on him. Although it sounded like a bit of nonsense but he couldn’t find any rebuttal mistakes.

After a while, he sobered up and immediately retorted: “You say that because you are the ruler of the outer wall. You play with power so naturally you praise ‘hypocrisy’.”

Dudian shook his head, “I’m not praising. It’s just my personal opinion. Although I have said so much but I don’t think that hypocrisy is better than a real villain. In fact, I don’t think that the two kinds of people are more annoying because I have the wisdom to see through their hypocrisy. I have the power to suppress their evil in front of me!”

Lucius said in a cold tone: “No matter which kind of person they are, they are like worms. According to your words, hypocrites are better than villains. At least people know how to protect their face. They won’t kill people on the street or do anything out of the ordinary. But such people are greedy and secretive. If they are officials then they will breed corruption. But if they are friends then they will stab people in the back. They are simply animals in human skin!”

“That’s right, so you need a pair of eyes.”Dudian indifferently said: “If you don’t recognize the right person but blame others for lying to you, then you deserve it!”

Lucius shook his head: “Who can be like you and guard against anyone? Moreover, People’s hearts are complicated. It is difficult to see a person, especially for a kind person.”

“That is not called kindness. It is just that I am too lazy to use my brain.”Dudian said: “The World is fair. If you use less brain, you will suffer more losses.”

Lucius shook his head, “If everyone knows how to restrain their own nature and don’t hurt others, they will not be a true villain or a hypocrite. They will be as pure as a newborn baby. That is the best thing and the most ideal state of being a person.”

Dudian looked at him. He felt that he was about to distinguish the difference between a hypocrite and a true gentleman. He had to thank the treasures left behind by the ancestors of China. Half of the hypocrites he talked about were deliberately ignoring the part of “Courtesy”to bewitch this person. As he said above, everyone was a hypocrite. Most people hated the hypocrite which was to use hypocrisy to do evil.

The other kind of positive kind of hypocrisy was called courtesy!

There was a world of difference between the two. In short, the hypocrisy of kindness was the most important thing to learn in the process of “Being a person”.

“Both kinds of people are wrong and can not be a pure person.”Dudian opened his mouth to refute Lucius’words, “Purity means a blank. A baby is not a ‘person’. If you live for many years and want to be a baby then what’s the difference?”

Lucius didn’t think that Dudian would refute such a thing, “There was an artist who told me that people are born on a piece of white paper. Years have painted on it so people will grow old and die. Because the paper has been painted and painted so badly that it can not be painted anymore, so people have to die!”! “Death is God’s greatest punishment for life. It is a judgment and also a warning!”

“If people can live a bit more easily and be kind, then the painting of life won’t be so bad and ugly.”

Dudian indifferently said: “If birth, old age, illness and death are God’s punishment, then survival is the struggle between man and God! According to you, if you don’t have so many distracting thoughts and live a bit more easily, then the white paper of your life won’t be painted so quickly? In my opinion, it is the opposite. You are just casually living. You are resigned to your fate. You will leave your life to God to decide. You will live as long as he wants you to live.”

“Those who have more ideas and smear more people just want to live better and more exciting lives. They are struggling and you are resigned to your fate. You will hang your head under the blade of God and let him cut it off.”

Lucius was stunned. He didn’t think that Dudian could find a rebuttal to this kind of thing. He couldn’t help but ask: “Do you think that being kind is a mistake? !”

If Dudian admitted it, he would find it ridiculous because it was the root of his belief and couldn’t be shaken. At the same time, it meant that he could ignore what Dudian said.

Dudian didn’t answer him but asked: “What is kindness?”

Lucius was stunned again but quickly reacted: “I think all three-year-olds know this question.”

“Who told the three-year-old?”Dudian asked again.

Lucius’face slightly changed. He realized that this question was not so simple to answer. He quickly thought about it, he said: “Our Monastery has always been biased towards the good. Of course, although we have done bad things and killed people, but you have to know that the monastery is a whole. There are countless people. The quality of the monastery is naturally uneven. However, the purpose of our monastery is good. This is indisputable. Even I have to admit it.”

His words were very accurate and firm.

Dudian nodded. From this point of view, he was much better than the people from other monasteries. At least he wouldn’t blindly say things that he might not believe. He wouldn’t blindly maintain the monasteries, however, this wouldn’t win his good impression and lower his vigilance.

“The so-called goodness is determined by morality.”Dudian continued: “The definition of goodness in morality is goodness. Who will make morality? What is the role of morality? I will tell you that the role of morality is to manage places that the fist can not control. Every king can use swords to subdue every citizen in the territory. But they can not subdue every person who does evil. At this time, the role of morality is obvious. It is to maintain the development of mankind.”

“Everyone is good and the world is peaceful. Only then can peace be well managed and developed. But long-term peace will lead to comfort and decline. So War is necessary. Although everyone hates war, but those who hate war are just people who can not benefit from it. Because war will bring death to them. If War only brings death to others but benefits them, then they won’t hate it.”

Dudian said: “Not everyone will abide by the moral constraints. The Ancients said that every day to reflect on their own mistakes. It is like a person will go astray and need a direction. However, this direction is set by others and not by you. The path you take is also the path that others want you to take. Because everyone walks in this way. There are rules and regulations that will be good for everyone.”

“Those who like to walk around blindly follow their own nature. So they bump into others and hurt the law-abiding citizens.”

Lutheus’s face was ugly. Dudian didn’t answer his question but analyzed the question in more depth. He felt a burst of pressure. Although his faith was still unshaken, but he had to admit that the teenager in front of him was the most terrible person he had met in more than twenty years. He was completely incomparable to the other rigid missionaries who only knew how to recite the Bible.

He had won the argument against the missionaries. He had always felt that he had seen enough of the world. But Dudian’s words had raised his thinking to another angle — the ruler’s angle.

Everyone looked at the problem from their own habitual point of view. A suspicious person would always have a skeptical attitude. A businessman would always look at the problem from the point of view of interests, he looked at the problem from the philosophical point of view of good and evil. But Dudian had brought him to the point of view of the survival and destruction of the entire human race!

It was no longer about pure interests and good and evil, but the trend of human activities.

He suddenly felt that it was a bit childish to talk about good and evil. On the contrary, the interests were more practical. However, the interests were too narrow and shallow.

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