Chapter 715 – Chapter 705: Teach You How To Be A Person [ First Update ]

Lucius smiled as he saw Dudian was provoked: “Since we are going to talk then let’s talk about the truth. We are all adults so there is no point in lying. Don’t you think so?”

“Yes.”Dudian was willing to do so: “I can only guarantee that I am telling the truth. But how do I know that you are telling the truth?”

“We can swear.”

“Swear by the god of Light?”

“Of course not. The god of light is fake. There is no credibility in using a fake thing as an oath.”Lucius was blunt, “We will swear on the things that we respect and love the most. If you lie then the thing that you want the most in your heart will be lost. What do you think?”

Dudian raised his eyebrows and looked at him for a few seconds: “No problem. But you have to add two more. In addition to these two, you have to swear in the name of the god of light. You have to swear in the identity of the monastery.”

“I don’t believe in God. I didn’t expect you to believe in him.”Lucius shook his head: “Well, I’m at a disadvantage. I’m sitting lower than you because of these two.”

Dudian didn’t comment.

Both of them quickly took the oath. Lucius said: “As far as I know Mr Dean’s childhood wish is to be a doctor or a priest?”

“It seems you have done a lot of homework.”

“After all, I’m here to visit you. Wouldn’t it be rude if I don’t know anything about you?”

Dudian didn’t pursue further. His information had been sent to the monastery by the Holy See when he was an elder of the 9th region. The details of the information were more than what he knew. However, the information was dead, life was alive and would never stop. He said: “In that case, why don’t you tell me about you? I want to know how did the monastery cultivate you?”

“Do you want to say that a person like me wouldn’t be allowed to exist in the monastery?”Lucius shrugged his shoulders: “Of course it depends on the relationship. If the relationship wasn’t strong then I would have been kicked out.”

“Your father’s relationship?”

“Yes.”Lucius nodded as if he didn’t want to continue to talk about this, he took the initiative: “Mr Dean had a fiery heart when he was a child. Why is he so ruthless now?”? You should be clear that the power of the inner wall is not something you can shake. If your actions succeed then it’s fine. But the possibility is not low. If you fail then you and the people around you will be killed. Even their families, wives and daughters will be implicated. Even if you don’t sympathize with the ordinary people, you should sympathize with the people who follow you, right?”

Dudian frowned. His words made him uncomfortable. This was a problem that he had deliberately avoided in the past. After all, he was not 100% sure that he could overthrow the inner wall!

“They are ready to sacrifice when they follow me.”Dudian coldly looked at him, “There are many people in this world who are not like you. They can do whatever they want and have connections to support them. Many people want to live a better life. They can only exchange their lives for it. What they enjoy now is what they have taken risks to get.”

The corner of Lucius’s mouth slightly curved, “Do you think that this kind of exchange is worth it? They are exchanging their lives for wealth with you. What is the difference between this and the Devil’s Contract?”? “Moreover, with your ability, you can lead them to a good life. There is no need to rebel.”

“What is rebellion?”

“You are now called Rebellion.”

Dudian quietly looked at him: “You also think that rebellion is unnecessary. Why did you choose to rebel? You went against the mission given to you by the monastery. Isn’t this considered as betraying the monastery?”

“I didn’t betray.”Lucius shook his head, “If I didn’t come then it would be called betrayal. But if I came then it wouldn’t be considered as betrayal. Moreover, what I am doing now is the duty of a missionary to persuade you to be good. How can this be called betrayal?”

“But you are not satisfied with this arrangement, aren’t you?”Dudian’s eyes were deep, “You mentioned the truth and falsehood. In my opinion, your action is false. You are not satisfied but you don’t dare to show it on the surface. This is called hypocrisy!”

Lucius was startled. He didn’t think that Dudian would use his words to pressure him. He was silent for a few seconds, “It is true that this is hypocrisy. But hypocrisy is human nature. As long as you don’t hurt others, it can’t be considered a bad thing.”

“I have never thought that being hypocritical is a bad thing.”Dudian said.

Lucius was stunned again. He wanted to defend himself but he didn’t think that it would be in vain. Moreover Dudian’s words were out of his expectations, he frowned: “The hypocritical people in this world are always detestable. Although our monastery uses the name of the god of light but it is not hypocritical. After all, no one can prove that the god of light is real. But at the same time, no one can prove that the god of light doesn’t exist!”

“And we use the name of God to spread kindness, justice, and love! I think this is great kindness and has nothing to do with hypocrisy!”

Dudian’s expression was indifferent, “Indeed, no one can prove that there are no ghosts or gods. The monastery is not hypocritical. Even if it is hypocritical, it is beneficial for everyone. People would rather like a real villain than a hypocrite. The reason is not that hypocrisy is a vicious thing, but that there are too many stupid people. They can’t distinguish what is true and what is false. So they are deceived and say that others are hypocritical.”

Lucius was speechless. He felt that there was something wrong with the words, he retorted: “Most people are just kind and not stupid. There are always people who regard kindness as stupidity. But kindness is kindness. If everyone is very smart then there will be many people who do bad things.”

“But if everyone is really a villain then what do you think the world will be like?”Dudian quietly looked at him, “I’ll tell you what will happen. Politicians will tear the mask of serving the country and the people. They will directly use tough means to suppress the voices of resistance. The treacherous businessmen will also be permitted by the law. As you said, there is only truth and falsehood in this world. Then the truth is more terrible than the falsehood.”

He didn’t give Lucius the opportunity to interrupt, “If the body of two people is very dirty, one of them will wear clothes and cover it. The other person will be naked. He will let others see his body and know that he is dirty. From then on, he will stay away from him to protect himself. “In this way, the cute part of a villain is to warn others to avoid danger

“Therefore, people hate hypocrisy! “However, if all the people who are wearing clothes take off their clothes and expose their dirty bodies, what will happen then? You will find that most of the people on the street are naked and have dirty bodies, but those who are truly kind and honest are few and far between

“What will happen at this time?”? “There will only be one result, and that is that all the naked people will bully the weak with their numbers and enslave these kind and honest people. They will not cover up their ugliness and will openly break the law.”. “Of course, there will be no law at that time. Because there are many bad people, they will make the law. When that time comes, killing people will be innocent and rape will be innocent. Everyone will openly release their true nature. At this time, do you still think that small people are really cute?”

Lucius was stunned and speechless.

After a while he said: “What You Said is too extreme. It is impossible for such a thing to happen.”

“It is indeed impossible.”Dudian nodded, “Because everyone is hypocritical. Hypocritical is derogatory. It means that the appearance is not the same. Is it also considered as hypocritical to restrain people’s nature? If it is, then people who know how to restrain their own nature are called human! “In other words, the first step of being a human is to start from ‘hypocrisy’.”

He continued, “In my opinion, being a human is not a conclusion, but a process. In the process of ‘doing’, from birth to death, the experience of this life is called being a human, not being born a human.”

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