
Back at the logistics department, Joey was still in a state of shock, muttering to himself, "it's so dangerous, it's terrible."

"Ha ha Joey, did you run into that freak in R & D? Look, it scares you

Yang Fan side gloating, think about his original group of hooligans also this is scared, a few days can not sleep well. Alas, now that I have developed the golden bell jar iron cloth shirt, those people in the R & D department have been locked up for too long. It's good to come out for a long time.

"I don't think we were scared by the R & D department. We met the president. I think the president is more frightening than the R & D department. "

"President? How can you bump into such a chance? It's not fair. " Yang Fan said unevenly, followed by more excited curiosity Tell me, what's frightening? "

Chen Xiaoyan looked at Joey with a sympathetic smile and said, "the president bumped into those bachelor tunes and those who play Joey, probably because they don't work hard. If I were the boss, I would be angry if I watched my employees go to work all day without thinking about doing business, and a group of people would surround the female staff members in the tea room to tune and play. At that time, General Li was not serious enough to help the group of bachelors and wanted to set up Joey, but the president was so angry that he froze them

"It's amazing."!

Yang Fan has already imagined in his mind how the president intimidates those people. He is intoxicated with the adoration of Xizi.

"What else? Any more? "

Chen Xiaoyan learned from Lu Jingyun's gloomy face and tried to sharpen her eyes Li Heng, I think you don't have much work to do, do you? " "Well, it's a bit like that." Lu Xin also came to join in the comments.

"Go, have you seen it? You say it's like. " Yang Fan gave Lu Xin a white look. " But I can imagine. It seems that it's really hard for those single men in the R & D department to get rid of their lives! "

"Joey, don't be scared. R & D department, they really have no malice, that is More lively. As for the president, he looks so handsome. Don't you think the colder he is, the cooler he is? Don't be afraid. If you are scolded by such a handsome man as the president, I will definitely faint with excitement. "

Joey frowned in silence. His angry look was not so easy to pass out.

"This time, Joey was lucky. I've been to so many departments, and I haven't seen the president a few times. You've only been here for a few days. You're so lucky! If you were not married, I would have been jealous of you

Yang Fan patted Joey on the shoulder. This kind of envy and jealousy was really harmless.

"Ah Ha ha... " Joey PI grinned and perfunctorily. If you know who my husband is, I'm afraid your jealousy is not enough.

"Well, I will accompany you to the R & D department in the future. Those hooligans don't have to look good to them." Yang Fan a pair of by me to cover your elder sister's appearance, really with her that petite body does not match.

Joey didn't thank you. The phone rang.

As soon as she looked at her mobile phone, she almost jumped high and quickly covered her cell phone. " Hehe, I'll answer the phone first

With a mobile phone to run out of the office, but was pulled back by Yang Fan.

"Your husband? It's OK. It's OK to call here. The director is not here. We still belong to the office at the end of the logistics department. No one cares about your phone calls. "

Yang Fan said a pair of thinking for her, let her rest assured, but that expression is definitely curiosity and curiosity plus curiosity.

"Take it, take it..."

She waved her hand to show that she didn't care, but had no intention of leaving Joey.

"Yang Fan, don't make trouble." Chen Xiaoyan pulled away Yang Fan, and Joey quickly ran out with her mobile phone. She found the corner of the closet and picked up the phone.

When you open your mouth, Joey is preemptive. " Husband, what kind of people do you call in your company? Don't you know how to manage the female staff? What's the General Li? At first glance, the upper beam is not straight, the lower beam is crooked. You should teach them some lessons and dismiss them if they should be expelled. Without good moral ideas, you can't keep them even if they are strong enough. "

Lu Jingyun was really a little upset. He had to show his jealousy to Joey. However, her preemptive and righteous words really made Lu Jingyun laugh.

This little woman, dealing with herself like this, is becoming more and more cunning.

"Well, if my Yi is so angry, I'll fire them all. Li Heng also asked him to pack up and go home

Joey's stupid. It's not true, is it?

"Well In fact, I think they are after all the talents you recruited. If you rectify them first, they can correct them, and there is no need to dismiss them at once. If they are all dismissed, the company will lose too much, and it is not good for the company, and it is easy to shake people's hearts. "

"No, Yi. You're right. You can't pass the moral standards. This is a big taboo. I'm going to let the personnel issue orders. This situation will never happen again. " Lu Jingyun's voice on the phone really sounds serious, not a bit of a joke.This scared Joey. If he was fired, it would be bad.

"Don't be impulsive. Actually, I think, those people are not malicious. It's just a joke. Don't take it seriously. They are really talents. Talents are so valuable. As your wife, I will advise you not to be too impulsive when necessary. "

"Oh? They've made fun of my women. Can't I have fun with them? "

"You..." Joey, suddenly Lu Jingyun, after all, you are jealous, aren't you? "

"Can I not be jealous? They want to make my husband give up his seat

"Poof Ha ha... " Lu Jingyun is no longer covering up the jealousy, so Joey can't help laughing Husband, I believe that even if you are not their boss, you are more than enough to deal with them alone. You are the best. "

"Although you are telling the truth, I am still very angry."

"Oh, don't be angry, don't be angry. They are gangsters. You can't lower your own quality and see them in the same way." Joey's voice coaxed and soothed, and added, "actually speaking, they are too short of women. A bunch of bachelors, there's no place for male hormones to vent. Or you can give them some welfare, let them make a collective blind date, and solve their personal problems, so that they can not only restrain their rogue temperament, but also make them live a happy life. In this way, they will thank the company more, thank you, work harder for the company, and everyone is happy, isn't it? "

"Mass blind date? I'm afraid that these hooligans will scare away all the girls in other people's homes. If we don't say anything, we will be disgraced. "

In fact, these people in the R & D department cherish their talents, and it is of course best to solve their problems.

"Well, I don't think so." Joey laughs, but he doesn't know what's going on in his heart By the way, is it a bit biased to give the R & D department only this kind of welfare? "

"Do you still want to solve personal problems for unmarried men and women across the company?"

"Where? That's what I'm saying. Is it up to you, big boss? Well, it's not a matter of urgency. I'll make a suggestion that we can do it later. "

However, if the company's unmarried men and women, especially unmarried girls' personal problems are solved, it is actually quite beneficial.

With this in mind, Joey thought about it carefully and put it in his mind. As the president's wife, she is really great to be able to solve personal problems for people in the company.

The complacent joy is making a small abacus, but Lu Jingyun did not think of this layer. However, if we can solve the problem of unmarried men and women in the company, it is indeed an alternative welfare.

"Well, I'll see to it. After that, if you go to the R & D department, you will go to someone else. If you let me know that those people bully you again, I will be really rude

"Well, I'm sure I won't go again." At least this period of time will not go again, the province implicates them.

"Well, after work, wait for me. We'll go home together."

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