
Joey slapped his cheek hard. He was not only a hooligan, but also a pervert.

"I can't bear the kindness of all of you." Joey resisted the urge to hit people. "I'm a good woman. I'm not on the same path with you. Let me go."

"Poof Ha ha ha Little Joe is so cute. Oh, I really like you. What should I do? "

"Dare you..."

A threat Joey can't control.

"How dare you? Brothers, what do you think we dare not do? "

This shout, several people are not serious wolf roar, Joey a look at this posture, suddenly feel, Lu Jingyun is sure that he is not looking for some hooligans to come in?

"What dare you?"

Not big tea was surrounded by several people, did not notice that there was someone behind them, and this person seems to make a voice, but also some curiosity.

"Are you bullying people again? Is it Xiaoyan or Yangfan

"Mr. Li, there's a more lovely sister here. Hurry up..."

People make way for a way, words did not finish, saw not only Li Zong a person, he also has a person behind him.

The others became serious at once. Only Joey turned pale. He seemed to receive someone's dangerous look and shrink his neck.

It's not my fault. It's you who find some hooligans to tease me. It's definitely not my fault.

Joy's resentful eyes returned to the one who came out. It was Lu Jingyun who followed him.


"You see, I usually have a lively atmosphere here. When you come here, it's frozen immediately." Li always seems not afraid of Lu Jingyun's cold face and teases him.

"This is the lovely new sister?"

"Mr. Li, this is Joey."

"Oh, welcome. Sister Qiao... "

Joey's forehead was puffed, and it turned out that this one was not in tune.

"Li Heng." Lu Jingyun suddenly made a sound. The air conditioner only made people around feel that it was rising in a straight line. What's the situation?

"Ha ha Don't mind. You're scaring the new staff. " Li Heng said with a smile: "sister Xiao Qiao, don't be afraid. You are so young. You can get along well with our brothers here. The brothers will take good care of you. "

"Mr. Li, Xiao Qiao's sister is married."

Someone reminds me, and Joey nods at Lu Jingyun's more and more angry black eyes.

"Yes, I'm married. Don't make fun of me. If I let my husband know, he must be very angry, very angry

"Angry? What was he angry with? Little Joe's sister is so cute, who doesn't like it? You get him, and we'll let him know who should be angry

Some people are immediately indignant and can't help but comply with it. " Yes, tell us. We'll help sister Joe teach him a lesson

Joey bowed his head, then lowered his head again, and did not dare to look at Lu Jingyun's face.

Fellow rascal brothers, this is not mine. If I don't save you, I can't protect myself! You can do it yourself.

"That's enough."

Lu Jingyun suddenly burst into a fury, which stopped those people's attentions and made them immediately quiet again.

Lu Jingyun's deep black eyes cast cold and sharp eyes, sweeping over a group of people, and finally looked at Joey.

, "Li Heng, I think you are very busy. You have time to flirt with female staff. You don't think you work much, do you?"

"Ah? Don't you, President? We've been busy for half a year. You can't be so cruel. "

Lu Jingyun snorted coldly, turned to leave, and then said to Joey, "don't you go yet?"

"Oh, oh, go now, go now."

Joey immediately pulls Chen Xiaoyan away. The escape speed is really like a ghost chasing behind.

When Lu Jingyun leaves the R & D department, Li Heng shakes his head helplessly and looks at the group of men who are not very serious but are really talented.

"Why don't you know to be more restrained? Do you want to keep yourself busy, even a female mosquito

"General manager Li, is the president constipated today?"

"Even if he is constipated, it's you who are unlucky. Take it. Hum

"Don't do it, Mr. Li. You can sacrifice your appearance and save us. Even if we don't see the mother mosquito, do you have the heart to let your sister-in-law stay alone in the empty room? "

Li Heng's words stop, heart low curse.

Damn it, he was married less than a year ago. This year, when Lu Jingyun was not in Kyoto, he was so exhausted that he didn't even hold his wife for several times. Now he finally came back, and finally seized the opportunity to take his wife out to play for a few days, and then he was called back. His life is bitter.

"Well, I'll plead for you. However, if it's not big or small next time, I'll wait until I die to keep your place and body. "

This curse, some people immediately protest.

"I'm not a girl or a man.""I'm not..."

"I am not..."

All people are brazen retort Li Heng, he sneered, "you are not, I am OK."

Turning around, Li Heng still has to go to Lu Jingyun. He is not only pleading, but also has not done the business. He came here just now, but he didn't come to see the group of people who were not in proper shape to play hooligans.

In the president's office, Fang Yan saw Li Heng. " General manager Li, as the president said just now, the R & D department will continue to work overtime and carry out research and development immediately on the assumption you just proposed. "

Li Heng, with thick eyebrows and tight frowns, asks Fang Yan in a low voice Is Mr. Lu constipated today? "

Fang Yan does not change his face. " I don't know that. "

"Well, he was fine just now. Why does he change his face now? Isn't it just molesting a new employee? It was not the first time that he didn't know that I was not used to it. Is his great uncle here? "

A strange light flashed across Fang Yan's eyes Recent staff? "

"Yes, from the logistics department. It's a pity. I'm married. " Li Heng is still regretting that most of his wolf cubs are single. This year's overtime without daylight, even a mother is very rare. I'm used to molesting people in the logistics department. If it is possible to match up a new one, it will be excellent.

The corner of Fang Yan's eye can't be checked moved. Lu is not the big uncle, but jealous.

"Mr. Li, have you seen the president's wife since you returned home?"

Fang Yan thought that it would be better to remind him a little.

"No. This is not just back, was pulled to the company. I'll meet with my wife sometime. It's really unexpected that Mr. Lu has a woman he can see? Where's the fairy? Have you met Fang Yan? What about? The country and the city

In Fang Yan's mind, Joey's face, which was neither a fairy nor a beautiful city, was still.

"Mr. Li knew it when he saw it."

"Betray the truth? Surprise me? "

"Yes." It should be a surprise, not a shock.

Joey pulls Xiaoyan out of the R & D department and leaves in general.

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