Almighty Summoner System

Chapter 99 - Lucky Bastard!

Ban followed where she was pointing and after seeing that it was the book, he just said softly as a reply, 'I'll continue reading that tonight or before I sleep or even tomorrow!' 

He recalled that anyone could bring home some books to read as long as they pay the necessary Silver Coins as a rent. He was not able to afford it before but now that he already got the coins, he thought that he should just rent some book and read it tonight or tomorrow if he got the free time.

However, considering Eva's mood, he thought that reading and acquiring knowledge about it should become his priority for now. 

Eva nodded her head and immediately jumped towards his shoulders instead of just acting stubborn again. 

Ban picked up the book on the table and even grabbed some more from the row of books before going towards the new librarian.

"I would like to rent these books for a night!" He said with a voice that was neither loud nor soft in the ears of the new librarian. 

The librarian swallowed a mouthful of saliva nervously before finally saying, "T-that would be 30 SIlver Coins in total!"

He wanted to bring back 3 books so it means that each book's rent is 10 Silver Coins. 10 Silver Coins was too much even for Ban, but he still decided to pay for it nevertheless. He thought that maybe the reason for its price was because they were already expecting for the person who rented the book to not return it. The library does not require any entrance fee anyway so he just thinks of the 30 Silver Coins as a donation to them.

Ban reached his hand under his Noble Moth Cloak and pretended that he took the Silver Coins from there before ultimately handing it over to the new librarian.The librarian accepted it trembling hands in which even Ban was confused about. However, he later recalled the effects of the Ant Mask and the Moth Cloak so he no longer thought that her behavior was strange. 

Ban then went out of the library and the moment he did so, immediately stored the 3 books inside his Dimensional Storage Earring when he was sure that no one was looking, aside from George who immediately noticed him the moment he stepped out of the library's door. 

George immediately got up and moved his carriage closer to 'Sir Leon'. Ban did not think about it and just boarded the carriage without saying anything. 

"Where to,Sir?" George asked.

"To the Inn!" 

"Right away, Sir!" George replied almost instantly as if he already knew from the start that Ban would go there.

George and his Swift Snail worked wonderfully and after just a few minutes, they had already arrived at the Inn. 

Ban took 5 Silver Coins this time before handing it over to George as a payment. George did not want to accept it at first saying that 'Sir Leon' already gave him some Silver Coins earlier and receiving more than that was not the right thing. 

However, just like the last time, Ban insisted that he accept it and just consider it as a bonus from him. He does not need to do this but he was just feeling a little generous due to the fact that he was able to earn over 900 Gold Coins today, and the 5 Silver Coins were just grain compared to the Gold Coins he earned. 

Anyways, he repeated what he did yesterday aside from paying another rent. And just like yesterday, the person who was following him yesterday was actually lying in wait on the Inn itself. 

And the moment 'Leon' goes out of the establishment, the person immediately tailed him but at that exact moment, another person approached the person following Ban. The new person said something that made his face contort in anger and reluctance but in the end, the person who kept on following Ban could only comply and leave with the new person while saying, "Lucky bastard! But I'll have your head one day!" 

Ban made a few turns on the street and after he made sure that no one was observing him, he immediately transformed back to his normal appearance by storing the Ant Mask and the Noble Moth Cloak inside the Dimensional Storage while also letting Eva transform back to her normal form. 

After that, he acts as if nothing has happened as he goes out of the alley to find a carriage that he can rent to return to the Kuys Bar. 

After a couple of minutes, Ban finally spotted a carriage that was parked beside a small food store selling cheap porridge. The carriage was familiar and the moment he approached it, he immediately knew who it was upon seeing the Swift Snail at the front of the carriage. 

Ban searched for George and after a moment, he spotted him sitting on the stool of the cheap porridge store, gulping some porridge with satisfaction painted on his eyes. 

"Hey, are you still operating your carriage?" Ban said the moment he arrived beside George.

Cough! Cough! Cough!

George's eyes went wide in freight after hearing a voice suddenly echoing beside him. Due to this surprise, he even choked on the porridge and he could only struggle to reach for free water provided by the porridge store. 

"What the hell… you scared me man! You almost choked me to death!" George said after he calmed himself. 

He heaved another sigh of relief as he gulped another mouthful of free water the moment he finished the remaining porridge on his bowl. 

"Another!" George yelled towards the store owner, asking for another free water. 

"1 Silver Coin!" The store owner immediately replied upon hearing George's blatant demand. 

And even though the owner's reply was fast, it seems that George actually replies faster than him, as the moment he heard the owner asking for 1 Silver Coin, he immediately stood up from the stool while saying,


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