Almighty Summoner System

Chapter 100 - Clueless George!

"Oh- It's you!" George exclaimed the moment he saw Ban. 

"Don't tell me you want to hitch a ride again? Well,... so be it, you're lucky that I got extra today! Come on hop in!" He added even before Ban could answer. 

Ban was at loss for words but he nevertheless hopped in the carriage just like what he said. 

"Where do you want to be dropped off this time?" George asked the moment Ban got in the carriage. 

"Near the Kuys Bar?" Ban said doubtedly as he was not sure if George could bring him over there.

"Hmmm… Kuys Bar? Alright!" George thought for a second before agreeing. It was also getting late and he figured that he should call it a day now, 'Sir Leon's' bonus Silver Coins earlier really helped him a lot and he even paid for the porridge that he was slurping just now from those exact Coins that 'Sir Leon' gave him.

After knowing the destination, George no longer wasted any more time as he ordered for the Swift Snail to swiftly run or crawl towards Kuys Bar. 

The Swift Snail was even faster than the donkey carriage that brought Ban to the Adventurers Market earlier as after just a few minutes, they had already arrived at the front of Kuys Bar and Marrio's store, Bread and Marrio. 

When Ban was about to hand over his fee, George suddenly pushed it back towards him while saying, "Don't bother about it, just treat me to a nice meal the next time we meet. I know you're an Adventurer so no escaping from this." 

Ban just shrugged his shoulders and did not insist on it any further. He really did not mind paying him as he now had a lot of Gold Coins, but when he thought about his persona as the poor kid, 'Ban' right now, he no longer insisted as it would really look like he got some plenty of Gold Coins in his possession. 

Meanwhile, what George was thinking was totally different from Ban. He thought that as Ban had only become an Adventurer recently, he should not have that much Coins yet. He felt pity for him as he clearly knew what it means to be an Adventurer. To risk your life for riches. 

'Don't give up kid, you'll someday earn some huge bunch of Silvers and even Golds after you gain your foundation.' George said deep inside his mind, rooting for Ban who had already turned around to get inside the Kuys Bar. 

If only George knew of Ban's second day of being an Adventurer, he would surely not feel the same. 

Meanwhile, Ban entered the Kuys Bar and as usual, there were already a bunch of people drinking or eating on their respective tables. And of course, although the number of people present are numerous, it could still not compare to the audience he witnessed yesterday. However, he did not think it was strange as Emilia won't be performing today. 

He also came to the conclusion that the Beast Tide had really somewhat cooled down for now as he could tell that the people or the Adventurers around were no longer as tense compared to the other day. 

The moment he entered, the eyes of Kuys and Marrio at the table immediately landed on him . He saw Kuys waving for him to come over so he instantly went towards their location. 

"Ban-kiddo, you're just in time. Marrio here has a problem and I think you can solve it just fine." Kuys said the moment Ban arrived near them. 

"What kind of problem?" Ban got curious, as he thought that aside from helping Boss Mario carry some of the heavy sacks he bought from the other city, he could not think of any problem that he would be able to solve for him.

"Sit and eat first, and I'll tell you the whole thing while you're eating." Marrio said as he gulped a glass of beer in one mouthful.

Ban nodded his head and sat right beside him. Eva also moved from his shoulders to his lap without warning as she waited for the food that Kuys was now serving. 

"Here you go!" Kuys stated as he slid two portions of food in front of Ban precisely. 

"Thank you, grandpa Kuys!" Ban said before he and Eva proceeded to eat the new dish that Kuys served. 

"Hmm- yummy! What do you call this food, grandpa Kuys?" Ban asked right after he gulped the first spoonful that he shoved into his mouth. 

"Fried rice with Scale Snake's eggs!" Kuys replied almost instantly as if he already expected that Ban would ask the name of the dish. 

Ban nodded his head as he continued to eat without a break until he finished his serving. Eva also finished just after him and without delay, a second serving was immediately served as if Kuys already prepared it beforehand. 

Well, with their expectant eyes, Kuys would surely not be able to resist serving them another serving each. 

Burrp! Burrp!

Ban and Eva burped at the same time but with different volumes. It was clear that they were satisfied with the meal as they now had huge smiles on their faces as they rubbed their full and bloated belly. 

Kuys also served them a drink that he said came from a coconut tree. It was very sweet and the two of them liked it very much. 

"Grandpa Kuys, where did you find this Scale Snake's eggs? They are very delicious, I want to get some for myself." Ban said eagerly as he recalled the taste of the fried rice he just ate earlier. He already tasted normal fried rice before but the one he ate earlier was on a different level compared to that. 

He guessed that it might be due to that Scale Snake's eggs that made the fried rice so tasty. 

Kuys smiled at his question but even before he could answer, Marrio had already beaten him to it. 

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