All-rounder Artist

Chapter 279: Impressive-Act_i

This was the first time Lin Yuan had met Maestro in person.

Zheng Jing was around the same age as Lan Yan, probably in her early forties. She might not be considered particularly beautiful, but she had an indefinable aura that inadvertently attracted attention.

“Even though it’s our first meeting…”

Zheng Jing said with a smile to Lin Yuan, “I’ve listened to all your songs.”

Lin Yuan said, “Thank you, please have a seat.”

Lan Yan and his manager sat down.

Zheng Jing also took a seat on the couch, “But if you want to compete with me, you’ll have to show me your real talents.”

“Well, let’s see about that.”

Lin Yuan motioned for Gu Dong to turn on the sound system.

The speakers in Lin Yuan’s office were worth more than a hundred thousand. Once the door was closed and the room sealed, the sound could be immaculately presented.

“Is it a sample?” Zheng Jing leaned against the couch and asked.

Lin Yuan said, “It’s already a complete arrangement. It was recorded with synthetic sound. The effect is not as good as the human voice, that’s the reason I need a si… singer.”

Zheng Jing raised her eyebrows inquisitively.

Had he written the song in advance?

Normally, it takes time to compose a song. After all, news of the anniversary celebration had only come out less than a month ago.

Lan Yan exchanged a look with his manager, a hint of resignation in his eyes. Initially, it was awkward enough to have to reject Xian Yu.

And now, to do so in front of Zheng Jing, wouldn’t that be even more embarrassing?

What if Xian Yu harbored a grudge against them?

And really, why had Teacher Zheng Jing made a special trip here…

Was she here to embarrass Xian Yu in person?

“The song is about to play. It’s called ‘The Red Sun’.”

Unaware of the thoughts in everyone’s minds, Lin Yuan clicked the play button and a surge of magnanimous electronic melody filled the room.

“AH… AH… AH~”

The bass was loud, interspersed with guitar riffs and powerful drum beats, and the chord progression wasn’t complex.

Zheng Jing still leaned against the couch, quietly savouring the music. Meanwhile, Lan Yan listened attentively, his hands tightly clasped together. As the drumline hit the last note, a synthetic sound suddenly burst forth as if perfectly timed, like the most precise metronome, slightly raising the temperature within the room:

“Even if destiny causes me to drift, even if destiny is filled with twists and turns, even if destiny frightens you, life is not interesting.”

“Don’t shed sad tears or give up, I wish to be with you for a lifetime.”

Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding!

It was as fierce and intense as chambering rounds in a gun!

The lyrics, depicted through electronic music, were delivered at such a rapid speed that Lan Yan tightened his grip on his hands as soon as he heard it as though he was holding something precious. His knuckles turned white around the edges.

It’s explosive!

Zheng Jing’s expression immediately turned serious. The intro was so powerful that it grabbed your attention in a split second.

Sharp and swift!

Like a spark in the dark!

Only someone who is extremely confident of the chorus would put it at the beginning. And, as a matter of fact, the chorus of this song was incredibly powerful. Even Zheng Jing had to admit it as her pupils contracted. But by doing so, it undeniably raised her expectations for the verse of the song.

“Holy crap!”

The only one in the room who didn’t understand music was probably Lan Yan’s manager. However, the person who knew the least about music was also the most excited in the room!

At this moment.

Lan Yan’s manager’s eyes were wide open, his legs were shaking uncontrollably. It seemed like he wanted to stand up, but he was afraid of causing a scene, so he forcefully held himself back as goosebumps formed on his skin.

“In the course of life, the many twists and turns, the fear and indecisiveness, sitting alone in a corner feeling helpless.”

“In some year, the younger me tripped and shed many tears on a rainy night.” The verse came after the chorus.

But the verse did not lose its shine to the chorus, instead, it added an element of narrative to it.

Lan Yan suddenly let go of his clenched fists, his forehead bobbing, each beat syncopated with the rhythm.

At this moment.

It seemed his heartbeat danced to the melody of the song.

“In life, many bends and turns I have to go through. From some time, I have you with me, giving me the heated applause

Like the fire of the red sun, igniting the real me. Even mountains, I will surely cross…”

Bridging the gap between the main and the chorus!

A seamless transition!

The verse that did not disappoint, set Zheng Jing’s heart racing.

At some point, her body had already leaned forward from the back of the couch, and her ears even twitched a few times.

The tone of the steel-plate piano.

A pipe organ’s melody.

The exquisite blend of musical tones.

The song then moved into its final transition stage, known in professional terms as the bridge, which connected the main song and the chorus, encapsulating the listeners’ feelings and creating a new atmosphere:

“Let the night wind gently take us along, bringing us the tranquil scent of flowers as if blessing us.”

“Let the stars twinkle softly, reflecting every one of your hopes, like the spray of waves about to drench me.”


And then the chorus kicks in again!

Lan Yan sat upright, his feelings stirred as the waves crashing against the shore. In front of him, countless long-gone years seemed to unfurl, mirrored in his eyes were the storms and rains of yesteryears.

Those were the sleepless nights of his professional career.

And the resounding speeches after claiming his successes.

He felt as if he was standing at the peak of a mountain.

He wanted to shout at the top of his lungs:

I am the rising sun, rising bit by bit!

Time hasn’t aged, but the journey has been arduous.

The sound of a music box echoed during the bridge like a wind chime.

It not only played back the echoes of Lan Yan’s youth, but also brought back the stern-faced Zheng Jing to her past.

There were essential things about humanity that were often the simplest.

What could move human hearts was sometimes as simple as a few common words.

There’s nothing more than hard work and struggle.

It’s all about persistence and never giving up.

It’s about not bowing your head to so-called fate.

But it is these words that people often utter yet find hard to live by. That’s why people celebrate and praise it.

This is a simple representation of these elements in the music, but it goes straight to the heart.

In the room, the music floated, as if countless notes were diffusing.

The integration of voices seemed to be expressing a resistance against fate and a yearning for the future. That emotion seemed to spread with the notes.

Lin Yuan was also listening in silence.

However, he saw some slight regrets in the recording of the electronic sound.

This song needed an immense amount of passion; it needed the singer to truly let loose. That’s why the current version of the song wasn’t very good.

This was indeed the importance of the singer’s recording session.

A good song also needed a good voice to express it, so as to bring out its full potential.


The current state of the song was enough because everyone present was a professional and they knew the standards of the song.

The only non-professional, Lan Yan’s manager, was so thrilled that his scalp tingled!

His body swayed with the rhythm.

He was completely controlled by the music.

However, not understanding the professional evaluation, he simply summed up his gut feeling about the song in two words:


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