All-rounder Artist

Chapter 278: Zheng Jing_1

Two weeks later, Lan Yan arrived at the company.

As one of Starlight’s Kings of Singing, Lan Yan had a private resting space, somewhat similar to a senior manager’s office.

The room was spacious and equipped with a treadmill.

At this moment, Lan Yan was running on the treadmill, drenched in sweat, but showed no intention of stopping.

Lan Yan believed that a singer needed a healthy physique to sing better, so he always paid attention to his fitness.

Lan Yan’s manager was nearby, picking up a camera and taking a few photos of Lan Yan.

These photos could later be posted to the online Tribe as interaction with the fans.

At that moment.

The manager received a phone call. After a brief conversation, his face abruptly turned peculiar.

He walked up to the treadmill and said, “Teacher Admirable Fish’s assistant called, he has written a song for you.”


Lan Yan quickly hit the stop button, trotted slowly for a moment due to inertia, then wiped off his sweat with the towel around his neck:

“Teacher Admirable Fish?”

As a rising composer in the company, Lan Yan was naturally familiar with Xian Yu. He had even considered the possibility of collaborating with him at some point.

Within the company.

Even at the level of Kings and Queens of Singing, it wasn’t possible to always get Maestro’s involvement.

So, composers like Xian Yu were already worth the attention of the Kings and Queens.

“Yes, for the anniversary event.”

The manager was a bit puzzled, “The company definitely notified Xian Yu, he should be aware that Teacher Zheng Jing took this job. So, what does it mean that he still wrote a song…”

Lan Yan laughed, “It means he is unconvinced by the Maestro.”

The manager was taken aback, but then he realized it made sense. “Teacher Admirable Fish, said to still be a student, has achieved such results and holds a company position equal to the Maestros. It’s inevitable he has some arrogance like the Maestros, but he doesn’t understand how formidable the Maestro is.”

Lan Yan replied, “It’s only human nature. I believe Xian Yu will become a Maestro in the future, so we should take good care of him.”

The manager nodded, “Then let’s go to the ninth floor’s music composition department.”

Lan Yan agreed.

Everybody being in the same company, if the other party were a typical composer, they would definitely come to see Lan Yan. However, since it was Xian Yu, Lan Yan would take the initiative to go see him.

It’s not that Xian Yu had a higher status than Lan Yan.

Regarding their current status, Lan Yan and Xian Yu were fairly equal, and even if Xian Yu had the upper hand, Lan Yan was after all also a King of Singing.

Moreover, this time, it was Xian Yu who took the initiative to write a song for Lan Yan.

But what makes Xian Yu impressive is that he is very young, and no one can assure how far he will go in the future.

For this reason, Lan Yan didn’t want to offend Xian Yu.

On their way to the ninth-floor music composition department, the manager reminded Lan Yan, “Even if you reject using Xian Yu’s song as the anniversary piece, be sure to relay it gently, so they don’t think we don’t appreciate their song.”

Lan Yan nodded, “I’m aware of that.”

They haven’t interacted with Xian Yu before, so they don’t know what his personality is like.

But considering Xian Yu’s age, young people tend to be sensitive. For such a young representative of the music department, it’s necessary to respect their feelings.

They entered the elevator.

Suddenly, Lan Yan chuckled, “Besides, I don’t plan on rejecting it. The quality of the song Xian Yu wrote won’t be bad. It’s just that this song cannot be released in December.”

The manager also started laughing.

Lan Yan’s thought was the same as his, Xian Yu’s song certainly wouldn’t be bad, it would definitely be worth singing. However, the song that will be released this December needs to participate in the anniversary event of the QinQi merger. The song for the event has to be the best one!

Gu Dong entered Lin Yuan’s office, “The representative, Lan Yan and his manager said they would arrive soon. Should we contact Teacher Zheng Jing as well to avoid her feeling upset?”

“In that case.”

Lin Yuan asked, “How can she be pleased then?”

Gu Dong was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly realized, the question was indeed something Lin Yuan would ask.

She chuckled, “You just need to call and explain a little.”


Lin Yuan asked, “Do you have her number?”

Gu Dong replied, “Teacher Zheng Jing is now a representative of the tenth floor’s composition department, you have the authority to look up her number.”

Lin Yuan nodded, logged into the company’s backend, and indeed found Zheng Jing’s phone number.

Without pondering too much.

Lin Yuan dialed it straight away.

On the other end of the call, a mature female voice responded, “Who is this?”

“Admirable Fish, hello, Teacher Zheng Jing.”

Lin Yuan introduced himself using his composer’s name.

Zheng Jing’s voice had a hint of surprise, “So, it’s you. What can I do for you?”

Lin Yuan straightforwardly said, “I want to try for the song selection for the QinQi merger anniversary.”

Gu Dong,

She really wanted to help Lin Yuan explain. Since Lin Yuan didn’t beat around the bush, she should have guided him on what to say earlier.

However, given the representative’s personality, her suggestion would have been useless anyway.

The representative was naturally poor with social interactions.

There was a few seconds of silence on Zheng Jing’s end before she asked, “Are you confident?”

Lin Yuan replied, “Sort of.”

He wasn’t entirely sure, but judging by the quality of this song, it was more than enough.

Zheng Jing added, “You’re on the ninth floor, aren’t you? I’m currently at the company, do you mind if I come over and have a listen?”

Lin Yuan replied, “Sure.”

Zheng Jing laughed, “Seems like you are really confident. To be honest, I’m not even this confident. The composer that Splendid brought in is very skilled.”

Lin Yuan, “Oh.”

Zheng Jing laughed again, “By the way, I have a question, was the song ‘Changing Myself’ really about the QinQi merger?”


Regarding Zheng Jing, Lin Yuan had no intention of hiding the truth. In fact, he never thought about hiding it.

But he was also certain he wouldn’t go about broadcasting it since the company has already defined the song’s context, how could he publicly undermine it?


Zheng Jing seemed to have hit upon her laughter point, she laughed heartily, slightly inexplicably excited, “Just as I guessed!”

After the laugh.

Zheng Jing added seriously, “But this is the magic of music.”


“Alright, I’ll hang up now, I’m almost there.”


After hanging up, Lin Yuan quietly waited.

In no time, Lan Yan and his manager arrived.

“Teacher Admirable Fish, how do you do…”

Lan Yan was about forty years old, not very tall, just over one and a half meters. His face was not bad, giving people a sense of health and Sunlight.


Lin Yuan got up and shook the visitor’s hand, and also greeted his manager.

Just at that moment.

Noise came from outside the office.

It turned out that Zheng Jing had arrived as well.

Upon seeing Zheng Jing, Lan Yan and his manager were stunned for a moment, then promptly greeted her. One small detail was, their attitude towards her was even more enthusiastic than towards Lin Yuan.

“No need to be polite, we are all here to listen to songs.”

Zheng Jing said with a beaming smile, then fixed her gaze on Lin Yuan, her eyes visibly brightening:

What a handsome lad!

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