Chapter 73 19 rounds?

Ellie stirred in the darkness, her slumber interrupted by a subtle shift in the night. Her eyelids fluttered open, and for a moment, she lay still, absorbing the hushed symphony of the night. The room was awash in shadows, the moon's gentle radiance casting a silvery glow across the curtains.

As her senses sharpened, she became aware of the soft rise and fall of Kan's breathing beside her. His presence, a comforting anchor in the obsidian sea of night, reassured her. The rhythmic cadence of his breaths harmonized with the ambient sounds of the city outside, creating a lullaby that cradled her thoughts.

The room itself seemed to breathe, a living entity in the quiet hours. The distant hum of traffic and the occasional murmur of voices drifted through the window, a reminder that the city never truly slept. Yet, within the cocoon of their shared space, the night held them close, a sanctuary of stillness and secrets.

Ellie's gaze drifted to the curtains, their edges kissed by moonlight. She felt a familiar warmth radiating from Kan's side, a magnetic pull that drew her closer. With a contented sigh, Ellie, her blond hair tousled from sleep, slipped out of Kan's bed, the bedsheets wrapped around her lithe form like a silken cocoon, accentuating her curves but doing very little to restrict the bouncing movement of her ass.

She moved with the grace of a ballet dancer, each step measured and delicate, her bare feet barely making a sound on the polished wooden floor.

With a subtle sigh, she padded towards the bathroom, her eyes darting to Kan, who got up and was seated on the edge of the bed. The tiniest of noises triggered his sensitive hearing and got him up.

His gaze followed her, unwavering, as though he couldn't tear his eyes away from her even if he tried.

Minutes ticked by like hesitant heartbeats as Ellie disappeared into the bathroom. The distant sound of running water filtered through the closed door.

Kan's eyes remained fixed on that door, his thoughts a turbulent sea of emotions and desires.

[She's gone now. Are you going to check out those rewards or not?] Hela chimed in.

"Ahhh!! You know, sometimes I forget you are around and to be honest, now that I think about it, you are always here. Meaning, you see me when I'm..." Kan talked with Hela.

[Yes, I saw you nearly breaking your bones trying to keep up with her. Face it, her lust is far more than yours. She's like an ocean and your dick is like a paddle. You can only pack so much punch. What you should be out for is keeping her happy, werewolves are hard to come by without already having a mate!] Hela said to Kan.

"Wait, you really mean my dick is that small?" Kan asked, worried about Hela's statement in between.

[Just...fine. I'll go silent now, baby] Hela sounded frustrated as it became quiet.

The bathroom door creaked open, and Ellie emerged, a vision of ethereal beauty. Her school uniform, immaculate, clung to her like a second skin. It was a stark contrast to the disheveled allure of the bedsheets she had left behind.

She stood there, framed in the doorway, her hair cascading around her shoulders like a shimmering waterfall. Her eyes, a shade of golden brown, bore into Kan's with a mixture of playfulness and something deeper, something unspoken.

Kan, still seated, couldn't help but be entranced by her. The intensity of his gaze bore into her soul, as if he was trying to etch this moment into his memory forever. His lips parted slightly, as though he wanted to speak, but words eluded him. What could he say that would capture the exquisite vulnerability of this moment?

"Even after going nearly sixteen rounds, I still would fuck her now but surprisingly, she wouldn't let me!" Kan thought at the spot. He recounted the number of orgasm they already had and it sort of a personal record on his part.

Ellie, in all her radiance, held his gaze steadily. There was a silent understanding that passed between them, a recognition of the unspoken emotions that swirled around them like a tempestuous whirlpool.

Finally, Kan found his voice, a low and raspy murmur that filled the room like a sacred incantation. "You're... breathtaking," he said, his words a whispered confession of the turmoil within him.

A flush of pink crept onto Ellie's cheeks, a telltale sign of the effect Kan's words had on her. She stepped closer, her movements fluid and unhurried, until she stood before him. The air seemed to shimmer with anticipation as she reached out, her fingers brushing lightly against his cheek, a feather-light caress that sent shivers down his spine.

Kan's eyes fluttered closed for a brief moment, savoring the sensation of her touch. When he opened them again, he found himself drowning in the depths of Ellie's gaze. It was a gaze that held a silent promise of something yet to come.

Without breaking eye contact, Ellie leaned in, her lips a mere breath away from Kan's. Their closeness was electrifying, a magnetic pull that neither could resist. Time seemed to stretch, suspended in that singular moment of anticipation and at the same time, a throbbing disturbance was activated between Kan's thighs that was covered with the extra layer of sheets.

And then, their lips met in a kiss that ignited the room in a blaze of passion. It was a kiss that spoke of longing and desire, of all the unspoken words that had passed between them in that hush night. Their mouths moved in perfect harmony, a dance of souls entwined.

"We kiss better now. He matches my pace and I do, his" Ellie noted in her mind as they kissed on.

In that stolen moment, nothing else mattered. The world outside ceased to exist as Kan and Ellie melted into each other's embrace, two souls bound by an unbreakable connection.

And as the kiss deepened, as their bodies pressed closer, the room seemed to fade away, leaving only the echo of their love, a love that defied time and space, a love that burned with an intensity that could set the world on fire.

The room still hummed with the afterglow of their shared intimacy. Kan reclined on the bed, his tousled hair a testament to the passionate moments they had just experienced. A contented smile played on his lips as he gazed at Ellie, who now stood before him, her school uniform pristine and her eyes dancing with a mischievous glint.

"You know, I could really get used to this," Kan purred in a low, smoky tone, his lips curving into a playful smirk. He had that boyish charm about him, an air of confidence that made it hard not to be drawn to him. His teeth, pearly white, flashed as he spoke, the picture of a man thoroughly pleased with himself.

Ellie, still basking in the tender afterglow of their shared moments, couldn't help but roll her eyes at Kan's teasing. She knew he was just trying to rile her up, but there was something endearing about his playful nature. With a playful glint in her ocean-blue eyes, she leaned closer to him, her fingers finding their way to his elfin ears.

"I don't know... can you?" Ellie teased, her voice a sweet melody. She tugged gently at his ears, her touch a mixture of affection and amusement.

Kan's response was immediate; he playfully nipped at the tip of Ellie's nose, his lips grazing her soft skin with a tantalizing promise. "Yeah, maybe next time you give me a heads-up to come with a recharge," he quipped, his voice a sultry whisper. His eyes gleamed with mischief, and he couldn't resist taking another playful nip, this time at her lower lip.

A melodious giggle escaped Ellie's lips as she playfully pushed Kan away. His teasing banter was like a delightful dance, a rhythm they both knew well. "Okay, lover boy, get dressed. The gang wants to meet, and we're kind of late," Ellie said, her smile radiant. She felt like she was on top of the world, her heart brimming with happiness.

Kan's expression shifted from playful to contemplative. He propped himself up on his elbows, his gaze locked onto Ellie's with a mixture of admiration and affection. "I'm sure they'll understand," he mused, his voice soft and tender. "Who in their right senses would want to rush being with you?"

Ellie's cheeks tinged with a delicate shade of pink at Kan's unabashed compliment. She couldn't deny the warmth that spread through her at his words. He had a way of making her feel special, of making her heart flutter with his sweet nothings. But she wasn't about to let his charming words get the better of her.

With a sly grin, she leaned in closer, her fingers finding their way to Kan's face. She gently pushed his face back onto the bed, her touch firm yet tender. "Not this time, Mr. Smooth Talker," Ellie said, her eyes dancing with mirth. "Go get dressed!"

Kan couldn't help but chuckle at Ellie's playful assertiveness. It was one of the many things he adored about her. With a playful salute and a wink, he finally conceded. "As you wish, my lady," he said with mock solemnity, his eyes never leaving Ellie's as he began to rise from the bed.

As Kan disappeared into the bathroom to get dressed, Ellie couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over her. There was something undeniably magical about their connection, something that transcended mere physical attraction. In each other's company, they found comfort, laughter, and a love that seemed to grow stronger with each passing day.

Ellie knew that the world outside was filled with challenges and uncertainties, but as long as she had Kan by her side, she felt invincible. They were a team, a force to be reckoned with!

As the minutes ticked by, Ellie's mind drifted to the gang meeting ahead. No doubt, she remembered that their lives were not just about stolen moments of passion; they were also about responsibility and duty. But for now, as she waited for Kan to return, she allowed herself to savor the warmth of their connection, a love that made her feel like the luckiest person in the world.

"Nineteen rounds and I still want more. I'm not about to get addicted to him, am I?" Ellie giggled by herself, biting her fingers playfully as she swung her legs in the air like a happy child.

Kan returned from the bathroom only to see an open fresh thigh and a fleshy pussy contour showing through a pink pantie that Ellie wore.

"So help me god!" Kan thought, shaking his head at the sight.

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