Chapter 72 what will she do to me?

Chapter 72 what will she do to me?

Most would argue in a volatile situation as the one they were in, kan's utterance wasn't the most idealistic one. However, he did anyway.

Kan's confession hung heavily in the air as Ellie pulled away from his embrace, her eyes scanning him intensely, searching for any signs of deceit. The atmosphere grew even more charged with tension, as if the room itself was holding its breath.

"What? You're with another girl? The counselor?" Ellie's voice quivered with a mixture of disbelief and hurt. Her words were caught in her throat, struggling to find their way out.

Kan shook his head, his own emotions a whirlwind of confusion and concern. He took a step closer, attempting to reach out for Ellie's hand, a gesture of reassurance.

"It's not that..." Kan began to explain, but Ellie didn't let him finish.

"It's not that you're seeing another girl? I mean, I shouldn't even call her a girl. Her scent is all over you, and there's this other weird scent I can't quite lay my fingers on! Yet you say it's not what?" Ellie's words were laced with a mix of frustration and genuine concern, making it clear that she wasn't jumping to conclusions without reason, proving to Kan that she wasn't delusional or making accusations out of thin air.

The room seemed to close in on them as the weight of the situation bore down. Kan felt the need to clarify, to explain, but finding the right words was proving difficult in the midst of Ellie's emotions.

The silence that followed was heavy, fraught with unspoken questions and a desire to understand the truth. Kan and Ellie stood facing each other, their emotions laid bare, and the future uncertain.

"If you would just let me explain. But no, you off on me without even hearing my own side of the story! Fine, believe what you must!!" Kan said to Ellie, swinging his bag to one corner of the living room and turning around to kick the door behind him in a fit of anger.

"What now? You wanna hit me?!" Ellie asked, furious herself as she got all up in Kan's face.

Kan tried not to look at her but she seemed poised to make him notice her antics. It was obvious at that point she was trying to incite something.

"Look, I've had a really rough day. We could both sit down and talk like mature individuals or you keep on ranting like you are right now!" Kan said, squeezing his way passed Ellie, intentionally not trying to even let as much as his skin graze her because he was uncertain.

He wasn't familiar with the rules of this new world but was certain for sure that hitting a female from where he came from was a crime.

Besides, he wasn't made that way to begin with. Avoiding the issue was his go-to at all times.

"So tell me. I'm listening. Explain to me why her scent is all over you!" Ellie said, moving over to block Kan as he walked away.

"It must be the blood!" Kan said and this one hit Ellie like a truck as she widened her eyes, her tone softer than before..she asked "What blood?" Deep down her heart pounded as she prayed not to hear what she thought Kan was going to say next.

"Okay, look. I had just finished my ranking test and decided to use the bathroom. On my way in, I noticed a pool of blood on the ground," as Kan got to this point, the brows furrowed on Ellie's face began to descend as she seemed to be piecing together the pieces herself.

"I pushed the door open and then I saw some girl on the ground, glass in her hand and an open would. So I picked her up and began to run through the hallway yelling for help since I didn't know which way was to the med bay,"

"However, I ran into Miss Bhella, the school's counselor whom I followed to the med bay. We managed to get the girl help in time despite the fact that she had lost quite a lot of blood. However, despite my efforts, I still had to clear my name. That was why you saw me coming out of her office!!" Kan explained to Ellie.

Shamefully, Ellie covered her mouth, looking around the house and swaying her body side to side. She tried as much as possible to avoid eye contact with Kan because she felt very ashamed of herself at that moment.

Kan, seeing Ellie avoiding his gaze, rolled his eyes and attempted to walk past her but was held back by Ellie, who at first gripped his arm strongly. Realizing her grip was too firm, she loosened it slowly.

"I'm sorry," Ellie said, her voice trembling with sincerity.

Kan, with a soft smile, reached out to gently cup Ellie's face, his thumb brushing away a stray tear that had escaped from her eye. "No, it's fine," he reassured her, his touch tender against her skin. "You didn't hurt me."

Ellie's eyes locked onto his, her gaze filled with a mix of emotions. "No, I mean... I'm sorry for overreacting," she confessed, her voice filled with remorse. "It's just... It's just that I was scared."

"Dang, she's so beautiful even with a worried face. I should starve her of her peace of mind more!" Kan thought playfully as he watched Ellie talk.

Nodding in understanding, his fingers continuing to caress her cheek. "I get it," he murmured softly, his own eyes filled with warmth and affection.

Ellie's voice quivered as she continued to explain herself. "I also stumbled on the scene in the bathroom and perceived your scent. I got scared and thought you were in trouble, only to see you walking out of her office with no sign of trouble and a smug look on your face. What really hit the final blow was her scent all over you."

Kan let out a sigh, his gaze never leaving Ellie's. "Fine, I..." he began, but Ellie interrupted him, her hand reaching up to touch his lips gently.

"You don't have to explain anymore," Ellie said with a soft smile, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "I should learn to trust you. I promise to work on that. I'm just happy you're safe."

Kan couldn't help but smile back at Ellie, a mixture of relief and affection in his expression. "You know," he started playfully, "for someone who has a death grip, you're really a softie."

Ellie's response was swift and playful. She punched him lightly in the gut, eliciting a mock groan of pain from Kan. "Ouch!" he exclaimed, bending slightly as he nursed the fleeting pain.

"That's for making me worried and beating around the bush!" Ellie scolded with a mischievous grin. "You could have given that explanation a while ago. Who knows what I would have done to you?"

"Huh? Do to me?" Kan asked, genuinely puzzled.

Ellie's expression softened, and she stepped closer to him. "Come here," she said, her voice tender, and with that, she drew Kan in for a deep and passionate kiss.

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