Chapter 602: Parting Ways

Han Li took a glance at his surroundings, then turned to Daoist Xie as he said, "We've already wasted enough time, so let's keep going, Brother Xie."

Daoist Xie nodded in response, then flew onto the green flying carriage before releasing an incantation seal, and the carriage immediately sped away as a streak of green light.

At the center of the carriage, Han Li was seated with his legs crossed, assessing his own internal condition.

Even though his baleful decay had already been delayed by time law powers imbued within the thread of time, the baleful qi in his body still hadn't receded at all, and three of his originally uncontaminated immortal acupoints had also been infiltrated by baleful qi.

Han Li's heart sank slightly upon seeing this, but a thought then suddenly occurred to him, and he opened his eyes before flicking a finger through the air, conjuring up a mirror of water in front of himself.

Through his reflection in the mirror, Han Li could see bursts of gray light occasionally flashing through his eyes, turning his pupils a murky gray color, and it seemed that the frequency at which his pupils were turning gray had increased from before.

With a sweep of his sleeve, Han Li swept away the mirror as a contemplative look appeared on his face.

Given what he currently knew, it appeared that the Northern Glacial Immortal Region was only a small and rather secluded immortal region in the True Immortal Realm, one that had barely any High Zenith cultivators. Hence, even though he had been trying to gather information on the five decays, his efforts had largely proven to be futile.

On top of that, his current situation was rather different from the normal fifth decay that one could expect to experience, and his only option at this point was to try and find a solution after he reached the Black Mountain Immortal Region.

All of a sudden, another thought occurred to Han Li, and he flipped a hand over to produce his Dragon 5 Reincarnation Palace mask before putting it on.

Sure enough, there had already been quite a few responses to the requests that he had made for Origin Void Pill refinement ingredients.

Close to an hour later, as Han Li stowed away the mask again, a small pile of these ingredients had already appeared beside him.

He instructed Daoist Xie and the others to keep a close eye on Jin Tong, then quickly scoured the surrounding area to ensure that nothing was amiss before sweeping a sleeve through the air to summon his silver pill cauldron.

With another sweep of his sleeve, his Flame of Essence was released, and it landed beneath the cauldron in its miniature humanoid form.

A burst of terrifying heat instantly erupted out of the fiery figure's body, and it seemed to have become even more powerful than before.

The fiery figure yelled something unintelligible up at Han Li in an excited voice, then sat down before making a hand seal, and the scorching white flames all over its body instantly surged forth as 12 uniform bursts that evenly coated the underside of the cauldron.

Before long, the interior of the cauldron had become extremely hot.

Thanks to the pill refinement experience that he had accrued back in the Soul Stirring Winds, Han Li was extremely familiar with the process of refining Origin Void Pills. The only problem was that he would have to make some adjustments for balancing purposes as the Black Marrow Crystals that he was using were of a far superior quality to before.

However, this was not a major problem for him, given that he had the power of time laws on his side.

After taking a deep breath to compose himself, Han Li picked up one of the ingredients before tossing it into the cauldron to commence the pill refinement process.

Seven or eight years flew by in a flash.

The green flying carriage continued to race over the boundless primordial land, speeding over all types of different terrains.

The route that had been marked out on the map provided by the patriarch of the Heavenly Fox Race required them to go on a far longer journey than if they were to cross the primordial land in a straight line, but it did prove to be a very safe route.

Occasionally, some primordial beasts would get in their way, but none of them stood a chance against Mo Guang, Daoist Xie, and Xiao Bai.

All the while, Han Li remained seated within a light barrier, casting a string of incantation seals into the silver cauldron in front of him.

Right at this moment, a burst of silver light flashed over the cauldron, and the lid flew off on its own to reveal a glistening black Origin Void Pill inside.

A faint smile appeared on Han Li's face upon seeing this, and he carefully stowed the pill away, then stowed the silver cauldron and the Flame of Essence away as well.

Up to this point, he had exhausted all of the ingredients that he had purchased, and with those ingredients, he had managed to refine around two dozen Origin Void Pills.

He picked up one of the pills, then scrutinized it for a moment before swallowing it.

He had to take one of the pills to ensure that it was indeed what he needed.

As soon as the Origin Void Pill entered his stomach, it immediately began to melt, turning into a burst of cold power that flowed through his body.

Nothing of particular interest took place. The power of the pill merely resonated somewhat with the baleful qi in his body, but it did nothing aside from that.

However, Han Li knew that the pill took some time to truly take effect, so he wasn't overly concerned, and he closed his eyes to meditate while waiting for the pill to do its work.

Close to a year passed by.

All of a sudden, the burst of cold power formed by the Origin Void Pill drew to a halt near Han Li's lower abdomen, where it transformed into a strange vortex that was constantly revolving while forming a special connection with the baleful qi in his immortal acupoints.

The baleful qi in his body gradually began to fall dormant, and even the baleful qi in his immortal acupoints had become a lot more sluggish.

Han Li raised an eyebrow as he flicked a finger through the air to conjure up a mirror of water, and through his reflection, he could see that the gray light in his eyes had already completely faded, restoring his pupils to close to their original color.

This was naturally quite a relief.

If his pupils were to occasionally turn gray once he entered the Black Mountain Immortal Region, then it most likely wouldn't be long before he became a target of the Heavenly Court.

Even though he could take certain measures to disguise the abnormal coloration of his eyes, there was no guarantee that he wouldn't be exposed. Now that his baleful qi had entered a dormant state and his pupils had largely returned to normal, his chances of being exposed were significantly decreased.

This supply of Origin Void Pills should be enough to last him and Mo Guang quite some time in the Black Mountain Immortal Region, but as a safety precaution, Han Li released a few more missions for the acquisition of Origin Void Pill ingredients in the Transient Guild.

Right at this moment, a dull thud suddenly rang out.

Han Li swept a sleeve through the air to remove the surrounding restrictions, and a hint of elation immediately appeared on his face as he identified the source of the sound.

At this moment, the golden ball within the cloud at the end of the flying carriage was glowing radiantly, while the cloud had been stirred up into a frenzy.

An enormous aura was surging out of the golden ball in all directions, and Xiao Bai was roused from its slumber as it hurriedly rose to its haunches.

Mo Guang was seated with his legs crossed on the other side of the flying carriage, and he only opened his mouth to take a glance in the golden ball's direction before closing his eyes again.

"Brother Xie, find a place to stop the carriage," Han Li instructed.

Daoist Xie did as it was told, casting an incantation seal into the flying carriage, upon which it immediately swooped down before drawing to a halt in a misty valley.

All the while, the golden light radiating from the golden ball was becoming brighter and brighter, and at this point, it was glowing as radiantly as the sun.

Han Li cast an incantation seal to withdraw the white flag, and almost immediately thereafter, a series of cracks appeared on the surface of the golden ball, then quickly spread before a massive hole was blasted into its surface, following which a slender figure emerged from within.

It was a young girl who appeared to be in her teens, and she had shoulder-length golden hair and a set of gorgeous facial features.

With her emergence, the golden ball exploded into a vast expanse of golden powder that rained down into the valley below.

The young girl began to make her way toward Han Li and the others, and even though golden powder was falling all around her, none of it was able to land on her at all.

"You're... Jin Tong, right?" Han Li asked as his brows furrowed slightly.

Both this young girl's appearance and aura were completely different from Jin Tong's, and the only similarity that they shared was the color of their hair.

This made Han Li feel as if he were looking at someone completely alien to him, and Xiao Bai was also staring at the girl with a dumbstruck expression at a loss for what to do.

The girl gave Han Li a nod, then stretched lazily as she said, "Even now, when I look back on what happened over these past years, it still feels like a dream."

Her voice had also changed drastically, and it was extremely pleasing to the ears, but was completely devoid of emotion.

Han Li's brows remained furrowed as he scrutinized Jin Tong with his Brightsight Spirit Eyes, and some skepticism still remained on his face.

"Why are you looking at me like that, Uncle? If I'm not Jin Tong, then who am I? The Gold Devouring Immortal that was chasing after us? I've gained a lot of new memories after devouring that thing, but I'm still the same Jin Tong from before," Jin Tong said as a mischievous smile appeared on her face, only to fade immediately thereafter.

"Have you recalled something?" Han Li asked as his brows finally unfurrowed.

Through their spiritual connection, he could tell beyond a reasonable doubt that this was indeed Jin Tong.

Jin Tong was silent for a moment, then suddenly extended a curtsey toward Han Li as she said, "Thank you for looking after me for so long, Uncle. Without you, I would've never been able to make it to this point."

"Why are you suddenly saying this?" Han Li asked with a surprised expression.

"I want to go out on my own and search for other Gold Devouring Immortals," Jin Tong replied.

"Have you already found some other Gold Devouring Immortals?" Han Li asked.

"No, but I have a vague sense of where they are," Jin Tong replied.

"While it's true that you've become significantly more powerful than before, I still don't think its safe for you to go off on your own," Han Li said.

"Master's right, the True Immortal Realm is a really dangerous place! Why don't you stay with Master? You'll always have stuff to eat, and with your combined powers, even if you encounter another late-High Zenith Stage Gold Devouring Immortal, you'll be able to take it down together!" Xiao Bai said.

Jin Tong was completely unmoved, and she shook her head as she said, "Searching for other Gold Devouring Immortals is my destiny. You also have things that you need to do as well, don't you, Uncle?"

Han Li fell silent upon hearing this.

Xiao Bai opened its mouth to say something, but decided against it after seeing the determined look on Jin Tong's face.

After a brief silence, Han Li asked, "Have you made up your mind?"

Jin Tong nodded in response.

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