Chapter 601: Temporary Fix

The immortal spiritual power within Han Li's body was instantly sucked into these immortal acupoints, and the world's origin qi outside his body also began to surge into them.

A strange bubbling sound rang out from within these immortal acupoints, and wisps of baleful qi emerged from within them, spreading throughout Han Li's body again.

These wisps of baleful qi were incredibly dark, seemingly able to devour all light, and they were even more formidable than the baleful qi that had previously been in Han Li's body.

Furthermore, some of these wisps of baleful qi were spreading through the other immortal acupoints that had no baleful qi within them.

Han Li was naturally very alarmed to see this, and he hurriedly channeled his time law powers to oppose the baleful qi.

However, this eruption of baleful qi was even more ferocious than before, and even Han Li's time law powers were struggling to withstand it.

Han Li immediately made a hand seal to inject more immortal spiritual power into his Mantra Axis Scripture, and at the same time, he summoned a white jade box, then opened it to reveal a High Zenith Pill sitting inside.

In contrast with the previous two High Zenith Pills, this one had a series of silver lines on its surface that came together to form the design of a three-legged golden crow, and it was also giving off a far more formidable aura than the other two High Zenith Pills.

Han Li carefully plucked the High Zenith Pill out of the box, but hesitated right as he was about to eat it.

The onset of baleful decay had been far more violent than he anticipated, and even though this High Zenith Pill was of a far superior caliber than the previous two, he still wasn't confident in its ability to eradicate the baleful qi in his immortal acupoints.

Given what had happened with the previous two pills, the chances of failure were quite high.

The average late-Golden Immortal cultivator would inevitably have to kill and accumulate baleful qi in their body during their cultivation, but for them, just a single normal High Zenith Pill should be enough to eradicate all of their built-up baleful qi. In contrast, Han Li had so much baleful qi in his body that he was essentially half a Gray Immortal.

Unless he could find an effective solution to the baleful qi in his immortal acupoints and restore himself to his normal state, taking more High Zenith Pills most likely wasn't going to help him.

All of a sudden, a thought occurred to him, and he set down the High Zenith Pill in his hand before stowing it away, then called out through voice transmission.

At this moment, Mo Guang and the others were all seated with their legs crossed in an obscure valley not far away from the cave that Han Li was in. The green flying carriage was hovering above a corner of the valley, and Jin Tong was still displaying no signs of awakening.

All of a sudden, Mo Guang's eyes sprang open as he rose to his feet.

Xiao Bai immediately sprang up onto its haunches, standing in Mo Guang's path with a wary look on its face as it asked, "What are you doing?"

"Your master has asked me to go to him," Mo Guang explained, then set off as a streak of black light, arriving in front of the cave that Han Li was in shortly thereafter.

The restrictions in the cave opened up on their own to create a passageway, and as soon as Mo Guang stepped into the cave, he was immediately struck by a wave of incredibly dense baleful qi.

His expression remained unchanged as he continued onward, and it didn't take long before he spotted an indistinct seated figure that was entirely enshrouded in black qi and golden light.

"Fellow Daoist Mo Guang, I need your help," Han Li said while channeling his time law powers with all his might, and speaking seemed to be quite a difficult task for him.

"I know what you need me to do. This will actually be quite beneficial for me," Mo Guang replied with a nod, then sat down with his legs crossed beside Han Li, who didn't waste any more time and immediately sprang into action.

With a sweep of his sleeve, hundreds of black array flags shot out in unison before landing all around the cave.

He then made a rapid string of hand seals, and black light flashed erratically over the array flags as a series of black array patterns quickly emerged to form an array that was several dozen feet in size.

After that, Han Li began to chant an incantation, then opened his mouth to release a ball of blood essence into the array.

The black array immediately lit up, and several bursts of black light that were roughly the same thickness as adult human arms appeared around him, then pierced into his body.

The churning baleful qi within Han Li's body immediately stiffened, then flowed into the array long these bursts of black light.

Every single line of the array was glowing with faint black light, and dense baleful qi was rapidly flowing over those lines.

In the span of just a few seconds, the entire array was filled with baleful qi.

Right at this moment, the array patterns around Mo Guang lit up as well, and several bursts of black light emerged before piercing into his body.

The baleful qi in the array seemed to have found an outlet, and all of it surged into Mo Guang's body, causing him to shudder slightly, but an elated look then appeared on his face as he closed his eyes to absorb the incoming baleful qi.

Before long, roughly 30% of the baleful qi in Han Li's body had been transferred into Mo Guang's body through the array.

This entire time, Mo Guang's eyes remained tightly shut as he focused on refining the influx of baleful qi, while the strain on Han Li's face was steadily easing.

All of a sudden, he began to chant another incantation, then made a grabbing motion with his right hand, and a golden vial slowly took shape in his grasp.

There were six Time Dao Runes on the surface of the vial, and it was none other than his Clear Time Vial.

Inside the vial was a drop of semi-transparent golden liquid that was shimmering with faint spiritual light, and aside from the difference in coloration, it was very similar in appearance to the green spirit liquid produced by the Heaven Controlling Vial.

It wasn't entirely accurate to say that Han Li hadn't made any preparations for the baleful decay. During these past years, whenever he had some free time, he would release his Clear Time Vial so that it could absorb the light of the sun and the moon to manifest time water droplets.

After so many years of persistence, he had finally managed to produce a single droplet.

Han Li pointed a finger at the Clear Time Vial, and a beam of golden light immediately shot out of his fingertip before vanishing into the vial.

The Time Dao Runes on the vial instantly began to glow brightly while a series of golden runes emerged within it, and the time water droplet also slowly rose up from the bottom of the vial.

All of the nearby golden runes converged toward the time water droplet before fusing into it, and the golden spiritual light emanating from the droplet instantly brightened significantly.

At the same time, all of the nearby world's origin qi was also stirred up into a frenzy, and countless balls of five-colored light appeared in the surrounding area before surging into the time water droplet as well.

Han Li continued to cycle through a string of hand seals, releasing one beam of golden light into the Clear Time Vial after another, and the time water droplet glowed brighter and brighter while also gradually transitioning into a solid state before slowly spreading outward.

Three days flew by in a flash, and at this point, the time water droplet inside the Clear Water Vial had transformed into a translucent golden thread around the same length as a human finger.

Formidable time law power fluctuations were emanating from the translucent golden thread, yet it was different from the time law power fluctuations released by Han Li's Mantra Treasured Axis.

At this point, most of Han Li's body had turned black, and his eyes were glowing a crimson color, but he was still able to retain his own sanity.

All of a sudden, an elated look appeared in his eyes, and he immediately made a hand seal, upon which the translucent golden thread flew out of the Clear Time Vial before vanishing into his chest.

Immediately thereafter, a vast expanse of golden spiritual light erupted out of his body, and a series of golden halos appeared before spreading outward.

Bursts of time law powers were surging throughout the golden light, causing the nearby space to become rather blurry and indistinct, and Han Li's body was also becoming less and less visible.

At the same time, the black array abruptly ceased to function, and Mo Guang opened his eyes before rising to his feet before casting his gaze toward Han Li.

At this moment, his aura had become slightly more formidable than before.

The golden light around Han Li continued to flash erratically for about 15 minutes before finally fading away, upon which it was revealed that both his body and his eyes had returned to their original color, and it was as if the baleful decay had been nothing more than a distant dream.

"Congratulations, Fellow Daoist Han," Mo Guang said.

"Thank you for your help, Fellow Daoist Mo Guang, but I'm afraid this is only a temporary fix," Han Li replied with a faint smile.

"There's no need to thank me, Fellow Daoist Han, I'm just glad I could help," Mo Guang said with a shake of his head.

Han Li withdrew his gaze from Mo Guang, then took a deep breath before inspecting his own internal condition, upon which a wry smile appeared on his face.

The translucent golden thread produced by the Clear Time Vial was a thread of time, and it was able to delay the onset of the five decays, so it had temporarily suppressed his baleful decay.

This was the first time that he was using a thread of time, so he didn't know how long it could delay the onset of his baleful decay for, but he felt like it should be able to delay his baleful decay for at least a few centuries.

After taking a moment to compose himself, Han Li swept a sleeve through the air to recover all of the array tools in the surrounding cave before flying out into the valley as a streak of azure light, followed closely by Mo Guang.

An ecstatic look immediately appeared on Xiao Bai's face at the sight of Han Li, but the elation on its face then gradually faded as it caught sight of Han Li's rather grim expression.

Meanwhile, Daoist Xie rose to its feet, but merely cupped its fist in a salute toward Han Li without saying anything.

Han Li gave Daoist Xie a nod, then put on a reassuring smile as he patted Xiao Bai on the head.

After that, he turned his gaze to the white cloud before asking, "Has Jin Tong still not shown any signs of waking up?"

"Not at all, Master. Will she be alright?" Xiao Bai asked with a slightly concerned expression.

"Don't worry, she'll be fine," Han Li replied.

Xiao Bai was quite relieved to hear this, and it asked, "Where do we go from here, Master?"

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