6 Times a Day

Chapter 1056 The Date Continues

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Christine had to sit on the toilet doing nothing for a while, just to  calm down. It was a big challenge not to masturbate, but she feared  that he would detect the smell of her vaginal fluids if she did. She  thought, I've got to get ahold of myself! I never realized my breasts  could be such powerful erogenous zones. My nipples are on FIRE! It's  all I can do not to pull my top down and beg him to play with them and  suckle them!

God dammit, why doesn't he make a move? What more am I  supposed to do to show him that I want to get something started, short  of actually pulling my top down and begging him?! "You like my boobs?  Then reach out and play with them, dammit! And kiss me at the same time,  like you did before! Only this time, don't stop!"

She paused, sighing. I know it's because of his other  women. He thinks I'm not right for him, due to all his running around.  And if he wasn't having sex every day with a lot of other women, his  resistance would be way lower. But for some weird reason, the more he  resists me, the more I want him! I don't understand all this sex stuff.  It's messed up. I wish I could just pick a normal, unattached guy, but  now my heart is set on him.

Dammit! Dammit, dammit, dammit! I don't want to be a  virgin anymore. I'm so horny I could cry! Or scream. This is torture.  Just being with him or near him is exquisite torture.

She decided to put some of her martial arts training to good  use. She brought her breathing under control by using the slow, deep,  tactical breathing she'd been taught to use in combat. That helped a  lot. After about five minutes of just sitting on the toilet, she felt  that she had her raging lust under sufficient control, so she got up and  walked back to the dinner table.

But the mere act of walking back immediately negated her  efforts to cool down, especially since she was practicing her sashaying  walk again. As soon as she saw Alan staring at her from across the room,  it was as if her entire body had suddenly burst into flame. Her nipples  popped back to full hardness. Worse, the maddening rubbing of erect  nipples against the tight fabric resumed. She wanted to walk quickly to  get it over with, but the faster she walked, the more her unsupported  breasts bounced and crashed together, just as if she were topless. It  would look too weird to clutch her rack for support in such a public  place, so she was forced to walk slowly the rest of the way.

By the time she sat down, her pussy was wet again. She  inwardly cursed her body for being so arousable. He was so obviously  agog at her outfit, not to mention her sexy walk, that she felt the need  to say something about it. "Alan, thanks for waiting. I've made such a  spectacle of myself though that I feel I should explain why I'm wearing  this. It's not your fault. I knew you said that I should dress casual."

Alan put his hands up to make a "stop" gesture. "No need. Believe me, I'm not complaining. Fault? I'm loving it!"

"I know. But I still feel the need to explain. You see, my  mother runs a pretty tight ship at home. She has a big say over what  clothes I buy and what I can wear. For the first time, since I've  started going out on these dates, she's sort of allowed me to let it all  hang out."

He wiggled his eyebrows like Groucho Marx as he stared  unabashedly at her prominent breasts, with her nipples clearly outlined.  "So I see!" He added suggestively, "So you're saying you're ready to  bust out onto the fashion scene?" The emphasis was on "bust."

"Oh, you!" She laughed. "But it's kind of true. There are so  many outfits I want to wear now, and who knows how many dates we'll have  for me to wear them on? I'm pretty much discovering fashion, so I'm a  lot like a little kid in a candy store. Seriously, I'm only now  realizing how sexually repressed I've been. Now that I've been given a  little freedom I feel like going all the way."

He did the leering eyebrow-wiggle again. "That can be arranged."

She laughed again. But she thought, I wish! Why does he say things like that and then maintain that this is a practice date? Arrgh! "So anyway, that's the main explanation. Thanks for humoring me." She  thought about his continuing attempts at jokes and added, "In more ways  than one."

Still with a joking leer he said, "My pleasure. And I do mean that."

He thought, Dang, this whole situation kind of reminds me  of Mom. Kind of a lot, actually. She was so repressed and then she also  started to let it all hang out, so to speak. What is it with  sexually-repressed women; are they always total nymphos just waiting to  go wild? lf Christine is potentially even half as much a nympho as Mom's  turning into, well, I don't know what. The fact is, I would probably  die of exhaustion!

Dang! Just imagine the two of them in a bedroom together,  waiting for me. Oh man, how sexy would that be? Christine and Mom,  kissing and rubbing Christine's big F-cups against Mom's milk-filled  H-cups! That would really kill me! Then they'd lie down one of top of  the other in a fuck sandwich and...

Oh man! Man oh man, I can't even go there or I'm gonna  splooge in my pants. My wet spot is bad enough already. Alan Junior,  you're gonna be in for a long night, I can tell.

But at least I can console myself that, when I get home, I  can sink my dick deep into a hot, tight pussy. It could be Mom's. Or  maybe Sis's. Or Aunt Suzy's. Or Amy's. Hell, they're all dedicated to me  now. I could line their four sexy asses up and play 'eeny meeny miny  moe.'

Oh fuck! I was trying to calm down, thinking that I just  need to hold on until I get home, but these thoughts are making me super  horny instead! And as tempting as all my home hotties are, what I  really want to do is make out with Christine! I keep thinking about last  time... Only this time, I wouldn't stop after just a minute or two...  I'd pull those sexy red straps off her shoulders and sink my fingers  deep into her tit-flesh! No, just with one hand, because my other hand  would go straight to her hot cunt! So hot and pungent and wet! I can't  wait to finger her to orgasm and have her scream into my mouth as we  kiss with total abandon!

Shit. This is NOT helping! I've got plenty of awesome tits  to play with at home. Bigger ones, even. Why do I have to play with  hers? And her body... her hard, athletic, flawless body...

It guess it's true that it's the one who got away that you want the most. Damn. I need to relax somehow!

He was roused when Christine snapped her fingers. "Hello? Where'd you go there, Alan?"

His eyes refocused on her face. "Sorry. I was just... um... Did I kind of tune out for a minute?"

"You could say that again," she chuckled.

He blushed. "Oh, man. I'm sorry." If she only knew what I  was thinking! Having all those beauties waiting at home? An entire  goddamned incestuous harem?! That's why I have to resist; I'm too far  gone for any sort of normal relationship.

Trying to change the subject quickly, he said, "I've got a  joke for you. A brunette mother was talking to a blonde mother. The  brunette says, 'I was going through my daughter's purse the other day  and I found an ounce of marijuana. I can't believe she smokes pot!' The  blonde says, 'Yeah, well, I was going through my daughter's purse too  and I found a condom. I can't believe she has a penis!'"

Christine had a good laugh at that. "Here's a good dumb  BRUNETTE joke for you. So this brunette guy goes into a library. As a  matter of fact, he looked a lot like you. Hmmm." She winked at Alan.  "Anyway, he tells the librarian, 'I want to return this book. It was  terrible; there were so many names it was impossible to keep the story  straight.' The librarian - yet another genius-level blonde, by the way -  turned to another librarian and said, 'Hey, check it out. That's what  happened to our phone book.'"

Alan snickered. "Funny. 'Genius-level blonde.' That's a riot,  right there alone. And I could believe it too, since it takes a special  kind of blonde genius to end up with no better job than working in a  local library."

Christine was surprised by the rapidity of his rejoinder.  Although she had a brilliant intellect, she wasn't experienced in  finding witty comebacks on the fly. So all she could do was shake her  fist at him playfully and say, "Grrr! I'm gonna get you!"

He teased back, "Please do. If you chase me, I won't run very hard."

Christine was encouraged by all the playful, sexy talk, so used that  as an opening to broach a difficult subject. She kept her eyes down as  she said, "Alan, I need to talk about something serious for a minute. I  really have to apologize. I never minded it when you stared at my body,  not at all. In fact I was flattered. But when you asked me out in  September, I... well, I just wasn't ready. It wasn't you at all; it was  me. And now I regret it so much. Is there some way we could turn back  the clock so I could tell you 'Yes' instead?" As she finished, she  looked up, bashful yet hopeful.

Knowing how much he loved her chest, she pretended to sit up  straight as if eager to hear his reply, but she was really just  attempting to thrust her rack forward.

He thought, Oh boy. Here we go again. Why does she have to  look so sexy? I swear, she could be the Playmate of the Year. How can I  let her down gently? I need to be bold and firm to make my platonic  intentions completely clear, once and for all. I need to save her from  my evil ways!

He said, "I wish we could. I really do. I think you're an  incredible girl in every way. But what's done is done. And now I have  Amy."

She replied with a little tease in her voice, "Yes, I've  noticed. Amy and a few others." She smirked, adding, "Quite a few as a  matter of fact, if even half of what I'm hearing is true."

Alan was surprised to find himself blushing a bit. "Yeah,  well... what can I say? Guys my age are pretty hopelessly horny, and I  guess I'm no exception."

"You can say that again," she exclaimed. "But how many  'hopelessly horny' guys date more than one girl at a time, much less  practically have their own harem?"

He blushed. "Hey! I don't have my own harem; those rumors are greatly exaggerated." He thought, Except  that I'm lying! Can she tell? Or did she somehow find out? Shit! I've  gotta play it cool. Even if we don't get involved, she can never know  the full truth!

Still with a sexy teasing tone, she added, "Yeah, well,  whatever you call it, it seems like you're becoming a bit of a local  legend."

"Well, don't believe everything you hear."

She fell back onto more comfortable ground as she tested her  knowledge of school gossip against what she might learn straight from  the horse's mouth. "A-ha! I thought so. A lot of the girls keep saying  that the rumors can't be true because you turn so many girls down. Why,  you even turned down Donna, and she's practically up there with Heather  as the reigning queen of the school. A few girls are steadfast that you  must be gay, especially some of the ones you turned down, but of course  we both know that isn't true, don't we? But speaking of queens, there  are a lot of rumors about you and Heather going around, not to mention  whisperings of you with some of the other cheerleaders. Care to name  names?"

"That's kind of personal, don't you think? And besides, I've already told you I don't kiss and tell."

"Hey, it's okay. I know you don't want to break any confidences, but with Heather it's so damn obvious, why not just admit it?"

He said with increasing annoyance, "Whatever happens between  her and me, if anything, is private! You're pretty protective of your  own privacy, so aren't you being hypocritical, prying like that?"

She realized that she really was being too pushy. She blushed  and lowered her eyes. "Sorry. It's just that sometimes I let my  curiosity get the better of me. I apologize."

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