6 Times a Day

Chapter 1055 Alan And Christine On A Date

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Alan woke up to a ringing alarm clock. At first he was confused:  there was only a little sunlight outside which made him assume that it  was sunrise, but he thought for a few moments and realized it had to be  sunset. There was a note on the bedstand from Susan reminding him of his  dinner plans with Christine. It contained several motherly admonitions  on dressing well and acting polite, which made him smile.

The alarm which Susan had set didn't leave him much time to  get ready. He showered and changed into a collared shirt and dress  slacks, which was unusually formal for him but still less than the  three-piece suit he'd worn on his last date with Christine. He brushed  his teeth and rushed out the door.

He arrived at the "Taste of Thai" restaurant right at their  planned meeting time. Christine was already sitting in a booth so he  joined her.

[And the Naked Version]

Christine looked fantastic. It seemed that she hadn't heard  his suggestion that they dress normally. Not surprisingly, she'd decided  to wear the "super sexy" outfit that her aunt Kirsten had given her  that afternoon.

Her dark red outfit was skin-tight and low-cut, yet at the  same time it offered almost no support for her breasts, causing them to  jiggle at her slightest movement. There was also an opening that exposed  her firm stomach, and the dress also exposed almost all of her back. On  top of that, it was made of some kind of shimmering material, but he  wasn't knowledgeable about clothing and couldn't figure out if the dress  was made of latex, satin, silk, or what.

Alan was immediately reminded of why he'd fallen in love with  her in the first place. Not only did she look like a perfect bombshell,  on the same level of beauty as his family four, but she had her usual  stare that conveyed both intelligence and intensity. It was one of the  things that he liked best about her, because looking at her deep blue  eyes always made him feel as if she was full of boundless energy.

However, it probably was the same serious, penetrating stare  that was responsible for her nickname of "Ice Queen Christine." The old  Alan would have flinched and quickly looked away when Christine looked  at him like that, just as almost everyone else did. But lately his  confidence and experience had grown, so he found himself capable of  staring back.

He thought, Whoa! I already have a boner just from the  anticipation, but now that I see her, I swear it's like I have a double  boner! I'd better sit down fast, before she sees it. He did just that.

He considered making a joke like, "I didn't know I'd be  meeting Barbarella here," but he decided against it. Sometimes she  didn't take jokes that well and she seemed a bit abashed about what she  was wearing.

Instead, he decided a compliment was in order. He said, "My  God! Christine, you look really amazing! I'm totally blown away by your  beauty. I mean that sincerely!"

To his surprise, she frowned. "I feel like an idiot, like a  fish out of water. I'm too embarrassed to get up and give you a hug. I  thought we were going to one of those fancy places where the women wear  shiny silk dresses with plunging necklines and backless..." She stopped  and sighed. Then she added in a near whisper, "I feel practically  naked!"

He replied, "Not even! True, you did kind of overdress, and  that's my fault for not making clear what kind of restaurant we'd be  eating at. But that's not a minus; that's a plus! I'm really glad you're  dressed like that 'cos now I can beam with pride, knowing everyone in  the restaurant is jealous that I'm with such a complete, total  knockout."

She still didn't look pleased. "Yeah, well, I don't like the way people are staring at me."

"That's just 'cos you're not used to being the center of  attention. And I get it that you're shy about your body. But you  shouldn't be. Christine, people don't just stare at you because you have  big breasts; they stare at you because you're totally gorgeous from  head to toe! You have one of the most beautiful faces I've ever seen! So  be proud. True, a large part of your good looks is just lucky genetics.  But an equally large part is the way you take care of yourself, and  especially how you stay in top shape. Good looks are a sign of good  health, and that's an accomplishment just like getting good grades."

She looked thoughtful, then finally smiled. "Thanks. I've  never really thought about it like that before. I've always kind of  considered my body kind of a curse, getting me all the wrong kind of  attention. But I'll try not to worry about what those others think  tonight." She grew bashful and stared towards the ground. "To be honest,  I just really wanted to look good for you."

That was true. She was so deeply in love and wanted to  impress him so very much that she simply couldn't help herself. She was  highly ashamed about it, because it directly flew in the face of her  determination to keep their relationship platonic. Just sitting here  with him was making her quite horny, and doubly so thanks to her  revealing outfit.

He replied, "Holy cow! You succeeded in spades! That has to  be one of the sexiest outfits I've ever seen! Be careful: if at some  point during dinner you see me start to drool and my eyes roll back into  my head, I've just had Christine's sexy-dress overload. Take me to a  hospital, immediately!"

She laughed at that, then beamed with happiness. She loved  the way he had helped banish her insecurities, even to making her feel  sexy and proud to be wearing her outfit. "Thanks. I'm tickled pink that  you like it." She added in a throaty come on, "As for your clothes,  don't worry. I can help you get underdressed, so we'll be even." Then  she leaned back and laughed. It felt really good to be flirting again.

He grinned. "Oh, so that's how it's going to be, eh? More  flirting practice? Two can play at that game. You're not tickled pink  just yet. Wait until I'm done tickling you. I'm going to tickle you  until you're helpless and crying for mercy."

She sat up straighter and looked at him defiantly. "I dare  you to. And how do you know I'll be crying for mercy? Maybe I'll be  crying for you to give me something else." Her eyes bored through the  table as she stared at the spot where his genitals were.

She was shocked at her own boldness, blushing immediately  afterward. But the truth was, she lusted after him so much that she was  saying and doing things she'd never imagined she would do. Like wearing  her outfit. Because it really did provide no breast support, she truly  felt like she was naked. And the more she felt her breasts jiggling  about and felt his eyes upon them, the more aroused she got.

He thought, Whoa! Double whoa, even! This is supposed to  be a non-romantic date. But I feel such electricity in the air. We've  only been talking for a minute or two, and already I want to drag her  off to the bathroom and have my way with her.

That thought suddenly reminded him of what Katherine had done  with him in the bathroom during a previous date with Christine, and it  made his erection even stiffer. Dang! Too sexy! And why does she have  to keep giggling and laughing? Every time she does that it's like she's  shaking two bowls of Jell-O. Very RED Jell-O. Cherry flavored,  undoubtedly. Damn, I'd love to nibble on those cherry nipples and -  hell, let's face it, take her cherry!

He found himself breathing hard with desire, hoping it didn't show. This is bad. I need to calm down and take things down a few notches. He said, "Okay, you got me there. I can't think of anything to top  that. On a different note, what did you think of what Chalmers said in  class today?"

That changed the conversation; they discussed school gossip  and even some classwork, leaving them both simultaneously disappointed  and yet oddly relieved.

After more small talk and placing their orders, they were  left with an awkward silence. What exactly was the agenda of their  get-together this time? Alan, at least, wasn't at all sure.

Christine was the first to break the silence. "So... those football players are giving you a hard time, huh?"

That broke the ice. Alan was relieved to talk about it, since  the seriousness of the topic ruled out more flirting, He smiled, even  as he began to discuss his woes. "That would be an understatement.  Thanks again for your help this morning, by the way. I'm gonna pay for  the dinner this time; it's the least I can do."

She joked, "Big mistake. You should have told me that AFTER  we ordered. Let's see. What's the most expensive bottle of wine?" Though  she was joking about the price, it was clear she relished having some  wine.

Remembering how tipsy they had both gotten on their last  date, he said, "We'd better not. We got lucky in not getting into  trouble with the underage drinking thing last time, but we shouldn't  make it a habit." He'd resolved to keep things platonic, so the last  thing he wanted was Christine loosening up after getting drunk.

They talked about the football players for quite a while. He  was surprised by just how much she knew about his tormentors. For  instance, she knew many of the people who were behind the recent efforts  to get at him. She named names and gave many details about who some of  them were and what they were doing. A fair amount of what she said  covered the same ground as what Simone had told him earlier that day,  but she added more perspective to the problem and she knew some things  that Simone either didn't know or had simply failed to mention during  their lunchtime conversation.

One thing that surprised him though was that Christine firmly  believed that some recent rumors were the work of the football players,  when in fact he knew that Heather herself had been responsible for  starting them. It made him even more determined not to have Heather as  an enemy.

It also became clear that Christine was one of the people who  had stuck up for Amy and Glory when Heather had started circulating  rumors against them. He was grateful that she had forcefully taken his  side in every instance, even without being asked to do so.

When she was done, he said, "What you've done is really helpful, and very much appreciated. But how did you know all that?"

She smiled knowingly. "Oh, just a little bird or two who talk to me."

"Come on. Seriously. It might prove useful for me to know in any upcoming confrontation with them."

She looked at him questioningly as she considered revealing  her sources. The truth was, she wasn't completely sure if he could keep a  secret. She wasn't so much worried about him directly, but she worried  that he would tell his girlfriend Amy, and then Amy would blab to  others. Amy had already gotten Alan into trouble at school by blabbing  things she shouldn't have.

So she was coy with her answer. "Let's just say that I've been trying to look out for you for some time."

"Wow, Christine, that's sweet. But I don't deserve it. What  have I ever done for you except stare at you from afar way too much?"

They both laughed as they recalled several incidents when she  had caught him staring wantonly at her sizeable though well-covered  breasts. The recollection of his staring caused him to gaze down from  her beautiful face to her low-cut red dress.

Surprising herself with her boldness again, she asked in a husky voice, "See anything you like?"

He was still somewhat exhausted from the events of the day  and didn't realize that he had been staring again for far too long, just  like he so often did. But he knew he'd been busted. He looked up and  joked, "Oops, there I go again!"

She said teasingly, "What is it with guys and boobs? Maybe I  should just take my top off and let you play with them until your  curiosity is satisfied."

He joked back, "I don't know. That could take a really long time. Years, even."

She teased back, "And the problem with that is? ... As long as I have something to play with too." She winked.

His erection had subsided during all the talk about the  football players, but that brought it back with a vengeance. He thought,  Wow, she's changed so much. I remember when she always wore those  baggy sweaters to hide her charms, even when it was a hot day. Now she's  magically turned into an expert flirt. Even her voice is extra sexy all  of a sudden!

What Alan didn't know was that Simone had been correct in her  assessment that when Christine got started doing something, she didn't  stop until she was the best. Christine had prepared a number of flirty  lines, so she just needed the right moments to drop them. She'd even  practiced her delivery, working on making her voice more breathy and at  times more husky.

He pulled at his collar like a nervous Rodney Dangerfield. "I  don't know what it is, but suddenly I'm really thirsty for a glass of  milk. Or maybe two."

She laughed. "You and milk. You do know that I'm not carrying  around two 'gallon jugs' of milk as you once put it, right? Besides,  what about the rest of me? Did you know that I also have a backside?"

His gaped in pretend shock. "You DO?! I never really thought  about it before, but I guess it makes sense. It's hard to have a front  without a back."

She chuckled and rolled her eyes.

Then, to further wow him, she announced that she had to go  "powder her nose" and stood up to head to the ladies' room. She took her  time walking away from him, slowly swishing her hips as she went. Ha!  That'll show him. I have a pretty damn fine ass if I do say so myself.  It's just that no one ever notices, due to these damn "milk jugs."

But in her attempts to arouse and attract Alan, what  Christine didn't realize was how much the flirting would affect herself.  The more outrageous the flirting got, the harder her nipples ached and  the more jolts of arousal shot to her pussy. One reason why she went to  the restroom when she did was because she needed to calm down; she  feared she'd have an orgasm just sitting there talking to him.

Walking to the restroom was a big challenge as well. The  skin-tight outfit rubbed against her nipples in a maddeningly-arousing  fashion, while her breasts bounced so freely that her face burned red  from all the curious stares. She'd been practicing an exaggerated  sashaying of her hips, so she put those moves into motion, but it just  caused everything to rub all the more.

Alan was thoroughly wowed, not to mention severely tempted, as he watched her flaunt her rear as she walked away. Fuck  man! She's driving me crazy! I swear, I could whip out my cock and  masturbate right here and now! Just watching her walk around in that  outfit is as stimulating as a nice long blowjob from Mom. I could spend  hours watching the light play on the shiny skin-tight red fabric that's  covering her magnificent ass!

Once she was out of sight, he looked around the room. And  it's not just me. It seems that everyone else in this restaurant, male  and female, is still gazing at the door she just walked through, hoping  she'll come back and walk around some more.

Dang! He spoke to his raging boner, Down, boy!

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