Song Xing Xing saw her brother again during dinner. The moment he appeared, Song Wei started to tell his sister about his trip around the town.

D Town was surrounding the lake and sometimes, the locals around the area would prefer traveling through water than on the road.

Earlier, Long Fei had taken Song Wei around the town on a boat and the boy had excitedly looked around playing his role as a tourist. He had totally forgotten his intention to guard his sister against a certain someone.

Their dinner passed while listening to Song Wei's talking.

The sky has turned dark. As they had planned to follow Long Fei's itinerary to climb up the mountain, everyone was planning to head to bed and wake up earlier tomorrow.

Song Wei returned to his room first. After all the excitement on the day, he was tired and wanted to go to bed earlier.

Taking the chance where her brother was not around, Song Xing Xing decided to go on for a walk around the place with Lu Xun.

During the night, the fairy lights were lit up to brighten the area. Song Xing Xing stood under the lights and thought that the atmosphere around them was very romantic.

With no one around. Song Xing Xing dared to stick to Lu Xun tightly as they walked around the path. This place was a part of the Long family's residence. However, Song Xing Xing thought that they felt a little bit like an expensive resort.

"Did you like this place?"

Song Xing Xing tilted her head and nodded. "I like it." Her lips tilted into a smile. "When you said that you were going to take me to play at a place where we can swim around, I thought that you were taking me to the beach. But I guess this place isn't too bad either."

Lu Xun held her tight and rubbed her arms to help his girlfriend stay warm. "Next time, we can go to the beach to play. I'll buy you a lot of prawns."

Her eyes lit up. Song Xing Xing was already looking forward to their next trip together.

Seeing the look on his girlfriend's face, Lu Xun lowered his head to kiss her lips a few times. His Xing Xing was too adorable.

After walking around for a while, the couple finally returned to their courtyard.

However, when Song Xing Xing arrived at her door, she found that her brother, Song Wei was standing in front of her room.

Previously, he had said that he wanted to head to bed earlier. How did he suddenly appear in front of her door?

"Song Wei?"

Song Wei looked up upon hearing his name. The moment he saw his sister, Song Wei heaved a breath of relief. "Where did you go?"

"Just walking around. I ate too much earlier and decided to take a walk," Song Xing Xing explained. "Why? Something's wrong?"

"No." Song Wei shook his head. "I saw that your room was dark and got worried." His eyes shifted towards Lu Xun, wondering if this person had done anything to his sister. "Did you set your phone on silent again?"

Fortunately, he could not sense anything wrong.

Initially, Song Wei hasn't been thinking about his sister. However, as he was preparing to go to bed, Song Wei realized that he had forgotten to bring along a toothpaste. He went to his sister's room and realized that she was not around. Even Lu Xun's room was dark.

After waiting for a while, Song Wei grew worried. Moreover, his sister did not pick up her phone.

"Un." Song Xing Xing nodded. "I set them on silent during dinner." She lowered her head to look at her phone and realized that there were three missed calls from her brother.

"Right. Sister, I forgot my toothpaste. Lend me yours."

Song Xing Xing sighed. She unlocked the door and walked inside to find the things that her brother needed.

Meanwhile, Song Wei turned to Lu Xun who was standing outside the room with him. "You should head to your room and get some rest."

The corner of his twitched upon seeing Song Wei's guarded expression.

This boy was quite funny. Sometimes, he would be guarded against him as if he was a wolf trying to seduce the little rabbit. At another time, he was too excited running around here and there, forgetting that he had come to this place with his sister.

Song Xing Xing came out with toothpaste in her hand. She handed it over to Song Wei and frowned when the boy doesn't seem as if he was going to return to his room.

"Song Wei, quickly use them and return them to me immediately."

Song Wei snapped out of his thoughts and nodded. "Oh." After shooting another glance at Lu Xun, Song Wei finally turned to his room.

"What did you and my brother talk about?" Song Xing Xing asked as the two were left alone.

"Nothing. Song Wei only reminded me to sleep and wake up early for tomorrow's activity."

Song Xing Xing pursed her lips as she turned to look in the direction of her brother's room. This morning, he came to her door saying that he wanted to celebrate her birthday.

However, the moment they arrived in this town, Song Wei has been running around here and there with Lu Xun's friend. It seemed that he was enjoying himself.

"I should head over to my room," Lu Xun announced. He had this feeling that Song Wei would continue to guard against him when he returned and found him still hanging around his sister's room.

Song Xing Xing was about to tell him to stay around for a while. But once she thought that Lu Xun should be tired after going around the whole day, she didn't say anything at last.

"Un." She nodded. "Lu Xun, good night."

He patted at her hair and leaned over to give her a deep and lingering good night kiss.

When Song Wei returned to her room again, Lu Xun was no longer hanging around his sister's place.

The next morning, it took Song Xing Xing a while before she woke up. The sky was still dark, the air was cold, and Song Xing Xing was too lazy to leave her warm bed. Usually, she would still be sleeping at this time. It was only after Lu Xun had called her twice that she finally leave her bed.

After having breakfast and drinking a cup of coffee, Song Xing Xing finally felt alive.

Long Fei arrived after a while and explained to them about their trip.

Hearing that the trail up was not too difficult, Song Xing Xing heaved in relief. She doesn't have much experience hiking and was worried that she would cause trouble to everyone else.

After doing one last check, the group finally started to walk up the trail.

According to Long Fei, if they arrive in time, they might see the beautiful sunrise view from the top of the mountain. 

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