You're My Only Star

Chapter 270 - [Bonus ]D Town

The three of them finally walked out to the arrival hall after Song Wei had done his shopping. The garments he bought from the airport were naturally pricey. However, Song Wei thought that he did not mind spending a little bit more as long as he could keep his eyes on his sister and her boyfriend.

Fortunately, he is a man and did not mind recycling his clothes.

Lu Xun craned his neck to look for the person who would be picking them up from the airport.

His eyes lit up in surprise when he saw the person who was leaning on the wall while looking at him with a slight smile on his face.

Lu Xun pulled the trolley full with their luggage towards the man. "Long Fei, I didn't expect that you would come personally."

"This is the first time that you're visiting my place. Of course, I have to come over personally." Long Fei shifted his head to Song Xing Xing and nodded as his form of greetings. "Hello, we meet again, Miss Song."

"Mister Long, hello." Last time, Song Xing Xing had followed Lu Xun to a reunion and had met this man before. The man's identity scared her a little bit but Song Xing Xing had quickly recovered from it.

However, she did not think that she would be meeting Long Fei at this place as well. It seemed that the place they were heading to was a place that Long Fei had recommended to Lu Xun.

Long Fei turned to Song Wei who was looking at him with his mouth agape. His head tilted to one side. "And this is the extra person?"

Song Wei was a little excited when the man had turned to look at him. He did not mind that Long Fei addressed him as 'the extra person'.

As someone who had wanted to follow in the family's footsteps and enter politics, Song Wei was fully aware of who is the person in front of him.

He really did not expect that he would run into the young master of Long's family at this place. It seemed that pestering the couple to come over to this place was definitely a good idea. He could even see this big shot.

Suddenly, Song Wei's impression of Lu Xun had increased again.

Judging at the way Lu Xun and Long Fei were conversing, Song Wei guessed that their relationship was very good.

Lu Xun chuckled. "Long Fei, this is Song Wei. My girlfriend's brother. Song Wei, this is Long Fei, my good friend."

His heart skipped a beat upon being introduced to this big shot. "H-hello!" Song Wei stuttered. He had many things that he wanted to say to Long Fei. However, at this moment, his CPU was overloaded and he could not come out with anything that might sound intelligent.

Song Xing Xing stood at the side and watched her brother's silly face, wondering what was going on with him.

Long Fei nodded and flashed a smile before he turned to Lu Xun again. "The car is waiting outside. Let's get going. We can continue our chat later."

As he watched Lu Xun push the cart away, Song Wei tugged at her sister's arm.

Song Xing Xing turned around and frowned in displeasure. "What?"

The glint of excitement in Song Wei's eyes had not faded away. "Sister, how did your boyfriend and Mister Long Fei know each other?"

"They studied in C Country together."

His eyes widened in surprise. At this time, Song Wei was relieved that he had never shown any obvious unhappiness about Lu Xun dating his sister. It turned out that his future brother-in-law was someone rich and powerful!

The three of them trailed after Long Fei and headed outside where a luxury MPV was already waiting for them. The driver alighted from the vehicle and helped them to transfer their luggage into the cargo space.

Long Fei rode shotgun before he turned to the guests in the back seat. He glanced at the driver and introduced, "This is Driver An. If you need to stop somewhere, you can just tell him. We're heading o D Town next. The journey will take around three hours before we will arrive."

Song Xing Xing listened to Long Fei's words and finally recalled about D Town. It was said that the small town belonged to Long's family.

"The scenery around the town is great. The air is fresh and the water is clean. I hope that you will enjoy it later," Long Fei continued.

The vehicle left the scene and finally entered the main road.

Since it will be a while before they will arrive, Song Xing Xing decided to log into 'Legend of the Sky' to do some missions to kill some time.

She had never visited D Town and did not know much about the place. At the thought that it might be difficult to get an internet signal from the place, Song Xing Xing decided to play some games before they would lose the connection.

Lu Xun continued to chat with Long Fei about their friends. After a while, he realized that the person beside him had fallen asleep again. He wondered if his girlfriend is someone who could easily fall asleep after entering a vehicle?

He reached for her phone and helped her to exit her game. Then, he covered her body with his jacket.

"The matter that you have asked me to do is already settled," Long Fei announced. His voice was a whisper.

A light flickered in his eyes. Knowing what Long Fei meant, Lu Xun suddenly felt a little excited. "Thank you."

Long Fei smiled. He shifted his gaze towards the person who was sleeping in the last row of the seats and spoke to Lu Xun again. "You don't have to worry about that person. I will help to distract him least he would ruin your plan."

The vehicle finally entered a smaller road. The scenery around them began to change. They could no longer see the tall building around them.

Lu Xun looked out the window and watched the tall trees and the mountain at a distance away. The mist around them told him that the place would be a little cold.

After more than three hours, the vehicle finally entered a gate that led them to a large mansion in front of them.

As the vehicle pulled over, both Song Xing Xing and Song Wei woke up from their nap. The siblings looked around the place and were surprised to see the scenery around them.

"We're here," Long Fei announced. "Come on. I'll show you to your courtyard. Later, someone will help to bring your belongings over."

The group followed Long Fei while looking around the place.

Although Lu Xun had not brought her to the beach, Song Xing Xing thought that this place is pretty good too. As she looked around, Song Xing Xing noticed the huge lake not far away from them.

It was at this time that she understood why Lu Xun had said that they could go for a swim and play in the water.

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