You're My Only Star

Chapter 259 - Testing His Daughter's Reaction

After chatting with his father, Song Chen went to take a walk in the garden.

He heaved a long sigh and lifted his head to look at the night sky. The stars were twinkling and the moon was bright. However, this pretty scenery was unable to help him cheer up.

As he was still in deep thought, Song Chen heard footsteps heading in his direction. Turning around, his daughter was walking over with his trench coat in her hand.

"Dad, why are you out here alone?" Song Xing Xing asked. "The night is colder recently. Wear a little bit more. Don't get sick."

Song Chen looked at his daughter and was touched by her concern. This only made him very reluctant to hand over his daughter to anyone.

"Dad, what are you thinking about?" Song Xing Xing helped her father with the coat and took a step back. "You seem preoccupied about something. Work trouble?"

Song Chen looked at her daughter for a long time before he heaved a long sigh. "It's you. I'm just worried about you."

"Me?" Song Xing Xing laughed. "What about me?"

Song Chen gave his daughter a look over. "It feels it was just yesterday when you come out to the world." He raised both hands mid-air. "Back then, you were this big. Time passed so fast. Who knew that you are already a grown-up."

Song Xing Xing's eyes stung a little bit as she listened to her father speaking to her about the past. She reached to hold his arms and leaned on her father's shoulder. "Dad, I will always be your little girl."

He stretched his hand and patted at his daughter's hair. The two of them walked in the garden while chatting about her life in Capital City.

Song Chen was reminded of his father's words again and wondered if he was in the wrong for wanting to protect his daughter.

But still... His heart was feeling a little uncomfortable at the thought that his daughter will spend her life with another man.

After a long hesitation, Song Chen halted and looked at his daughter again. "Xing Xing."

"En?" The girl stared back at her father with a bright look on her face.

"How is your relationship with Lu Xun? Did he treat you well?"

Previously, these were the questions that he did not like to ask. Song Chen had this feeling that once he inquired to his daughter about her relationship with Lu Xun, it would be the same as accepting that her daughter was indeed dating that person.

However, seeing them together now, he knew that he could not avoid this feeling.

A shy smile curled on her lips. "Lu Xun, he... He's been very good to me."

The uneasiness in his heart reached another level as he saw the smile on his daughter's face.

Song Chen chuckled. "Do you like him that much?"

"Un." Song Xing Xing looked at his father with a serious look on her face. "Dad, I love him."

Hearing her words made him startle.


Song Chen looked at his daughter's face for a long time. It doesn't seem as if she was only saying these words. Each time that she would speak about Lu Xun, her eyes would turn soft and the look on her face was very gentle.

It was a little strange to see this expression on his daughter's face.

"But he's a lot older than you. The two of you are in a different generation. Are you sure that you can communicate with him well?"

Song Xing Xing smiled. "He's only seven years older than me. He's not too old."

Song Chen heaved a long sigh. It seemed that it would be difficult to speak with someone who is blinded in love.

"Moreover, your daughter can be very childish. Lu Xun is someone stable and mature. In this way, I think we complemented each other."

His daughter is really silly. How can her thinking be that simple?

As Song Xing Xing looked at her father a thought suddenly came to her mind. She seemed to notice that Lu Xun has been a little strange. Even though he was the one who had suggested they come over to visit her parents, Song Xing Xing thought that she could still sense his uneasiness.

He even told her to help him say a few good words to her parents so that he could win some points from them.

Her mother seemed to have a good relationship with Lu Xun. The two of them had even texted each other behind her back. 

"Dad." Song Xing Xing looked at her father suspiciously. "Could it be that you did not like Lu Xun?"

Last time, she had asked her father this question but he had quickly denied it.

Song Chen quickly looked away, not wanting for his daughter to see the guilty look on his face. "What are you saying? It wasn't like that. Since he's dating my daughter, shouldn't I be cautious around him?" He let out a dry cough and glanced at his daughter again. "Xing Xing, what would you do if I didn't like him?"

His tone sounded as if he was joking but only Song Chen knew how serious he was when he asked this question. He was testing his daughter's reaction.

The smile on her face quickly dissipated. "Then I would be very sad."

Song Chen felt as if something was stabbing at his heart when he saw how quickly that smile had disappeared. To think that he would be the reason for his daughter's unhappiness made him feel the worst.

"Both are the people that I love very much. Of course, I wanted both of you to get along together. Dad, you are a very important person to me. When I chose to be with someone, of course, I wanted your approval and blessings." Song Xing Xing pursed her lips into a thin line. "But if you really did not like him, then there was nothing I can do other than convince you and mom that Lu Xun is the best person for me. I hope that you can see the goodness that I see in him. I hope that you can see how happy I am when I'm with him. Until then, I will continue to work hard."

"This is the first time that you have been in a relationship. How can you tell that he's the best person? Shouldn't you look around and try meeting other people as well? There is all sort of people out there. You might change your mind after meeting them."

Song Xing Xing pouted. "I have met all sorts of people in the past. The only reason why I didn't date any of them was that I don't like any of them that way. I know myself. I know what like. I know that I really like Lu Xun. He's the only person who gave me this feeling of wanting to stay together for a long time."

"You're so confident."

"Mmm... After all, I am your daughter. Of course, I have good eyes and know how to judge people."

Song Chen looked at his daughter helplessly as she laughed.

"Dad, you are my father. You should trust that your daughter will make a good judgment. You are the one who raised me. You know me the best. You know that I won't make a hasty decision. Before I get together with him, I had considered this for a long time. I wanted to give us a try." Song Xing Xing spoke with resolute. "Even if it turned out to be a mistake, I think... I won't regret it."

Song Chen felt a little complicated. His daughter's words made him rethink his feelings towards his daughter's relationship.

Was it like what his father had said?

Will he be delaying Xing Xing's happiness?

He did not want to be the bad guy.

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