You're My Only Star

Chapter 230 - Something Troublesome

The corner of his lips curled into a smile as Huo Yun Chen continued to watch the girl in front of him.

Whether she was in the game as Little Star or real life as Song Xing Xing, the girl in front of her remained very cheerful as the first time that he had met her.

He was glad that this Little Star had appeared in his life and helped him to escape from his depressing life after he was badly injured due to that accident. However, just as he finally sort his life and finally meet her in person, his Little Star was already dating someone else.

He was a little too late and his opponent was too strong. Huo Yun Chen realized that he had already lost even before he had made his move.

Moreover, Little star seemed very happy being with President Lu. He did not want to ruin their relationship. However, Huo Yun Chen also realized that he could not stay away from her. Little Star is his precious friend.


Even if he could only stay as her friend, he would be satisfied.

Huo Yun Chen continued to chat with Song Xing Xing and told her a few interesting stories about his trip.

Meanwhile, Assistant Lin sat around to accompany the two without saying a word. The way she had her head lowered all the time made it seem as if she was ignoring everything around her.

Song Xing Xing thought that Assistant Lin was presented only to avoid unnecessary rumors as Huo Yun Chen is a popular figure in the entertainment industry.

After a while, the phone in Assistant Lin's hand started to ring. She glanced at her phone screen and excused herself, leaving the two alone to chat.

"Huo Yun Chen, I'm sorry," Song Xing Xing spoke.

"Is this about 'Legend of the Sky' again?" Huo Yun Chen let out a chuckle. "Little Star, you don't have to apologize. You only told me that you would think about it. You haven't promised me in the first place. This couldn't be considered as breaking a promise."

Her lips tilted into a smile. "Huo Yun Chen, you're so nice."

The man merely flashed her a smile. "Actually, this is pretty good too. My fans knew my game ID. If we teamed up in the game, my fans would definitely come and harass you in the game. That is something that you did not want, right?"

Song Xing Xing pursed her lips. 

It would be troublesome if people came to find her in the game and harassed her. After all, Song Xing Xing played games to relax. If the others started to harass her, perhaps she would quit.

Huo Yun Chen let out a soft sigh and continued. "Last time, Light Rain had already complained that there were too many players applying to join our guild because of me."

"That's true."

Huo Yun Chen leaned forward and spoke, "The game allowed same-gender marriage. Out of everyone in the game, only Shadow was without a partner. I'm thinking... if I can't find anyone to team up with me, I'm going to ask him to team up with me instead."

Song Xing Xing laughed. "Huo Yun Chen's same-gender marriage would probably stay on a trending topic for a few days."

Suddenly, Song Xing Xing could imagine the fujoshi fans would be happy to see the swordsman and mage paring.

As they continued to chat, Assistant Lin returned to the table with an anxious look on her face. "Yun Chen."

Sensing that something was wrong, Huo Yun Chen's expression turned serious. "What's wrong?"

Assistant Lin sifted his glance between the two of them. After a brief hesitation, she leaned forward and showed her phone screen to Huo Yun Chen.

Swiftly, Huo Yun Chen's expression turned dark.

"What's wrong?" Song Xing Xing asked.

Huo Yun Chen tried to brush it off with a smile. However, his face was too pale. "Nothing serious. Just that... something troublesome happened and I have to leave now."

Song Xing Xing felt uneasy upon seeing the look on his face.

"Little Star, I'm sorry. Let's continue this another time." He gathered his belongings and turned to Song Xing Xing again. "You might have to wait here for a while. Wait for five minutes before you leave." Huo Yun Chen gestured to his assistant and the two of them left the restaurant quickly.

Seeing that the two of them had left, Song Xing Xing took out her phone to check what was going on online. Just then, her phone started to buzz.

Her eyes flashed with surprise when she saw that it was Lu Xun.

Song Xing Xing slid her finger on the screen and pressed her phone to her ear. "Lu Xun? Are you still at the office?"

"En. Xing Xing, are you still with Huo Yun Chen?"

"He left a second ago."

"If he was not too far, could you help and stop him?" Lu Xun said. "Tell him that I will come over shortly."

"Alright." Song Xing Xing stood up immediately and went out to look for Huo Yun Chen. Fortunately, she ran into Assistant Lin You at the door and managed to deliver Lu Xun's words.

Assistant Lin heaved a breath of relief upon hearing that President Lu Xun would come over to find Huo Yun Chen soon. It would be best for Huo Yun Chen if President Lu would personally interfere to help him.

After weighing her decision for a while, Assistant Lin  led Song Xing Xing to their Luxury MPV. 

The door slid open. Huo Yun Chen was on the phone when he saw Song Xing Xing suddenly appear in front of him. His movement halted and the words he wanted to say were forgotten.

Assistant Lin explained to Huo Yun Chen about the situation and let Song Xing Xing board the vehicle.

Huo Yun Chen ended his conversation with his manager before he turned to Song Xing Xing. "What did President Lu say?"

Song Xing Xing shook her head. "Nothing much. He just wanted you to wait for him to arrive."

Huo Yun Chen had this suspicion that President Lu Xun wanted him to wait not because he was worried that his new scandal might ruin the company. He was only worried because Song Xing Xing was with him at this time.

He was still an artist under NEXT Bright Entertainment. It made a lot of sense if President Lu would send a group of PR teams to clean up his matter instead of interfering personally.

Perhaps President Lu was worried that his girlfriend would be implicated in his matter as the two of them were together at this time.

"What happened?" Song Xing Xing asked. 

Huo Yun Chen rubbed his face and heaved a long sigh. He did not want to mention his problem to his friend and make her worry. However, he also knew that Little Star would know about them sooner or later when she browsed through the internet.

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