Young Noble Be Monster Slaying

Chapter 181: Whale-Riding Immortal

Chapter 181: Whale-Riding Immortal

Gazing at the moon overhead, Chu Liang found himself on a small island in a desolate sea. He felt somewhat bewildered.

Just moments ago, he was still at the Immortals' Marsh in the Southern Regions.

He had mistakenly entered a crystal palace in the belly of a giant lantern fish and cunningly obtained a stalk of the Celestial Herb of Ascension.

In the blink of an eye, Chu Liang quickly flew out of the fish belly as it twisted and turned, with seawater surging,


However, he emerged from the fish's mouth and passed through the deep, quiet water surface. As he ascended into the sky, the scene before him left him feeling dumbfounded.

He had somehow arrived above a vast expanse of sea that stretched endlessly!

The bright moon hung high above.

In the distance was an island with rugged and strange rocks. On the edge of the island, sat a man, wearing a conical bamboo hat and a fluttering robe, who was fishing.

He held in his hand a pure white wooden fishing rod, with a golden thread of fishing line. The material of the line seemed ethereal and luminous, unlike ordinary items.

His catch was none other than the giant lantern fish.

The towering waves parted, creating enormous splashes in the sea as the massive fish was reeled up into the air. The fishing rod and line bore the weight effortlessly, and with a slight lift of his hands, the man reeled the fish up with ease.

He pulled the massive fish to the edge of the island, its body half on shore and half submerged in the water, struggling with its dying breath.

The man stood up and leapt forward, pressing down with one foot on the fish that was several stories tall, leaving it with no room to move.

"Come out!" He called, putting away his fishing rod.

After a moment, the little girl crawled out with a tensed expression, leaping onto the island. She fixed her pitch-black eyes on the man.

She looked a bit fierce and a bit bewildered.

"A child indeed..." The man muttered and landed gracefully in front of the little girl.

The little girl remained cautious, but as the man approached, she started to lower her guard. In the end, the man was able to rub her head.

"This feels really strange..." The man chuckled self-deprecatingly. "Anyway, it's fortunate that I caught you before you caused a huge disaster. It's not too late. Let's make sure that we don't interfere with each other's plans."

The little girl couldn't understand his words, but when she caught a whiff of the man's scent, she settled down.

Chu Liang felt confused watching the scene unfold, but he didn't need to understand. Clearly, the man before him was not someone he knew or would associate with. He turned around, intending to slip away quietly.

"Hey, young man." The man suddenly called him, and said, "Are you leaving just like that?"

"Hehe," Chu Liang turned back and replied with a smile, "I wouldn't dare to disturb a senior who is busy."

The man looked up at him, revealing his face under the bamboo hat. His handsome face was like a sculpture marked by the traces of time, with a circle of stubble. A scar ran from his eyebrow to his cheek on his right eye.

"Which immortal sect are you from?" the man asked.

"I am from the Mount Shu Sect," Chu Liang answered truthfully.

Chu Liang had no idea of this man's intention, but there was no need for Chu Liang to hide anything. Besides, judging from the man's aura, he didn't seem like a villain.

"Mount Shu?" The man blinked, his expression subtly changing.

Upon sensing this, Chu Liang's pupils dilated slightly. What's wrong with Mount Shu? He wondered.

"Do you know Jiang Yuebai?" the man suddenly asked.

"Well..." Chu Liang pondered for a moment and then replied with a smile, "Which disciple on Mount Shu doesn't know Senior Sister Jiang? She is the pride of Mount Shu."

"What is her current cultivation level?" the man asked again.

"Probably at the peak of the fourth realm? Even if I am wrong, I shouldn't be too far off," Chu Liang answered.

Then, the man retrieved a porcelain bottle from his robe and tossed it to Chu Liang. He said, "Deliver this to her for me."

Chu Liang caught it and asked with hesitation, "What is this?"

"Don't worry, it's something useful for her," said the man while waving his hand. "I'm counting on you. I'll let you go your way; I need to deal with this little troublemaker now."

"Senior..." Chu Liang inquired, "Should I mention who it's from?"

This simple question made the man's shoulders stiffen. After a pause, he replied, "Just say it's from the Whale-Riding Immortal."

"Alright," Chu Liang nodded and turned away, flying towards the distant northern sky.

Chu Liang guessed that the nearest sea to the Immortals' Marsh was probably the South Sea. It was already incredible that the Lantern Fish was able to travel to the South Sea within such a short time. If they traveled to other seas, he would have thought that the fish used a technique similar to the Divine Teleportation Technique.

Shortly after he took off, he heard a rumbling sound behind him, resembling the roar of a tsunami.

Feeling curious, Chu Liang turned his head and glanced behind him.

Under the cover of the night, the once tranquil sea suddenly stirred with waves over ten meters high, as the island began moving rapidly!

He couldn't help but think of the title of Whale-Riding Immortal.

Could this island be a gigantic whale?


The distance from the South Sea to Mount Shu was still quite far. By the time Chu Liang returned to Silver Sword Peak, the day had already dawned. Instead of heading to his room immediately, he went to see his teacher.

Di Nufeng was still in a drunken slumber when Chu Liang's arrival woke her up. She immediately opened her eyes and asked, "Weren't you going to find the Celestial Herb of Ascension? How are you back so soon?"

"Your disciple has indeed obtained the Celestial Herb of Ascension," Chu Liang replied truthfully. "However, there were some unexpected events that happened during my trip that I need to tell you about."

The little girl, the Heavenly Origin Tomb, and the origin of the Celestial Herb of Ascension were all matters beyond his power to handle. He couldn't hide these matters from the higher-ups of the sect, as they might convey crucial information.

"You've got the Celestial Herb of Ascension!" Di Nufeng's face lit up with joy. She instantly sobered up as she exclaimed, "It's been many years since someone from Mount Shu found it. Truly, you're my disciple!"

"It's all thanks to my teacher's guidance," Chu Liang replied with a smile.

If you were a bit more reliable, I would have formed my core long ago and would have then missed out on these opportunities today. Chu Liang thought to himself. As he thought of things from this perspective, he realized that he indeed owed gratitude to Di Nufeng.

"Hehe." Di Nufeng shamelessly chuckled and said, "While my guidance is crucial, you still put in a bit of effort yourself. What unexpected incidents did you encounter? Tell me about it."

Chu Liang proceeded to tell Di Nufeng all the stories.

"Wow." Di Nufeng exclaimed. After listening, she scratched her head and said, "The Heavenly Origin Tomb created the Celestial Herb of Ascension... and that strange little girl, it does seem like a big deal. I don't have a deep understanding of the details, but I'll inform the sect leader later."

"Alright, I'll take my leave now."

Since Chu Liang had reported the matter, anything beyond that was the concern of the elders; he had no further reason to worry about it.

"You should go back and rest soon," Di Nufeng advised.

After Chu Liang left, Di Nufeng gazed out at the sky for a moment before returning to her rest.

But not long after, her peaceful dream was disturbed by two unexpected guests. She sat up and went outside to find Wang Xuanling and his disciple, Xu Ziyang, standing there.

Upon seeing her old rival, her expression turned to one of displeasure. Old grudges mixed with morning grumpiness were all visible on her face.

"What's the matter?" Di Nufeng asked restlessly.

Faced with her rudeness, Wang Xuanling surprisingly didn't retort but pursed his lips and waved his sleeve. "Ziyang, it's your turn."

Xu Ziyang took a step forward, mustered his courage, and began speaking, "Senior Aunt Di Nufeng, when we were on our way to the Immortals' Marsh, we unfortunately encountered the birth of the Cataclysmic Ba, and a disaster ensued at the Immortals' Marsh. Junior Brother Chu Liang got caught in an accident while trying to protect fellow disciples..."

"Ah, I see," Di Nufeng nodded in understanding.

As Chu Liang had already briefed her on these matters just now, she didn't show much reaction.

"Haizz..." Wang Xuanling sighed and said, "Since you've also received the news, let me be straightforward. Accidents happened, and no one wished for them. My disciple has tried his best to search, but the Immortals' Marsh is in a complete mess, and he sustained serious injuries while searching within it. After I arrived, we spent the night searching together until daybreak. You... let's not dwell on this matter with him. If you have any grievances, direct them at me. Today, I bow my head on behalf of my disciple. Di Nufeng, I'm sorry!"

The fact that Wang Xuanling bowed was indeed a display of helplessness.

If Di Nufeng wasn't appeased quickly enough, who knew what commotion she might cause? The Cataclysmic Ba that was still in the Immortals' Marsh had yet to be found, and the members of the Divine Nine were still searching there. If she caused a scene, it would bring humiliation to the Mount Shu Sect.

Despite their longstanding rivalry, Wang Xuanling apologized to her, considering the grief she must be experiencing over the potential loss of her disciple. For the first time in years, he bowed his head to someone.

Upon hearing his words, Di Nufeng, who was still half-asleep, finally snapped fully awake. It turned out that these two were unaware that Chu Liang had already returned, and they thought that her disciple had died in the Immortals' Marsh.

As Di Nufeng thought back to the stories Chu Liang told her, she realized the reason why the members of the Divine Nine hadn't located him. After all, he had entered the sea through an underground waterway.

Di Nufeng exaggeratedly widened her mouth and exclaimed, "What?!"

"My dear disciple! The exceptional student I nurtured with countless efforts, lost in the Immortals' Marsh just like that? Heavens! I was hoping to rely on this disciple to care for me in my old age, yet today I must bid farewell to my own disciple! Oh Heavens! Why are you so unkind to a delicate woman like myself, blessed with both beauty and intelligence? Oh Great Earth! At least reveal to me the location of my disciple's resting place, let not his body remain in a foreign land! Ah..."

She cried loudly and it was as though her emotional pain was physically tearing her apart. Her palpable sadness moved everyone listening to tears.

In the end, Wang Xuanling couldn't hold back and said, "Don't cry anymore... Cultivators like us live our lives fighting demons and upholding justice; life and death are not such rare matters. Your disciple is gone, how can your constant grief change anything?"

Di Nufeng's complexion immediately returned to normal as she interjected, "You have to at least give me some compensation money."

Wang Xuanling and his disciple fell silent for a moment, shocked by the rapid change in attitude.

"My only disciple, the one I raised to support me in my old age, is gone. You have to provide for me now!" Seeing no immediate reaction, Di Nufeng pouted and lamented, "Oh Heavens..."

"Okay, okay!" Wang Xuanling hastily waved his hand, asking, "How much do you want?"

"I've raised my good disciple for so many years. I think I should get at least twenty thousand sword coins, right?" Di Nufeng said, her tone suddenly changing.

"Twenty thousand..." Wang Xuanling took in a sharp breath.

Despite being the head of various peaks and having access to abundant resources, Wang Xuanling also had the largest number of disciples. Even though he raised them all frugally, the total expenses were still substantial. Among the peak masters of Mount Shu, he often found himself with the least amount of money, though Di Nufeng was an exception to this comparison.

"That's not considered expensive at all in today's world. The Hou outside my house costs over ten thousand..." Seeing Wang Xuanling's hesitation, Di Nufeng lamented once more, "Chu Liang, oh Chu Liang..."

"Huh?" Chu Liang, who happened to be outside the door, heard her call and quickly stepped in. "Teacher, you called for me?"

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