Chapter 960: I’ll Never Let You Bear a Child with Another Woman

The sentimental Young Master?

Lin Shiyu’s pale lips curved slightly. This Mexican man harbored such a good impression of Fu Qinglun. He was indeed liked by both women and men.

“Oh, is that so? Driver, how do you know the Young Master of the Guding Castle is sentimental?”

The driver smiled. “Lady, you are unaware that before this wedding, countless ladies from rich and prestigious families all desired to marry the Young Master, but he didn’t care very much about them. The ’18’ number plate represents the 18 years of love Young Master has for only one person in his life.

“Not everyone will be lucky enough to have these 18 years to wait and to love. In my opinion, whichever woman meets such a man, she should marry him. There are so many things in life that won’t go our way, but as long as we can be with the one we love, there’s nothing we can’t overcome... Lady, don’t you agree?”

The driver glanced at Lin Shiyu through the rear view mirror.

Lin Shiyu nodded slowly. “That makes sense.”

The driver froze. Why did he suddenly think this lady was so familiar? He seemed to have seen her somewhere before.

“Driver, please stop the car.”

The driver promptly stopped the car by the side of the road. Lin Shiyu pulled open the door and alighted the car. Today, beautiful fresh flowers were scattered along both sides of the roads in Mexico and a long red carpet was laid on the ground.

She stepped onto the red carpet and gradually stroked the fresh flower petals.

At this moment, the crystal accessory fell onto the red carpet. The lid of the red apple instantly opened. There were two little porcelain figures within the apple. It was Fu Qinglun and her.

These two little porcelain figures were twirling about merrily. The melodious music was playing and a man’s deep and magnetic voice rang out.

—- My dear wife, wo ai ni [1.Wo an ni means I love you in Mandarin]

—- My dear wife, I love you.

—- My dear wife, Te amo...

He used different languages to express his love for her.

He had received an all-rounded education when he was younger and he was well-versed in many languages. She herself was not very sure of the various languages he had used. He proclaimed his love for her in Mandarin, English, Spanish, Japanese, Korean...

He recorded his confessions of love in this crystal accessory to accompany her for the rest of her life.

That was his most sincere and earnest expression of love.

Lin Shiyu gradually bent down and picked up the crystal accessory. She clutched the red apple tightly in her palm till her palm hurt, as big tear droplets cascaded down her face. She wrapped her arms around herself and sobbed uncontrollably like a child.


Fate had made fun of her time and time again.

It was so difficult for her to achieve happiness.

The driver in the taxi looked at the scene of her crying. Tsk tsk. Why was this lady crying? His effort at consoling her just now had come to naught.

There were so many men in this world. It was not as if her boyfriend was the Young Master and there was no big deal falling out of love. She could always find another man.

At this moment, a car came to a stop and the car door was pulled open. A handsome and tall figure alighted the car.

Who was it?

The driver looked and his mouth was open so wide he could almost swallow a whole egg. Oh my God. It was actually... Young Master.

Why did the Young Master come here?

The driver looked at Fu Qinglun and his gaze turned to Lin Shiyu, who was sobbing on the ground. His brain clicked instantly. No wonder he had felt this lady was so familiar just now, she was actually the Young Master’s bride-to-be, the prospective Young Madam of the Guding Castle!

Was he dreaming? This world was too unreal.


Lin Shiyu was still sobbing. The pain in her heart was overwhelming and she could only cry. At this moment, she heard a deep and charismatic voice. “Shi’shi.”


Lin Shiyu’s quivering shoulders instantly froze and she looked up. Fu Qinglun was holding Little Lemon’s hand and standing in front of her.

Both father and daughter were here.

“Mommy, why are you crying?”

Little Lemon instantly lunged forward. As she stretched her little hands out to wipe her Mommy’s tears, she also tried to blowdry her Mommy’s tears.

What should she do? Little Lemon felt like crying too when she saw Mommy crying.

Lin Shiyu promptly dried her tears as she did not want to frighten Little Lemon. For her daughter, she had to be brave.

She stood up.

Just then, Fu Qinglun walked over. He grasped her slender waist and kissed her cold forehead with knitted brows. “I thought... you had left.”

Lin Shiyu smiled amidst her tears. “I heard what you said in the study room. I wanted to leave, but... I’m wearing your ring on my hand. Where can I go?”

From the moment the ring was put on her finger, she told herself in her heart that she would never let go of his hand again.

It was painful to hold on.

But it was even more painful to let go.

Hearing her words, Fu Qinglun promptly pulled her into his arms. Her delicate body had turned cold from being outside for so long. He wished he could assimilate her into his flesh and bone then and there so that she could feel his body warmth.

He kissed her hair over and over again. “When I was on the way here, I couldn’t stop thinking about what would happen to Little Lemon and me if you really left. Shi’shi, we can’t live without you!”

Little Shi’shi’s icy-cold and pale face laid close to his heart. Her hands were hanging by her sides and she remained quiet in his arms. Her tears streamed down her face and she gently closed her eyes.

“Shi’shi, I’ll be honest with you. Yes, it’s true that the egg retrieval process failed and that we needed to think of another solution. One way was for you to give birth, the other way was to get a surrogate mother to give birth. We can’t procrastinate any longer for Little Lemon’s sake. I don’t have any other choice. Trust me, Shi’shi, I’m hurting inside too.”

Lin Shiyu stretched her hand out and gently pushed him away. She looked at him through her tears. “I choose the first option.”


“Fu Qinglun, let’s have another child.”

Fu Qinglun’s eyes instantly reddened and he said in a hoarse voice, “Have you thought about it carefully? You know that it will be very dangerous for you to give birth. Both you and the child’s lives are at risk.”

“I’ve thought about it carefully. I’ll give birth myself and save Little Lemon. You said yourself that we can’t drag things any longer. I will try my best to protect the child and myself, to protect us. Even if... even if I can’t do it, Sikong can retrieve the fetal hair for testing at the fourth month. Little Lemon...”

“That’s enough!” Fu Qinglun cut off her words. He grasped her shoulders forcefully and gazed deeply into her ears pleadingly. “Shiyu, you keep talking about Little Lemon. What about me? Has it ever crossed your mind that I need you too? If something happens to you, what should I do?... Shiyu, you are so cruel to me. You’ve never considered my feelings!”

Fu Qinglun forcefully shook her shoulders. His eyes were bloodshot and exhibited boundless pain and turmoil. He loved and needed her. He had always been a selfish person and he wanted both her and Little Lemon.

He wanted her to give him a home.

He couldn’t bear to live without her by his side.

Lin Shiyu wiped off her tears and gradually curved her lips. “Fu Qinglun, didn’t you hear me clearly when I was drunk that time? I’m telling you again. I love you, and I’ll never let you bear a child with another woman, even if that means risking my life.”

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