Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Chapter 762 - Are You Married Yet?

Chapter 762: Are You Married Yet?

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Only after he said those words did Lin Shiyu realize she was still in his arms. She quickly stretched her arms out to push him away and she returned to her own seat with a flustered expression.

Fu Qinglun picked up his cell phone and clicked on the Wechat group.

The Guding family was the biggest family in Mexico, with an extensive family tree. Fu Qinglun had many relatives, including many aunts and uncles. Even the legendary doctor, Si Kong was also one of his relatives. In the huge family clan, Grandma was the matriarch wielding ultimate power.

30 years ago, the Guding family had been set up by their enemy and Fu Qinglun was born when his parents were on their way to Karghalik. However, Fu Qinglun’s parents were shot to death and it was only at the last moment that his biological mother pulled off the Guding family’s heirloom, the jade pendant, left it with him and a maid risked her life to bring him away. He was then left at the entrance of an orphanage.

That was Fu Qinglun’s heritage.

It had been many years and Grandma had to suffer the loss of her son and daughter-in-law. However, she had never given up on searching for the only heir of the Guding family, Fu Qinglun.

The group notification popped up, there was a message from Grandma—-Breaking news, my grandson has a girlfriend!

—-Oh my god. Grandma, who is it?

—-Ah, Ah Sen has a girlfriend?

—-I’ve always assumed that Ah Sen wasn’t ever going to fall in love with any girl on earth.

—-I’ll go ahead and throw away all those photographs of the socialites we planned to matchmake with Ah Sen. Who’s this lady exactly? Let’s all charge over to find her, we must secure this marriage for Ah Sen.

—-Grandma, you’re going to have a great-grandson soon!

The notifications wouldn’t stop, the gossipy relatives were all interested in the news. ‘Ah Sen’ was Fu Qinglun’s nickname and the older relatives were all used to calling him that, someone even messaged Si Kong.

—-Si Kong, didn’t you follow Ah Sen to the Capital? Have you seen that lady yet?

Si Kong was perplexed, but was still forced to reply to them—-I haven’t seen her yet, I’m busy with work.

Everyone replied—-Tsk.

Si Kong, ...

Seeing the mass influx of messages, Fu Qinglun’s head started to hurt and he just switched off his phone decisively.

Lifting his eyes to look at the woman opposite him, she had already draped his blazer over her body and her wet hair was over her shoulders, accentuating her ethereal beauty.

She was also looking at her phone, all because she was searching for Si Kong, in order to help cure Little Lemon’s disease.

Unfortunately, Si Kong worked exclusively as the family doctor of the Guding family and his whereabouts was very mysterious. She hadn’t been able to get a hold of him yet.

It seems like she had to get in touch with the Guding family in order to find Si Kong.

But the Guding family was an omnipotent presence in Mexico for two whole centuries, it wasn’t easy for her to just get in touch with them.

She then heard a deep voice. “Shall I send you to the Fu family’s mansion?”

Lin Shiyu quickly lifted her eyes, looking at Fu Qinglun. “No, I’m never going there.”

Fu Qinglun revealed a spurious smile once he heard that. “You fought with Fu Jingtong?”


Lin Shiyu couldn’t be bothered to reply.

Once he noticed that she wasn’t going to reply, Fu Qinglun’s gaze turned dangerously cold.

There was a sharp sound as the brakes were applied, the luxury car suddenly stopped.

Fu Qinglun lowered the partition and asked, “What happened?”

The butler reported in a low volume, “Young Master, there’s a car that’s blocking us in front.”

Fu Qinglun looked out of the windows, there were three cars in front of them, blocking them from going any further.

The car door was opened and a familiar figure appeared before him, it was Fu Jingtong.

Fu Jingtong was walking over while his underling held the umbrella and sheltered him from the rain.

So, it was Fu Jingtong. Fu Qinglun curved his lips, the smile was a little cynical, as though he had caught his prey.

Lin Shiyu also saw Fu Jingtong and her eyes shifted, she knew that Fu Jingtong had been looking for her for the past three years.

The other two times she came back to Karghalik for her mother’s death anniversary, she had managed to avoid him and so she thought that she would have been able to leave safely this time as well. Who would have foreseen such a downpour, that she couldn’t leave Karghalik in time and now, Fu Jingtong had arrived.

Lin Shiyu gazed at him impassively. Whatever, he was still going to find her eventually.

Knock knock, Fu Jingtong had arrived in front of the car and he started to knock on the window.

Fu Qinglun wound the window down.

“Brother, it’s been a long time. Why didn’t you inform me that you’re going to be back in Karghalik? I would have been at the airport to fetch you.” Fu Jingtong revealed a fake smile that sent chills down one’s spine.

Fu Qinglun raised his brows. “It seems like it doesn’t matter whether I inform you of my arrival or not, aren’t you here for me already? You’re even more vigilant than a police dog.”

Was Fu Qinglun comparing him to a dog? Fu Jingtong’s face darkened once he heard those crude words. He lifted his eyes to look at Lin Shiyu, who was seated in the car. “Shi’shi, why are you sitting in my brother’s car? You’re now his sister-in-law, it’s better for you to keep a distance from him, lest it invites gossip.”


Hearing him call her Shi’shi totally disgusted her.

When he heard Fu Jingtong call Lin Shiyu ‘Shi’shi’, Fu Qinglun’s face became a grimace. But he smiled and said, “Jingtong, why should she keep a distance from me? Who doesn’t know that it was you who snatched your sister-in-law away to become your own wife?”

Fu Jingtong still remained composed and let out a mocking laugh. “Brother, let’s go back to the Fu family’s mansion today, since we’re all here together already.”

Fu Qinglun raised his brows, giving him a wan smile. “Alright, it’s been so long since I last went back to the Fu family mansion.”


The Fu family mansion.

There was a dinner party at the Fu family mansion and everyone was present, including Madam Fu and Fu Rongrong.

The expression on everyone’s faces changed when they saw Fu Qinglun enter the doors, they were all troubled by different things.

They were all seated around the dining table and Old Master Fu asked, “Qinglun, where have you been for the past few years? Also, where are you working?”

Fu Qinglun held his utensils elegantly as he cut the steak. He answered half-heartedly, “Nothing much, just handling a small business.”

Old Master Fu looked at the butler and personal assistant who stood behind Fu Qinglun, and astuteness flashed past his eyes. He was experienced and could tell that the butler and personal assistant weren’t just menial people, they seemed to be highly trained personnel who belonged to distinguished families.

Fu Qinglun had broken off all contact with them during the three years that he had been gone, no one knew where he was and what he was doing, despite having engaged investigators to check on him.


“Qinglun, are you married yet?” Old Master Fu asked.

Once he asked that question, the entire atmosphere in the dining room turned stifling. Everyone’s eyes were on them.

Lin Shiyu was seated beside Fu Jingtong, she lifted her eyes to glance at the man opposite her.

Fu Qinglun lifted his head and incidentally, and their eyes met. He stretched out one long leg under the table to touch Lin Shiyu’s leg.

That action was extremely flirtatious and it was even in front of everyone’s presence. He was so brazen.

Lin Shiyu moved her leg away and shot him a warning glare.

Seeing that the woman was angry and glaring at him furiously, Fu Qinglun picked up a wine glass, taking a sip of it before he answered, “Not yet.”

He wasn’t married yet.

Fluttering her eyelashes, Lin Shiyu lowered her eyes.

“Haha,” Old Master laughed and continued saying, “Qinglun, you’re not married yet. What a coincidence, Rongrong is still single too.”

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