Yama Rising

Chapter 721: Allegiance of the Daolords

Chapter 721: Allegiance of the Daolords

Rumble… Yin energy filled the air, dyeing the skies black like an ever-spreading plague.

Gu Qing, Zu Chongzhi and the others stood at the front of the port. Even though the waves of Yin energy were boundless and majestic, it didn’t feel terrifying to them in the slightest. In fact, it even felt as though a warm spring breeze was embracing their entire being. Zhang Heng did a double take in the skies, and then cupped his fists and bowed respectfully, “Yama-King… This is a new Yama-King, but his aura feels somewhat… familiar. He’s probably someone that we’re already acquainted with.”

“This is…” Li Chun’s brows twitched slightly - Such unbridled, majestic Yin energy… This… is probably one of the Sixfold Ghost Kings!

Are there even still Ghost Kings left behind in this world?!

“Greetings, King Yanluo! Congratulations for the return of the Ghost King!!” The scholars on the ground greeted with great vigor and anticipation. Zhao Yun waved his hand, and the scholars immediately felt an invisible hand lift them slightly from the ground. Zhao Yun smiled, “Everyone, thank you for your hard work thus far.”

“That’s right.” Zhang Heng stroked his beard gently as he beamed like the morning sun, “Hell deserves to stand at the top of the world. So what if the old Hell has collapsed? We were able to shed the deadweight as a result of that! The new Hell will rise up even stronger than before!”

As far as the talents were concerned, there was the mythical Harken, Arthis, the legendary Zhao Yun, and the other scholars including Zhang Heng and Zu Chongchi, all of whom are famous in their own rights. The new Hell might be somewhat small for the quality of these talents right now, but it wouldn’t be long before they could be dispatched to various parts of Hell as provincial leaders and the like!

Things are only going to get better from here… Qin Ye shut his eyes and relished in these thoughts. His heart thumped wildly, and he took several deep breaths to calm his heart and mind down.

Revival was imminent!

Laugh… laugh all you want… After all, you’re not going to be laughing for too much longer now…

Qin Ye didn’t get too carried away, and he soon regained his composure. It was fine to have thoughts and ambitions, but what was more important was how to put his plans into motion.

Almost as though they’d sensed Qin Ye’s gaze shifting towards them, Su Daji promptly broke the silence, “G-g-g-greetings Yanluo Qin! G-g-g-great sinner Su Daji humbly seeks your f-f-forgiveness!!!”

Just then, Zhao Zilong interrupted him, “Qin Hui, Su Daji, do you still remember me?”

Qin Ye marched straight past them with his entourage in tow. Meanwhile, the two ghosts lay prostrate on the ground, pleading desperately for their lives.


They had dallied a little too much in their defection.

It hadn’t been too long ago that the King Yanluo of Hell had to speak cautiously to them, and yet, he already had them dancing in the palm of his hand right now!

The pavilion covered an enormous area spanning an area of almost 1,000 meters in diameter. There were three floors, and the plaque that hung right in the middle was etched with the words “Yellow Springs Pavilion”. A couplet ran down the pillars of both sides, stating on the left “Gather all treasures of the netherworld”, and on the right “Accrue merits for all eternity”.

“The interior is designed in accordance with the style of the Ming Dynasty, albeit adapted slightly to integrate the flair of modern style that is popular in the Insignia Province right now.” Gu Qing explained, “They were quite well-informed of the matters of soft furnishings, and most of these that you see now are artifacts that we have hand-picked from the Zhu Clan’s treasure trove. I’d taken liberties with that to show you what this place could look like. But if you dislike it, we can put them right back where they were.”

He turned around and gestured for everyone to take a seat, “Ashmound Port is soon going to be open to the world. The more extravagant it looks, the better. There’s no need to hold back in this regard. Go ahead and use as much of our resources as you want! You have my permission to take anything you need from the treasure trove… Is the inventory list out?”

Qin Ye looked up at Wang One Tail in surprise.

“Well done.” He picked up a cup of tea and took a sip from it.

It was warm to the touch, and left a lingering fragrance in his lips. The most valuable things in the netherworld were invariably things that gave Yin spirits the feeling of warmth, be it food, drinks or types of entertainment.

No wonder they’re called one of the Eight Great Clans… He sighed softly, and then nodded at Wang Chenghao, “Continue.”

Zu Chongzhi nodded slightly, “These are the conclusions of Brother Wu Daozi. He believes that an uplift of around 30% is required to accurately reflect their true market value at this point in time. In other words, we’re talking about goods that are somewhere in the region of 100 trillion. This is no different from Cathay’s GDP last year. Lord Qin, the Longxing Temple is truly a godsend!”

“Then, that leaves the final variable of how large the incoming fleets are going to be.” Qin Ye rubbed his chin, “Ashmound Port isn’t small, but we’re talking about reparations of the Russian Underworld, as well as trade with the various tribes of the Alkebulan Underworlds. The incoming fleet of merchant ships cannot possibly be small in number. This is going to be the first port of the new Hell. We absolutely cannot afford to open up in a lacklustre fashion and become the laughingstock of the netherworld.”

A thought suddenly occurred to Qin Ye - Since when did this government of mine start speaking with such formality and platitudes?

“Yes.” Qin Hui kowtowed deeply, and proceeded to keep his head bowed low even though there were a number of Judges, Hellguards and even Soul Hunters around, “Two days ago, Su Daji and I joined hands and hunted down the great sinner Kong Mo, executing him right at the edge of the Array of the Nine Gods. But it just so happened--...”

Bloody hell?!

You… Su Daji, how dare you betray me!

I was just catching my breath to sort through my thoughts! Are you women just as garrulous as the other?

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