World Domination System

Chapter 617 Legacy Battle 1

As soon as Daneel heard this extremely odd statement from this lad who wasn’t even a Warrior level Fighter, he didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

True, he had been acknowledged as the one who had beaten the giant beside him, but what they thought of him was made clear, and even though this wasn’t very surprising given the general idea that those who were part of the Big Four had regarding the Central Continent, hearing it in this way was definitely pretty jarring.

Thankfully, Daneel didn’t have to reply as a shadow suddenly descended from the sky, blocking out the sun and materializing into a hand that fell on the spot where the kid who had just spoken to Daniel was standing.

This made panic appear on his face before he leaped aside, as Bam’s hand thundered onto the ground right where his feet had been a few moments ago, causing a 2-feet deep hole to appear in the earth that was present there.

Taking large gulps of breath due to having escaped death in such a manner, the kid turned around to see that the giant who typically had an innocent or arrogant smile on his face was now pretty displeased about something.

Of course, everyone knew the reason behind this, but they had been thinking that, just as always, Bam must have forgotten about it as he had quite a short-term memory.

Realising that this wasn’t the case, a few others who had also been about to move forward with the same objective as that first kid stopped in their tracks and quickly moved back, as they had no intention of tussling with this giant who regularly put multiple sect members in the sick bay for weeks on end.

In fact, there were even betting circles where sect members could bet on the number of people who would be landing in the sickbay due to Bam in any given month.

After looking around menacingly and seeing that there were no more people who wanted to emulate the same actions as that kid, Bam nodded to himself and growled, saying, "Talk later."

These words were enough, as a passage opened up allowing the two to quickly cross the large open field and approach another building made of the same strange black colored rock.

It looked like a guesthouse of sorts, as it was in the shape of a typical hut, albeit larger, which made it seem as if it could easily accommodate 5 to 10 people.

And in front of the door was Elanev, standing alertly and eyeing the giant as if to see whether the situation from before would repeat.

Bam led Daniel up to a point where Elanev was within earshot of them, and stopped.

This made Elanev walk forward, and as soon as he appeared beside Daniel, Bam looked at them both and frowned like a little kid who was being made to do something that he didn’t want to.

Opening his mouth, he spoke in a very low tone.

"Bam is sorry for what happened before. Contest is contest. Bam will not speak of puny king’s weakness anymore. But it was not fair fight, so Bam does not acknowledge your strength. Bye bye."

With a wave of his hand, before either Daneel or Elanev could say or even feel anything, the giant was gone like a willow on the wind.

Daneel had initially thought that the giant was only capable of brute strength, and this he might be weaker in terms of speed and reaction time. Yet, now, seeing this, he realized that that was not the case.

If he wished, the giant could also be as silent as a ninja before smashing his enemy into bits using his god-like strength.

Finally finding himself alone, Daneel first talked a bit with Elanev, who told him that he was actually not looking forward to the old man’s training at all.

Daneel chuckled on hearing this, as even the Chief had said that he didn’t envy Elanev’s near future. True, it was all to grow stronger, but he slightly pitied his elder brother as he had no option but to resort to these methods to grow powerful.

Well, it would all be worth it if he somehow managed to obtain a bloodline, but Daneel did not see any way in which that could happen.

His training would start tomorrow, so they decided to first take a little bit of rest and gather their bearings before meeting later to decide what their game plan would be.

Daneel went to his room, which only had a hard bed, a wardrobe, and an attached bathroom. Black was still the theme, and by this point, it was getting annoying.

Lying down on the bed and grimacing on seeing just how hard it was, Daneel thought back to the options he had been given.

Either become a sect member, or beat this Legacy Battle, whatever it was.

The first was simply not an option right now. He still had a lot to do in the Central Continent, so going away to the Big 4 would not be a good idea, at all.

Even later on, if he was free, he might not have chosen this as it would mean him bowing in and giving up everything he had obtained with great difficulty.

As for the second seemed to be the most enticing, but without knowing the specifics of the battle, Daneel wasn’t prepared to make any judgments.

An hour later, the two met again and decided to go find someone who could give them a tour of the sect.

It was still early evening, so they wanted to get a measure of the place before retiring for the day and preparing themselves for whatever tomorrow would bring.

Sadly, they failed, as they didn’t even know whom to contact.

Soo, though, using instructions from sect members most of whom didn’t even feel it to be worth their time to give an answer, the two reached an administration block.

Here, after announcing who they were, they finally got a guide allotted to them by the snarky guy in front of the communication trinket in the reception.

Even the guide looked like he was unhappy due to being dragged away from whatever he was doing, but he relkuctantly took up his duty and began to lead them to the most famous areas of the Sect.

Their first stop though...was one that interested Daneel greatly- it was a room where the two words ’Legacy Battle’ were emblazoned in bold letters.

When he entered, all he saw was dust, but the words from their guide startled him.

"Oh, give it a few moments. The entire sect is participating in the Legacy Battle anyway. Someone wanted me to get you here as they found out that you might be competing, too."

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