World Domination System

Chapter 565 Godbeast Baptism

"The Path of the Invincible Black Raven: Devouring Monarch of the Skies."

This name reverberated in Daneel’s mind while the image in front of him broke apart into pieces and was replaced by reality.

Kellor was thoroughly bewildered. First, he had had to witness the strange happenings in the case of Faxul, and after that, when the King came, he had hoped that he would get some answers.

Only, even though he had gone to the King’s side and asked, the latter had just stood there stoically, staring off into the distance as if daydreaming.

Understanding that the King must be conversing with the Ancient Dragon in his mind, Kellor had patiently waited while seeing the King get more and more irritated by something, until finally he even folded his hands and got an angry expression on his face.

Only, after that, that anger had been replaced by something that almost looked like...fear.

With his eyes wide open and bloodshot, the King had stared into empty space as if he was seeing an apparition of something so terrifying that it even made him shudder.

Rather than fear, it was shock that had been taken to extreme levels, but there was an added aspect of deference that had made it look like fear.

As Kellor saw Daneel finally regain his focus and return to his senses soon after, he was amazed when he saw the King take a step back and actually...kneel down on one knee while clutching his chest, right where his heart was.

Copious amounts of sweat also appeared, drenching the King where he knelt, while Kellor could even hear the frantic hammering of the King’s heart.

What the hell could he have seen to have such an intense reaction?

Kellor was truly puzzled, because, from all the exploits of Daneel that he had heard about during the Council of the Nine Heavens, he knew that the one in front of him had seen so much more than probably anyone in the Central Continent, if those who were still existing from the previous age weren’t counted.

So, something that couldn’t elicit this sort of reaction must definitely be truly horrific.

Glancing to the side, Kellor saw that Faxul was still lying on the ground, motionless, while a large lump the size of a fist had appeared on his forehead, right where the King’s hammer had dropped to knock him out.

Just as he was about to turn his head back, he felt a hand catch his and use it for support.

Of course, it was the King, who got up in this way and took a deep breath while his heart finally started to calm down.

Indeed, Daneel had been pretty sure that he would pass out due to the rush of emotions and blood that he had been subjected to after leaving the illusion.

It had almost been as if...the very presence and aura of that beast, or human in a beast’s form, or whatever it had been in the sky had suffocated Daneel, making him feel as if he was being crushed under the weight of its majesty.

What was amazing was that he had been affected by that so intensely.

He was a Peak Warrior! Just what kind of level must that being be at to be able to cause such an effect in even him?

In fact, now that he thought about it, he was pretty sure that if it had wanted, and if he was really present in that place, that Raven could have ended his life without even needing to spare a second of its time.

For the first time, Daneel had to search for some other analogy, as calling it as ’being treated like an insect’ just didn’t cut it.

Right. He had been like an inconsequential mote of dust floating around, which would only need to blown away to end its existence.

Also, that black hole. His elementary vision had been unable to make sense of what it was, and even the system had just told him that it exceeded the bounds of its complexity, which was to be expected.

What he did know was that it could devour anything and everything, and that it seemed to be an ultimate attack of that being. Also, the word ’devouring’ in its name must have come from this attack, because it was just that awe-inducing and supremely powerful.

It was only when he looked around and laid his eyes on Faxul did he make a conscious decision to snap out of all his speculations.

He was about to ask Drakos to continue, but he paused when he saw Kellor looking at him with an inquisitive expression on his face.

Oh, right. In his hurry, he had forgotten to answer his Grand Court Mage.

At first, Daneel pondered whether to find everything and tell him later, but, as a thought came to him, he decided that he shouldn’t be the only one ’graced’ with the opportunity of experiencing that sight.

Maybe he would be motivated.

Or maybe Daneel just wanted to see someone else’s reaction, too, so that he could tell himself that he hadn’t acted like a coward.

He was sure that anyone at his general level would enter the same state after experiencing the visceral and savage might of that...thing, so he looked forward to see how his Grand Court Mage would react.

"Instead of telling you, let me show you. I know you trust me, so just open your mind and don’t resist. What you are about to see, is apparently the peak which those during the age of the Empire who are blessed with the same thing as Faxul- a bloodline of a Godbeast, can reach."

Saying so, Daneel stepped forward and was about to use the system to send the same visual message to Kellor. He knew that the system recorded all the things he saw, so it would be able to recreate everything.

Thankfully, he stopped at the last moment, realizing that this would stand out a lot, as it wasn’t typically something that normal humans should be able to do. After all, the message had been in a very complex format which encapsulated all those emotions and feelings which had allowed Daneel to undergo a very realistic experience. No one would be able to memorize it after experiencing it once, even if they were a Peak Warrior Mage- such a feat would be akin to a normal human from Earth looking at the Louvre once and then recreating it with perfect architectural detail.

Asking the Ancient Dragon to do the task for him, Daneel walked forward to Kellor and touched his forehead, which began the transmission.

And...not even a few seconds afterward, the Grand Court Mage of Lanthanor fell to the ground and started frothing at his mouth, while his eyes rolled into the back of his head.

Yes, his own reaction hadn’t been uncharacteristic, at all.

Sighing and conjuring another hammer to knock him out, too, Daneel remarked inwardly about his growing penchant for using hammers, but he was interrupted by the Ancient Dragon.

"This is the kind of reaction that one typically has when they experience such raw power which outclasses them by an unfathomable margin. You are truly special, Young King. It seems that your mind is much more resolute than I thought."

Daneel was puzzled as he heard this, so he asked the system what the reason behind his ’resoluteness’ might be.

The answer pleasantly surprised him.

[Replying to host: host has a stronger mentality due to the fact that host has spent a life on another planet, and has also gone through several experiences which, typically, only those at much higher levels are subjected to. For example, host went into closed-door uninterrupted training for three months when host was just a Human, which generally drives Humans mad. In the process, host’s mind grew stronger. Prolonged exposure to high-risk situations also incites growth in the strength of one’s mind.]

Oh, right.

He definitely wasn’t someone who could be called ’typical’.

With this out of the way, Daneel refocused on the issue in front of him.

"Continue, Drakos. So...he has the bloodline. And it was triggered for some reason. Now, if he gets the Mage technique that corresponds to that Devouring Monarch of the Skies, he can train to reach that level? And can he breakthrough, now, to become a Champion?"

"’s not so simple, Young King. The figure you saw in the vision was one of the strongest beings of the Empire. He was even a step above us vassals. As part of a special corps which only listened to the Emperor, he was seldom seen in public, often carrying out missions on the Emperor’s behest. To reach that level is something that is not possible in this age. Still, if everything goes well, your friend will grow into someone who can stand among the strongest beings among this continent. However...that will only be the case if he can survive the Godbeast’s Baptism."

"Huh? What’s that?"

The word ’baptism’ had resulted in Daneel remembering the image of small babies being dunked into water. Surely, Faxul wouldn’t be drowned or something, right?

"You must already have realized how overpowered the descendants of Godbeasts are. Even if they have lower talent, they can directly contend with those of extreme talent who choose the strongest of Champion Paths. If all descendants truly had it so easy, then everyone would have opted for this method, too. The Baptism is the thing that stops this from being the case. The power of taking on the form of a Godbeast using one’s bloodline can only be done by those who pass the Baptism with their mind intact. As for what the process is, it’s simple: the act of awakening one’s bloodline through a Baptism is basically an awakening of all the memories and essence of the existence of the Godbeasts they are descended from. These memories proceed to test the descendant in different ways, in an attempt to ’break’ them and take over. If they cannot pass the test and absorb both the memories and the essence without staying sane, then the awakening is a failure. I will sum it up using a famous quote of the Emperor. ’A Baptism is a journey into one’s own mind, where they must find themselves. If they do so, no foreign influence can ever hope to affect one’s sanity. Instead, that foreign influence would be absorbed in return, leading to a successful awakening. But, if they do not, one will be lost, forever, and no magic will be able to bring them back. Descendants, if you wish for power, then you must earn it.’."

That statement of the Emperor really did sum it up, but Daneel braced himself for the bad news.

"So...what is wrong with Faxul?"

Drakos answered with a sigh.

"When I said his bloodline had been triggered, I meant that he had been pulled into a Baptism involuntarily. In the age of the Empire, this would be a carefully controlled process. However, here, your friend has no choice but to go through the Baptism or give up on that body, and the chance to set foot on a Path which will lead him to become one of the strongest figures on this continent. Of course, if he fails, he will be lost to us, forever. The choice is his, Young King."

This made Daneel sigh, too, as he remembered something from the past.

In that memory, a face was looking at him with determination, ready to defy him and risk death or worse if it meant that he could grow in power.

His dear friend Faxul had a penchant for taking enormous risks for power. Before, he had allowed that spirit to remain in his body just so he could train faster.

Even though Faxul wasn’t in such a desperate condition now, something told Daneel that his choice would be similar.

If there was one quality of Faxul’s that Daneel truly admired, then it was his stubbornness to do everything possible to reach his goal.

Right now, Daneel could only hope that that stubbornness would pull him through.


Meanwhile, right after being knocked out, Faxul had felt as if he was being...pulled somewhere.

A few moments later, he had opened his eyes, only to find darkness all around him.

Standing up, he felt around his body to find, with shock, that he was back in his original body, instead of the one was currently in.

This...was definitely some sort of dream.

Only, pinching himself had no effect except making him flinch.

The darkness and silence bored into his eyes and ears, making him very uncomfortable, as he tried to comprehend just how he had gotten here, and how was supposed to get out.

A few moments later, he saw a globe of fire approaching him.

When it neared, he rejoiced when he saw that it was his closest friend, Daneel, who was holding it.

Daneel looked...odd, somehow, yet Faxul couldn’t see him clearly.

Feeling glad that he wasn’t alone in whatever place this was, he scrambled forward to reach the light.

Yet, right before he did, he felt a foot connect with his jaw that made him fly backward in an arc before landing on the rough ground.

Before he could come to his senses, a voice echoed all around him, making Faxul raise his head as shock raced through his mind.

"Hello, ’dear friend’. I’m afraid it’s time you stop leeching off of me. What have you ever achieved in your whole life by yourself? You’re just a useless dog that licks at my heels while I throw you scraps! If it weren’t for me, you would have long been buried in the ground. Do you even have any other purpose in life except being given things that you aren’t worthy of? If I were you, I would kill myself out of shame."


At the same time, in the underground mansion that had been broken into by the Giant.

"Rayen, I can tell that you’ve calmed down, more or less. I’ll take my leave, then. It’s not like I can stay here forever to keep an eye on you. Remember, that formation is still there, and you will be punished severely if you lay a hand on that King. Don’t try underhanded tricks, either. Got it?"

In front of the Head, Rayen sat with his hands on his knees.

As he heard this, he picked up a painting from the table beside him, which was of his son.

Caressing it, he answered in a soft voice.

"Yes. It may be time to let go..."

Seeing this, the Head sighed, before teleporting away to leave him in peace.

Yet, right after he did so, Rayen immediately sprang up and checked to see whether he was still being surveilled.

Seeing that the Head had truly left, he took a moment to rejoice, before teleporting to his library.

With a flick of his finger, various books containing important information such as Champion Paths, records of Champions and various in-depth studies on certain topics flew into a bag, which he placed in front of him.

Looking forward to finally seeing his son again, Rayen made a clone, which slung that bag over its shoulder and started flying in the direction of the Kingdom of Lanthanor.

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