Book 5: Chapter 28: Adoption


The following passes in the blink of an eye, leaving me finally visiting the governmental building with Allen, Cynthia, and Belle for the adoption. A process that actually moves just as swiftly thanks to Amelias help.

And of course, after the adoption finishes going through, leaving me finally legally Allen and Cynthias daughter, we immediately head out to a party they planned. One where Belle manages to get me into a dress for.

I sigh as I stand at the edge of the large room at a table with my old team, wondering why a party was necessary. Especially when I need to keep training my rather lacking control of the Red Plague.

At the very least I dont seem to care anywhere near as much about dresses anymore now that my curse is broken. So thats a plus.

Never wouldve thought part of your extreme dislike of dresses and skirts was simply from the curses amplification of your own feelings, Tar comments from his place in the in-between, making me nod my head in agreement.

Of course, I still dont like wearing dresses or skirts. But Im not gonna get upset just because someone put me in one now.

Doesnt change the fact that Id prefer my armor though.

You look so beautiful, Scar! Belle says with a smile for the third time tonight, making me roll my eyes.

I glance at her, finding the girl to be in a beautiful black and gold dress herself. And its not just her, but everyone here is dressed up. Michael and Arthur are wearing suits, with Michaels being black with a vibrant green trim and Arthurs being black and gray trim. Meanwhile Emily is wearing a black and green dress, Denise wearing plain gold, and Aria wearing blue.

Sylver is also here, although nowadays Im calling him by his actual name, Collin. And hes wearing a silver suit. Even if hes not saying anything and is just drinking in the corner.

Come to think of it, pretty much everyone from the Silver Association is here spread out across the room. And not just the Silver Association, but even some people from other Associations Ive come to know over the years. Including Avas association, the general, all of the Knights except Purple, and some of the Class V Guardians Ive met over the years. Including the vice-headmaster of the university I technically go to.

You all look great as well, I comment while drinking a glass of wine, finding absolutely no effect from it on me due to my immunity to corruption. Which is an interesting aspect of the skill. Especially when I look into my body after drinking the wine.

Because I can quite literally see the poison that makes up alcohol being squashed in an instant by the Red Plague and turned into red ash that is then turned into fuel for the plague.

Meaning getting drunk is impossible for me.

Not that I mind. I never liked the idea of being mentally inhibited in the first place.

Which is another benefit of not having the curse anymore.

I smile at that thought, only to frown after seeing a camera flash and turning to see Black for some reason taking a picture of us all. Mainly me.

What are you doing, Will? I ask him with a slightly exasperated tone of voice.

He just smirks and gives a salute before vanishing in a puff of shadows.

I sigh and turn to the others where I find them all rather startled by that whole even.

Oh. Right.

Black is a Knight of Humanity, and theyre probably still not used to interacting with them.

I dont think any of them are even Class IV yet, much less Class V.

After a brief identify, which has actually become possible ever since I became a Class V and reached 99% demon, albeit with the same glitchyness that others have when they identify me making seeing their species impossible, I find them all to be Class III. Except Belle, who is surprisingly Class IV.

Oh, right. Her magic makes it easy for her to level up.

Forgot about that.

Lady Warden, I hear someone say, bringing my attention to the person I sensed approaching us from behind to find Jacob R. Ashton approaching with a polite smile on his face. Its a pleasure to see you again.

I nod my head to him before glancing at the others and nodding at them as well, signaling that they could leave if they wanted to. And Belle immediately picks up on it and begins directing the others away to give us space.

Then I turn back to Jacob and respond, You as well, Chairman of the Republic.

He gives a small bow before standing up straight and reaching out his hand, making me frown slightly. Then I sigh and give him my hand in return, to which he then kisses the back of.

Youre also well versed in demon court traditions, as it seems, I comment with a raised brow.

According to the demon court traditions on Tartarus, male Noble demons of lower rank must kiss the backs of the hands of the female Nobles of higher ranks. Meanwhile the female Noble demons of lower ranks simply give a bow or a curtsy to those of higher rank regardless of gender, and male Nobles give a military salute to other male Nobles of higher rank. Of course, this isnt absolute and not actually all that many demons follow it. Its a much older tradition after all, so many of them just plain give a salute or a brief bow to the Noble demons above their station regardless of gender, and no one generally cares. Except some of the traditionalists, that is.

Thankfully Ive never had to care since Im a Princess. The only person above me even with my level is Gramps, and Im pretty sure hed have a heart attack if I tried bowing to him or treating him like a king.

Probably would, if that were possible, Tar mutters.

Anyways, onto business.

Im assuming you arent here for pleasantries? I ask the Chairman, making him nod his head.

You are correct, Lady Warden, he says, using the Title a lot of people seem to prefer over Apex Predator or Bane of Corruption. Probably because calling me Apex Predator is like admitting theyre weaker than me or just prey or something. And Bane of Corruption doesnt really suit a formal Title as much as Warden does. There is something Id like to discuss with you.

I nod my head and state, Very well.

Lets see what he has to say.

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