Wolf of the Blood Moon: A Blood Magic

Book 2: Chapter 31.5: Core Assault Part V

Book 2: Chapter 31.5: Core Assault Part V


I dont waste any time in reaching the core and grabbing the thing with my shifted hand before raising it to my face to get a better look. The thing is absolutely gorgeous, with a gemstone like quality to it and a radiant red glow similar to the blood moon above the building. It is as smooth as glass. One of the smoothest things Ive ever felt. And the thing is even smooth in the corners it has as a three dimensional octagonal shape.

Also, the thing gives me an odd feeling. A familiar one. Along with a scent akin to that of which I smelt in the magical reality during the second round of the tournament. A nice woodsy scent mixed with some embers, smoke, and ash.

After I finish admiring the thing causing this Fracture, I put pressure on my claws, eventually shattering the thing into pieces. But my eyes quickly widen in shock when one of the shards suddenly vanishes into my hand while the others simply vanish from existence, making me fling my hand slightly to get it out to no avail.

Dont freak out, its normal, Tar suddenly says, making me freeze in place, only to notice looks of amusement on the faces of the few Guardians still approaching me. This isnt taught to the public or to brand new Guardians from what I understand, but all beings need something of a catalyst in order to ascend to the next Class. And a Fracture core is one example of a catalyst out of many.

Oh. Wait, so I wouldve had to defeat a Class I Fracture and get the core to advance to Class II eventually?

Not necessarily, Tar answers, but our conversation is driven to a halt when the three Guardians reach me and the centermost one asks, Are you alright, Scarlet Wolf? I dont think Ive ever seen a Class I Guardian handle a demon captain so easily as you just did. You didnt use some sort of self-sacrificial skill, did you?

No, Im fine, I answer right away, examining the three Guardians. One of them the one who just spoke to me has blond hair surprisingly streaked with black, which isnt a very common color. He has on a rather simple set of magi-tech gear, with it being just simple armor looking kind of like regular military kevlar from the old world. Back when there were wars between the nations.

The one to his left has crimson hair without any other colors in it and pitch black eyes, which are kind of off putting, along with slightly sharp teeth, marking him as one of the inhuman looking Guardians that could very easily be mistaken for a demon.

And the one on the first guys right has no hair at all, with glowing white eyes that for some reason make me think hes blind. But can a Guardian really be blind?

Through their eyes, yes, Tar answers me, surprising me in the process. But they should always be able to heal it if they find a skill capable of it or find another Guardian who can. This one I suspect has a sort of magic that prohibits the natural use of his eyes. Maybe some sort of magic eyes?


If youre sure, the first one says, not seeming to actually believe me despite it being the truth. Remember that you can always use the help of other saviors of humanity, like us!

I blink at that.

Did this guy just call himself a savior of humanity?

Hes Tar begins, only to trail off looking for a word to describe him as.

As vain as a prince from medieval times?

Tar snorts.

Well, if thats all you needed, Im gonna leave, I tell them, surprising Mister Prince which is what Im gonna call him from now on. Then, before he can stop me, I nod to the other two who nod back and immediately sprint away, much faster than Mister Prince can possibly keep up with considering his mana level that feels closer to halfway through Class I.

That captain was quite a bit easier to kill, probably because of all the stacks of blood thirst I had up when fighting him. Which goes to show that the skill is definitely becoming useful in plenty of circumstances.

Now I just have to find the others

My thoughts trail off as I see a familiar face leaving one of the bunkers.

Carl! I exclaim with a smile on my face as I see the very mute security guard from my first ever Fracture walking out of the bunker with several other people. I then ignore the other people, some of whom are taking pictures of me to walk up to the guy who is now smiling at me and giving me a nod. How ya been?

He shrugs and nods. Then nods and shrugs.

Thats good, Ive been doing okay myself as well, I respond, somehow understanding the big fella way better than I understand most people.

Did you huh? Tar mutters, sounding very confused. And his confusion only grows deeper when Carl and I continue our one sided conversation, seemingly confusing the crowd around us as well.

Eventually I begin stepping away while waving at the guy and saying, Well, I have to go now, so see you when I see you!

He waves back with a smile before I turn around and make my way in the direction of where the others messaged me saying they were waiting.

It was nice seeing him again. I was honestly wondering what happened to him, since I never saw him again after that. Even when I went back to the building one time with Allen so he could grab something.

Turns out he was on a business trip.

I have no idea how youre able to understand him Tar mutters, still just as confused as before.

Dont worry about it.

My attention goes back to my terminal again when I see a message from Aria asking if Im okay, and if Im fighting in Fractures right now.

Ever since we met a month ago and her butler gave me her contacts, shes been coming over to the campus every weekend to hang out at my suite. And she kind of just snubs everyone else who comes in, not paying them any attention at all.

Unless they feed her that is. Because the girl seems to really like food.

Which is one area we very much differ in.

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