Witch's Daughter And The Devil's Son

Chapter 545 Wouldn't Stop At The Kiss

Arlan subtly glanced at Drayce, understanding what he had to do.

"Oh, they do sound suspicious! This is exactly the kind of gossip I want to hear." Arlan let out a laugh as if he didn't particularly believe the server but was egging him on to say more. "But purple eyes? Does that kind of eye even exist aside from books? I don't think anyone has that eye colour."

"Seems like the gentleman is not aware of the rumour," the server said.

"What rumour?"

"That our new Queen has purple eyes, a sign that  she is a witch."

"Well, I really wouldn't know," Arlan said with a shrug. "Lowly people like us shouldn't gossip about royalty. I don't want to land myself in prison."

The server chuckled. "Oh, don't take me wrong, mister. The people love the Queen chosen by the King himself and since she's a foreign princess, the people are mostly curious about her. Rumours are saying she's quite a beauty. Which is also the reason why I find those people suspicious."

Drayce held back his anger as he knew getting information was important and he could not reveal his identity.

"That makes them suspicious, really?" Arlan commented as if he could not believe it.

"Mister, if they inquire like that about the royal family then it is obvious they don't belong to this kingdom," said the server.

"That makes sense," Arlan nodded.

"Not only that, they looked different...I cannot point out exactly how, but well, they were taller than regular people so the moment they entered any establishment, they would no doubt catch people's attention...Umm..." The server stopped as he realized the three, though seated, seemed unusually tall as well. "Apologies...I just felt they were different."

"Anything else particular about them?" Arlan asked.

The server scratched his head hesitantly. "Not sure if it counts but..."

"Just say it."

"Though both of them were wearing travel-worn robes, their attire was odd."

"What about it?"

"They were dressed too lightly, mister. Winter has come. In such cold weather, why would they not wear anything more?" The server made a strange face. "Back then, I remembered that I was wondering if they don't feel the cold. They didn't look bothered at all. I don't think it's that they couldn't afford to buy clothes because I saw them carrying gold with them."

"Were the gold coins they paid the same as this kingdom?" Arlan asked.


"Seems like smart ones to not give out their identities," Arlan mumbled. "How many were they? Those who asked about our Queen?"

"I don't know if they have more companions, but those I served were two people."

"You say this happened a couple of days ago?"

"Hmm, now that I think more about it, I think it's just yesterday?" The server pondered. "Yes, I'm sure it's yesterday."

"Well, young man, you sure told us an interesting story. How about you give us one more plate of roasted meat?"

"Oh, of course, mister!"

As the server left, Arlan looked at Drayce who looked deep in thought. "Do you think those were the same ones who abducted your wife?"

Drayce shook his head. "I don't think so. They had planned for her abduction enough to create a complicated setup, that means they were already aware of Seren for some time. There is no need for any of them to come out and inquire about general news of her like this."

"Then? Who can it be?"

"We will find out," Drayce said with a determined gaze. "We should go back. My wife is alone."

After hearing suspicious people were asking news of her, he felt the urge to never leave her side to grow stronger. He could not wait to go back to her.

"Sure!" Arlan agreed and the two stood up, leaving a single man still in his seat. "Slayer, wake up...aish, I don't really want to carry this drunk." Despite his complaints, he helped Slayer by putting his arm over his shoulder to make him stand. "This is your knight. As his liege, shouldn't you be carrying him out?"

The next moment, everything inside the tavern froze as if time had stopped. Drayce took Slayer from Arlan.

"See you soon," Arlan said and by the time everything inside the tavern returned to normal, the three of them disappeared, merely leaving their payment on the table.

Drayce and Slayer returned to the Royal Palace of Megaris, where Drayce left Slayer in his room inside the knights' quarters. Once he made sure that Slayer was fine, he returned to his wife's chamber, not even bothering to freshen up and change his clothes.

He removed his outer robe and boots and threw them aside, leaving only his inner shirt and pants on his body as he moved towards the bed

Unknown to him, his shoulders relaxed the more he observed his sleeping wife. He lifted the quilt and got under it as he could not wait to get her in his arms. He wanted to hold her and make sure she was still there with him.

'No one could take you away from me.'

Seren woke up upon sensing the movement in bed. She found herself being pulled in a familiar warm embrace, causing her initial panic to disappear. She opened her eyes and lifted her head up to look up at her husband's handsome face. She could smell the hint of liquor on him. "You are back?"

He gently caressed her soft hair and made a sound of affirmation in his throat.

Seren felt something was strange. It was unusual for him to drink, and even more unusual was for him to look at her like this. His red eyes were always filled with care and affection for her, but tonight, there was something more. It looked filled with worry.

'Is it related to my abduction?' she wondered. She could not help but voice out her concerns. "Did something happen?"

He shook his head, but the arms wrapped around her tightened.

She was not convinced. "When did my husband learn to lie to me?"

Drayce almost smiled at the way she sounded like she's whining to him. These past few days had really been an eye-opener to him with his wife starting to show more and more of her other sides to him.

Thus, he decided to be honest.

"I was worried," he said, "worried about things, like what if I won't see you here? What if I turn away for a bit, and in my distracted state, find you taken away from me?".

It was exactly how he felt while leaving that tavern. The hooded individuals who abducted her, the people the King of Abetha was wary about, the suspicious people from the tavern, regardless of whether they were the same group of people or not, the fact that they were interested in Seren made him feel like danger is lurking everywhere.

"You worry for nothing. I will always be here, waiting for you," she replied while offering him a smile under her veil which reflected through her eyes.

Drayce smiled back as he continued to caress her cheek over her veil.

"What are you thinking about?" she asked after a while.

Drayce took in a deep breath to calm himself, and he briefly closed his eyes to let himself be immersed in her sweet scent. There were many things on his mind, but he wasn't sure letting her know would be of help.

'The things I can tell her...'

He knew he had to tell Seren about his other side. Though she was aware of its existence, he needed to have a proper conversation with her about it. Not just his dark side, but there were other threats after her that she should know. Ignorance would make her guards lowered, yet at the same time, he didn't want her to overly fear for her own safety.

He opened his eyes to look at her, his gaze meeting her beautiful purple eyes that were waiting for his answer.

'Not yet.' Drayce didn't want to scare her at this moment and diverted her attention. "I was thinking about this." His thumb caressed over her veil-covered lips.

A light blush covered her face under his eyes holding a suggestive gaze.

His lowered voice sounded in her ears. "But if you are sleepy...?"

Seren immediately shook her head. "I...am not sleepy."

Just as she said that, the entire chamber was covered in darkness, all the lights of the lamps inside put out.

Seren was startled but not surprised, and she calmly waited for her husband to make a move. She found his hand removing the veil from her face. For a second, she wondered if she would ever get to know how Drayce could remove her veil. If it was because he was her husband...

'But isn't the job of this veil to stop anyone from seeing my face? Does this veil trust my husband that he won't look at my face?'

As she was distracted, thinking about her veil, she didn't realize she was already laying flat in the bed and her Drayce was on top of her.

"You are not allowed to think of anything else when I am with you," Drayce said, as if he could guess what was going on in her mind.


Her lips were sealed by his before she could say more. His warm lips captured her soft ones while his hot alcoholic breath brushed against her delicate skin.

The way he kissed her was different from before. It was a little rough and demanding, making her unable to keep up with him.

Sensing how he was trying to claim her, one thing was for sure--things between them wouldn't stop with just a kiss.

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