His sweet little wife embraced him on her own, and now she even initiated to kiss him. To say his heart wasn't moved would be a lie.

'It would have been perfect if not for this damn veil.'

When she moved away, Drayce looked into those beautiful purple eyes as he neared his face to hers.

"This much is not enough, my Queen."

Though surprised, she didn't back away and let him nuzzle their nose together. She then felt his hand move towards her cheek and touched the veil covering her face. It scared her for a moment— that he would remove her veil and see her appearance— but she immediately relaxed upon seeing him close his eyes before he removed the fabric of her veil from her face.

The next moment, their lips met and the warmth of his mouth melted away all the fear she was feeling. She trusted him that he would not go back on his words. His warm lips captured her soft ones slowly, and he took his sweet time to suck and nibble on them as if he's cherishing the taste and texture of her lips, pulling her into a long, loving kiss.

Seren closed her eyes as her hands clutched onto his clothes and she kissed him back with the same sweetness. Her response delighted him as she didn't look hesitant even a bit and kissed him back wholeheartedly.

He tilted his head slightly to the right and enjoyed the sensation of rose petals against his lips. The kiss was passionate but unhurried, deep yet  reverent, with his tongue softly teasing hers as she let out a satisfied moan in response.

Drayce was as gentle as he could be with her; she was still recovering and there were many things to worry about first before they could have time to enjoy each other. Though the kiss was full of affection, he kept himself in check. He loved her and worried for her more than anything else.

After what seemed like a long yet short time, the pair of husband and wife parted their lips from each other, though they kept their faces still close as they both gasped for air. Drayce still had his eyes closed but Seren took this chance to observe that handsome face of her husband.

Because he had his eyes closed, his thick eyelashes were visible to her, and she had the urge to touch them. That sharp nose that perfectly balanced his face, his thin lips slightly parted a little and still wet due to their kiss, his radiant skin and that well-carved jaw that showed off his masculine charm—everything about him was so alluring to Seren.

Though she had not come across many people in her life, she had seen enough from both the royalties and nobilities from Abetha and Megaris. She bet that this man in front of her was the most handsome one she could ever come across in her life.

Trying to calm himself with his eyes still closed, unaware of what his wife was doing, Drayce's hand that was holding up the fabric of her veil was about to put it back to cover her face  when…

His hand was stopped by Seren. She held his hand as she continued to look at his handsome face which was now startled by her action, not knowing why she stopped him. He wondered if this meant she was finally allowing him to see her face, but her next action shocked him.

Seren leaned towards his face and kissed him once more.

Her hand let go of his and both her arms circled his neck as she tiptoed to kiss him better. She captured his lips back and continued to savor them the way she liked it, and  Drayce was happy to allow her to take complete charge of this kiss.

Seren would never have guessed that her actions were making her husband fall for her more. He wondered what more shocking things he would be facing one after another.

His hands moved to her back to support her tiptoeing body. She just did not just play with his lips but imitated the kind of kiss Drayce had always pulled her into. She used her tongue to tease his, and Drayce responded in kind, smart enough to let her have her way as he enjoyed her taking the dominant role this time. He obediently opened his mouth and let her play with his tongue as needy groans left his throat.

Her small tongue made slow circles as she tasted his coarse one, and together, they rolled in an intimate dance without a tinge of hesitation.

'So bold and so perfect!'

Drayce could not help but praise her in his heart. They stopped after a while when Seren could no longer hold her breath at all. Drayce panted heavily just like his wife and rested his forehead on hers. "Do you wish to continue this in the bedroom, my Queen?"

While breathing just as heavily as him, she asked, "Do you still have to go out, Your Majesty?"

Drayce could not help but smile at this. She didn't say 'no' but she didn't directly try to stop him.

"I wish I would not have to go but there is no other way. My wife's safety comes first."

"I will be fine," she assured. "With you by my side, I believe they won't dare harm me."

"I know, but they are dangerous people who I cannot allow to stay in my kingdom. As a king, it's my responsibility to get rid of all kinds of threats to my people," he explained.

"I understand," she said and then Drayce put that veil back on her face so that he could finally open his eyes and see his wife.

He held her chin and made her look at him. "Do not be upset. Once I find them, we will have time to continue this."

Seren nodded and said like a responsible wife, "Come back safely."

"I will. You shall go to sleep. I will be beside you by the time you open your eyes in the morning." He pecked on her forehead and then left. Seren silently watched  him leaving with her hand over her chest, trying to calm her racing heart.

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