Theron walked towards her who simply looked at him as she was the same as him seeing him after so long. He was busy all these months while taking care of the various issues in the kingdom and personally visiting all the places and he hardly stayed in the palace. Just in a few months he looked changed or it was just the fault in her sight or it was because she was seeing him after so long. He was as handsome as before but looked more mature. Seemed the like responsibilities had made him look like that.

Seeing his pregnant wife, King Theron went to her to help get to the boat and then help her sit. He offered her his hand and she accepted it. After so long the servant could see their King and Queen together and such an act of affection from him made them realize that their King loved their Queen still the same despite not seeing each other for so long.

As they walked to descend the stairs of the gazebo to reach the deck where boats were tied, Lady Claris and Lady Yahvi reached there as well. They were also the daughters-in-law of the Previous King and the Queen so it was a given that they were invited to the Crystal Palace as well. The little Prince Keiren was there too as he was the grandson of the older couple's family.

The two concubines saw their husband escorting his first wife with so much care and didn't even spare a glance to anyone as if no one but her exists in his world. Lady Clarisa could not help but feel bitter seeing that though his first wife betrayed him, he still cared for her and when she was loyal to him and thought about no one but him, he didn't even consider her presence around.

Lady Yahvi didn't react at all as on their wedding night, King Theron had cleared her of everything that they were husband and wife only in name. Still, she could not help but feel a little hurt.

Holding her one hand gently and circling his other hand around her to hold her steady, he helped her descend the stairs. Though he said no words, his actions were enough for Esther to understand his care and love towards her.

As they reached that small deck, King Theron instructed his servants, "Hold it steady."

The servants held the boat steady so it would not move even a little when their pregnant queen would try to get into the boat.

"Be careful," King Theron said to her as he held her hand with a firm grip.

He helped get into his boat comfortably though there was another boat prepared for the Queen. Other than her, no one had ever got the privilege of sitting in the King's boat.

King Theron helped her sit while he sat next to her this time instead of sitting opposite to her. He circled his hand around her shoulder to hold her as the boat started to move. He was treating her like something so delicate and can not bear even the slightest shock.

A pleasant smile painted on Esther's lips as she could not help but feel overwhelmed with his care.

They reached the Crystal Palace where he did the same and entered the residence together with Esther. Seeing them together and Theron taking care of Esther as he was walking holding her hand, the previous Queen could not help but feel happy about it.

Lady Clarisa and Lady Yahvi arrived there as well along with Prince Keiren.

Everyone was guided towards the chamber where the altar was prepared in front of late King Esterban's memorial. They all paid respect to him by bowing and offering the liquor.

Once it was done, they returned to the drawing room. They all looked like one family as the two concubines didn't show any displeasure on their faces. Little Keiren was being pampered by everyone along with the Queen and the King.

Lady Clarisa was relieved that though the King had once threatened her and called Keiren as her son only, his love towards their son was still the same. He held his son in his arms and showed the love and care of a father to him.

On the other hand, Lady Yahvi thought if she would have kids with her husband and if he would love them the same. It's been so many months and after their wedding night, the King had never visited her. Having kids with him seemed like nothing but her wishful thinking. Though she had accepted her fate, she could not stop feeling attracted towards him and expecting something from him.

That handsome man seemed even attractive when he was distant and aloof to her and she could not help but want to reach out to him. When she saw Esther smiling at him, though they didn't say anything, she felt envious seeing the way how affectionately their husband looked at her. All his love was only for her- his first wife.

When this generation was busy together, the previous Queen who was observing them from a distance talked to Lady Tyra, "I am glad to see that Theron still loves and cares for her the same."

"His Majesty sure does but he just doesn't show it like before," Lady Tyra agreed and continued, "Few months back when our kingdom was suffering from the scarcity of food and His Majesty had yet to decide on accepting lady Yahvi, he once asked to see me in his study. He was worried about Her Majesty and more so because she as expecting the child."

The older lady looked at her to know more. Lady Tyra remembered what happened exactly that day.

Almost seven months back Lady Tyra was instructed to visit the king in his study. As no woman other than the King's mother and first wife was allowed to enter the king's residence, it was surprising for Lady Tyra that what happened suddenly for the king to break this rule.

She went to the King's study where the King was busy dealing with the endless issues in the kingdom but still among those issues, he never forgot about one person dear to him. His first wife.

"Your Majesty, did you ask for me?" Lady Tyra asked as she bowed to him.

"Hmm," he nodded and looked at her. "Lady Tyra, you must be aware of the situation in the kingdom and even in the palace."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"There is a scarcity of food and we will take care of it soon but you have to look after Esther. She is the kind of person who will starve herself for others. But the situation she is in, it's not good for her and the child inside her."

"You are right, Your Majesty."

"Till the issue is solved, make sure to have enough food for her and whatever she likes," he said and signalled her to look at one wooden box that was easy to carry by a single person. "In that box, there are some precious herbs that I have asked from Griven. It will help to nourish her and the baby. You can take it with you and give it to her."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Lady Tyra got the box and bowed to the king, "I will take a leave then."

He nodded but before she could leave, he spoke, "No need to tell her who has sent these herbs."

"Understood, Your Majesty."

When the older lady heard it, she smiled, "My son…he acts tough but his heart is kinder than even mine can be."

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