Esther looked at her right hand which had a simple bracelet of blue beads around her wrist. She removed it and closed her eyes, gripping it tightly in her palm as she murmured something in a language no human could understand. When she opened her closed fist, there was light emitting from that blue bracelet.

She needed to search for the location of the Crown Prince, but it would take too long to ask around the royal palace. After sharing her life force, her soul, with him, she could feel his presence if he was nearby.

After confirming his location, she went straight to his residence. She was relieved since the palace of the Crown Prince was close enough from the royal library, that there was no need for her to ride a carriage.

At the entrance of his residence, the royal guard stopped her.

"I need to see His Highness," she said while catching her breath as she ran straight from the royal library without rest.

"Apologies, Baroness Burton, but His Highness is discussing important matters with his knights. It would not be good to disturb him at this moment."

"I will wait here," she said and stood outside the entrance of the residence. The knight was bewildered. He could not ask her to enter and stay at the drawing-room, but neither could he ask her to leave as he knew she was the Crown Prince's rumoured favoured lady.

An hour passed by but Esther was still waiting by the entrance, as she kept watching various knights and officials entering and leaving the residence.

Afterwards, a familiar person could be seen exiting the residence. It was Sir Galien and he was instructing a younger knight by his side. "—when we are leaving, yes? Do you understand?" Just then, his eyes noticed Esther standing outside the main door. His eyes widened as he hurried to approach her. "Baroness Esther? What are you doing here? How long have you been waiting here?" He then glared at the royal guard who lowered his head in a guilty manner.

"Sir Galien," she greeted him. "No worries. I have just arrived. Is the Crown Prince still occupied with important matters?"

"Are you here to see His Highness?"

"Yes," she replied, hoping he would allow her entry, or else the last resort she had left was to make everyone sleep which she did not wish to use in broad daylight. The Crown Prince would surely question why his knights suddenly fell asleep.

"Please follow me inside, Baroness," Sir Galien told her. Other knights might not be aware of Prince Theron's affection towards Esther, but Sir Galien had seen how his liege almost turned into an unrecognizable rogue because of this lady. It could be said that Sir Galien was the sole witness to how their romantic feelings for each other bloomed.

Esther followed him, and instead of the drawing-room, he led her way towards the Crown Prince's study which was on the ground floor.

Prince Theron was giving further instructions to his knights and the military official present there when he noticed Esther entering the study along with Sir Galien.

"Your Highness, Baroness Esther is here to visit you." Sir Galien knew if it were someone else, Prince Theron would have rejected granting audience to a guest who made an abrupt visit to his home, but as his closest knight, he knew he would definitely want to meet this particular young woman.

Prince Theron stared at her in a daze.

Before he could open his mouth to say a word, one of the military officers shared a look with the Crown Prince's guardian knight and said, "Your Highness, we will start preparing the things you have mentioned. Please call us again if you have additional instructions."

With that, everyone stepped out of the study, leaving Prince Theron and Esther all by themselves.

Seeing him clad in full armour, Esther didn't know what to say. She had thought of many things to say before coming here, but now when he was right in front of her, her mind forgot everything.

Prince Theron stepped towards the woman he loved dearly and carefully observed her expression. He realized she looked a little tired, and though she was still beautiful in his eyes, her hair was a mess, strands of hair sticking away from her neat low braid tied with a ribbon.

"Did you run to see me?" he asked as he caressed her hair and tucked those loose strands behind her ears.

She nodded hesitantly. "I…I wanted to give you something before you leave."

"What is it?" he asked.

She put her hand forward, and on top of her palm, there was a bracelet made of blue beads. "This."

"What is it? he asked.

"I wish Your Highness to keep it with you always. It is a talisman that will protect you from any danger."

"Are you worried about me?" he asked with a smile.

She lowered her gaze from his face and nodded.

He looked at her lowered face. "May I ask why?"

She didn't know how to answer, so she simply asked him a question in return.  "Is it not normal to be worried when you're headed off to war?"

"Look at me," he instructed gently.

She obeyed and they locked gazes with each other.

"Don't worry about me, my lady. I will return to you because I have to hear you saying yes to my marriage proposal to you. I have to return to this beautiful lady so I can marry her and spend the rest of my life with her."

Esther could only look at him, unable to form coherent words. How much this man loved her, she could see it clearly in his eyes. It made her heart melt, and for a moment, she wanted to reach out and caress his handsome face.

A knock interrupted them. A knight had a look of apology on his face as he entered.

"Your Highness, pardon my intrusion, but His Majesty King Esteban will be saying his war speech in half an hour. It's time for us to leave and meet the rest of the vanguard troops in the military barracks."

"I will be heading down in a bit. Prepare my horse."

"Excuse me then, Your Highness. I shall take my leave."

As soon as the knight closed the door of his study, Prince Theron looked at Esther, "Won't you give it to me?" He eyed the bracelet and put forward his own hand so she could put it around his wrist herself.

Esther clasped the bracelet on his wrist, making sure it was secured in place. "No matter what happens, never take it off."

"I won't,'' he assured and moved closer to place a soft peck on her forehead. He studied her caramel-coloured eyes, wistfully thinking about the next time he would have the chance to see them again. "I have to leave now."

She nodded with a forlorn expression, and before he could change his mind, Prince Theron turned to leave. Seeing his retreating back, she felt like he was going somewhere far and not to return to her. She trusted her intuition, and that was why her chest felt incredibly heavy. She called out for him, "Your Highness!"

Prince Theron stopped and turned to look at her. Her eyes turned moist.

"My answer is yes."

The Crown Prince blinked at her with an expression of disbelief. It was the most idiotic expression she had ever seen him make, and it caused her to let out a laugh.

"Yes, I will marry you," she confirmed, yet his expression remained idiotic. It made her smile despite the tears starting to fall down her cheeks. "Swear it on your life that you have to return to me, or else I will live like a young widow despite not receiving your vow of marriage."

Prince Theron found himself hurrying towards her as he was overwhelmed with her reply. He held her in his arms, and carried her around in his embrace as he kissed her, once, twice, thrice. The young man looked so happy, he seemed to be flying. She kissed him back each time as tears rolled down her eyes. She didn't remember when was the last time her eyes had shed tears for someone else, but this time she could not hold them back.

After peppering her face with more kisses, Prince Theron finally remembered he still had a duty and he had to leave. Still, a silly grin could be seen gracing his handsome face.

"I will be back for sure. Wait for me, my love."

Esther could only nod as she stifled her tears, and he let her go. Offering her one last assuring smile, he turned to leave. Esther could only stare at his retreating back.

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