Will of chaos

Chapter 859 Cap 857: The Priests Arrive On The Battlefield

It was a one-sided massacre as the golden Harpy avoided the empowered Harpies and only attacked those who had half their energy stolen and survived explosions, it only lasted 2 minutes before Lilith's curse field broke down, but by then there were only 3 Harpies left strengthened.

"< Light of Judgment > ×3" (Athena)

Soon 3 beams of light emerged from Athena's raised sword piercing the hearts of the Harpies that fell to the ground.

Of course, I wasn't standing around doing nothing, I was recording everything with a magic item called a recording crystal, I was also collecting the Harpies' blood into a special barrel to drink later.

"Let's continue." (I)

As we continue flying, I get close to Lilith and give her some of my blood to drink, just a few sips was enough for her to fully recover from the energy she spent, that is a powerful attack, but I saw many failures.

If there was only 1 enemy, then he would blindly launch attacks in the surroundings when losing control, besides the energy expenditure for her to maintain that cursed field is too big.

There were a lot of things wrong, but Loki seemed to already know this technique from Lilith and came up with the right attack to complement Lilith's technique.

While thinking about these things, we continued on our way to the Dungeon location for another day of battles.


Pov Hela:

As we were flying towards the battlefield I noticed the large number of body parts and even whole bodies all over the city.

"I know what you're thinking, but the miasma problem has already been resolved." (Irina)

Irina appeared beside me as if she knew what I was thinking, she pointed in a direction where I see a group of people wearing religious attire using spells on corpses and some even using holy energy.

"I see, so I have to scrap my plan." (I)

"Weren't you worried about miasma building up around town from the countless bodies?" (Irina)

"A little, but what I was really thinking about was using these corpses as Undead to fight, but if they're being purified somehow, it's not worth doing that anymore." (I)


"I should have known…" (Irina)

I didn't understand why Irina made a dismayed expression, but I didn't have much time to think about it when hundreds of ice birds flew towards us, but they weren't monsters, I could tell they were just elemental energy, which means they were a Skill, magic, or attack technique of some kind.

Everyone managed to dodge as we were far enough away to see the attack coming, but a large area of the city behind us was covered in ice.

When I looked forward I saw dozens of frozen Harpies of some kind falling from the sky while a female Dragonewt with a blue body was removing spears still attached to her body.

"We would have died if we were hit, I can tell just by looking at the damage done to the city." (Elsaris)

As I listened to Elsaris speak the Dragonewt woman I saw was slammed to the ground by a Wind Dragon's tail, the blow was so swift that there must have been no body left.

"Watch out, there's more coming out of the Dungeon." (I)

The Dragon was not our problem, in fact, it seems that the master is leading us away from the Wind Dragon since it is way above our level.

"< War Puppet Skeleton >" (I)

I activate various spells in areas where monsters with larger bodies within my strength level are making magic circles to rip out parts of the bones of these various monsters, then I create a large Skeleton with 4 arms, 4 wings, 5 horns of different colors and 3 heads with a humanoid body with me where the stomach should be.

I gathered the bones I thought were most suitable from each monster to create this great puppet, then I close my eyes as my Aura and Mana travel through every bone in its body as I take control of this great Skeleton.

This spell drains a lot of my energy when used, but after it's done I can use corpse aberration to steal mana from the monsters I kill.

"Sometimes just being rough can be an adequate solution." (I)

I can use my senses through this Puppet as if it were an extension of my body, then I throw myself into battle summoning 4 great cursed bone swords.

My real body is safe inside the bones with 4 layers of defense around me, so I attack without fear.

I can easily use the 4 arms to make 4 different attacks, I slash a large Harpy that defends itself with a spear, I attack using the side of the sword to hit dozens of Harpies coming from my right, and I attack by throwing a sword at a Mage between the Harpies who looked like they were trying to do a magical ritual and parried a spear-throwing attack dodging with my last sword.

"< Underworld Water Streams >" (Irina)

I manage to do all of this at the same time as Irina comes with currents of Acid Water trapping the large speared Harpy that I attacked first, so I use that free arm of that enemy who will have a painful death and slash the enemy who had launched his spear at me when approaches.

The sword I threw at the Harpy Mage earlier comes back to me along with a body trapped in its blade, I swing the sword downward causing the body to fall off the sword as I throw myself into battle against enemies of my level, using my number of arms advantage to defeat enemies of the same level.

We spent a few hours fighting and I kept my bone puppet all that time, but I had to replace the bones a few times when they were too damaged.

When I was surrounded by many Air Elementals, I was calm in the knowledge that I was safe inside my bone puppet.

At that moment I see the Priests of various religions that we saw earlier before leaving the Guild appearing and casting holy magic in a large area.

This caused my large Skeleton to disassemble as my Necromancy spells were broken with waves of purification magic and breaking area curses.

This left me exposed in the midst of many enemies with no protection.

"Looks like I'm going to have to change my approach." (I)

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