Will of chaos

Chapter 847 Cap 845: It Was Set From The Start

Pov of a Thief:

The voice that I thought was mine was that of someone who had taken over my body without me noticing it, but suddenly a new voice appeared, this time this new voice was male, but it still sounded like a boy.

I didn't know who did this to me, but I didn't have to think too hard to know the reason, my brother and many of his illegal slaves died yesterday, my father didn't notice, but there were few fatal injuries, and now I know why.

"How are you feeling? Are you better?" (healer)

"I'm fine, just a little dizzy, where are my clothes?" (Me?)

"I'll bring it now." (healer)

"(Don't listen to her, that's not me talking you idiot, how do you not realize I'm being controlled?)" (I)

"(No one will notice, I've had a lot of time to see your memories, Miss Nancy, I can easily act like you without being noticed other than that I killed your brother.)" (Children's Voice)

"(I will kill you.)" (I)

"Here are your clothes, ma'am." (healer)

I can't move my body, I feel like there's something wearing my body like clothes, plus I feel something terrifying all the time, a shiver that never ends.


I see her get dressed and go out with my body as if it were hers, I try to regain control of my body, but I can't, I don't know how.

"(You bastard of her, give me back my body!)" (I)

"(I'll think about it, it's been a great test after all.)" (Children's Voice)

I see her walking around using my body, she goes to the system that allows fresh air from outside to circulate here and on all floors even though it's underground.

"You know, that plan was in your memory, so I appreciate it." (Me?)

"(You motherfucker, give me back my body!)" (I)

No matter how much I scream, I can't help but watch, she pulls out a poison that I recognize by its appearance, Cloud Poison.

A white gas very similar to a cloud, but they are actually a powder from a plant, they enter people's bodies through their breath, wounds, or mouth.

They use the bodies as nutrients for plants to grow while absorbing the host's vitality and mana, I've used this a few times and actually thought about doing it here one day while drunk, but I never thought it would be used against me one day.

After she does that she starts walking towards my father's office, along the way the Alchemists and other underlings were leaning against the walls or lying on the floor.

"(Why are you doing this!? Do you know how many years or decades it took us to raise this organization!?)" (I)

"I don't care..." (Me?)

We walked into the office, which was empty, but my Dad was slumped panting in the side door completely naked.

"(Rest back Hinata, what's going to happen now won't be pretty to look at, let me take over.)" (Male Voice)

"(It's okay, master.)" (Children's voice)

With that, I felt that same presence from before emerging from somewhere and taking possession of my body, different from the chills I was feeling before, this time I felt as if my body was being manipulated by his will, and the blood ran through my veins as it boiled.

"..." (I)

I wanted to speak, but an uncontrollable fear took over my body when his Aura flooded my body, his presence seems to contaminate my body as I feel the weakness I felt before disappear at the same time as an incredible power runs through my body.

I saw him grab my father's head by his hair before throwing him against the wall inside the room, when we entered I saw the 4 women naked and dead, by their appearances, it looks like they suffered a lot before they died, but they all have smiles on their faces.

"< Blood Rune: Curse of Retribution >" (Male Voice)

When he speaks using my body it's not my voice that comes out, but his voice, the same voice of a boy I hear inside my head.

"Who are... you?" (Dad)

"Just someone your daughter shouldn't have stolen." (Male voice)

"Hugh!?" (Dad)

My father's body was full of black spots that were spreading, and he was struggling just to be able to speak, but his eyes were full of fear, I have never seen those eyes on him since the day I was born.

My father is as strong as a silver ranked Adventurer, a strength that should be respected in any nation on this continent, to think that one day I would see him in a state like this.

I feel this man's power course through my body, then he uses my blood to write a Rune in the air that glows purple before entering my Father's body.

At that moment, the black spots on his body spread much faster than before, covering his entire body while I'm standing Red runes just like the ones these people wrote using my blood appear all over my father's body.

I watch his muscled body dry to skin and bone, watch life leave his terrified eyes until all that's left is an endless void of death.

"Rest in peace." (Male voice)

"< Incinerate >" (Male Voice)

"You know, these women told me how you kidnapped them to deliver to your Father, they hate you more than they hate him." (Male voice)

"Your Father was a big problem so I needed to be creative on how to get rid of him, unfortunately, most of the things I thought would be pointless according to what Hinata discovered in her memories." (Male voice)

His voice was cold and cruel as he looked at the flames burning the women's bodies, but that coldness was directed towards me, I could feel his Aura inside my body boiling with rage.

"I thought long and hard about just ending you, stealing everything of value from your organization and leaving, but Hinata doesn't like people like you and your family who treat others like disposable objects." (Male voice)

"That's why I suggested a plan that I only agreed to continue after I got the approval of these women, they were happy to help even if it meant their death." (Male voice)

That's why they were smiling even in such horrible states, they were some kind of trap, by my father's state it could only be poison or curse, but even here there is no poison that leaves him in that state, so it could only be some kind of curse.

"< Summoning: Nix/Layla/Silvia/Loki/Jade/Nicole >" (Male Voice)

After the flames had burned the bodies to nothing, he made a Summon to six people of different Races, all of whom looked at him strangely.

"Kill them all and steal anything you find of value, then destroy the rest." (Male voice)

"< Sin-Eater >" (Male Voice)

After watching everyone running away, I feel all the power that filled my body fading away until I couldn't stand, that's when I noticed Leeches coming out of my shadow biting my legs.

When I was so weak that I felt like I could lose consciousness the strange Leeches disappear and I feel something coming out of my body, as a sense of freedom flooded my body I saw an arm and then a head followed by the rest of a ghostly body of an innocent little girl who it just floated in front of me.

"Hinata wants to take care of you herself." (Male voice)

"But I want you to know that your end was decided from the beginning when you targeted us." (Male voice)

"Thank you..." (Children's Voice)

The small girl's serious face soon became completely expressionless as the male voice morphed back into the child's voice.

"Don't wait, please NO!!!!" (I)

To my horror the innocent girl turned into a horrible creature as her hair turned into snakes, her hands became 3 times bigger with claws stopping small swords and the biggest part of her jaw opened in half to her stomach revealing a frightening amount of teeth.

For the little moment of life I had left, all I wanted was the mercy of death.

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