Will of chaos

Chapter 841 Cap 839: Is He Bipolar?

When we arrived in the city we found out that it will take 5 days for us to be able to use the Teleportation Portal, it seems that they are using it to send help to the miasma filled city to help speed up the process of recovering the city.

As I was afraid not to know the city, I rented an entire floor of an inn near the Adventurer's Guild.

One of the reasons for my fear was knowing that the Church of Light was in that city, and also, due to the number of people who looked at me with displeasure, it didn't take me long to realize the reason for that.

Thanks to the title of Heretic, worshipers of the God of Light will get a bad impression of me from the start, I've noticed that before.

I was wearing a Mask and a hood like the others in my group, but none of that mattered, at least it served to hide my identity since there was a wanted poster for me everywhere.

I take one of those posters where there is some information about me.

[ Younger son of the Blood Goddess Selene, an evil deity creator of the repulsive race of Vampires.

An evil being in the form of a child who committed countless murders and crimes wherever he went. ]


"Wow, that's a real fortune, even I'm thinking of turning myself in now..." (I)

"I used to be very focused on money in the past, it was difficult to fund my research." (Nicole)

"You stole national relics." (Irina)

"Not everything can be bought with money, it seems, I could not interrupt my searches for such idiotic obstacles." (Nicole)

"I think you forgot to tighten a screw when you were building this body." (I)

"This body doesn't have a screw, I fixed its parts with magic and I can control it to a certain extent..." (Nicole)

"Please don't start another rant about how splendid your body is and blah blah blah..." (Lilith)

"Not even my tortures are so cruel." (Lilith)

As we were walking in a large group, people kept to themselves, at least that should prevent anyone coming close to cause confusion.

"The way they portray the Goddess and our race is abominable, this is pure prejudice." (Vanessa)

"The Blood Goddess has always been the most opposing Deity against the God of Light, which is why in all the books Vampires are portrayed so badly." (Irius)

"I find the way they portray the master revolting, but I also cannot deny the accuracy of what is written." (Ragnar)

"Many more crimes are missing, I think the sheet wasn't big enough to put everything on, that's why they made it so short." (Diana)

"Come on all of you, you're making me look like a criminal." (I)

"..." (all)

Everyone stops and looks at me, I feel like their gaze is piercing through my body, it's being more deadly than any attack I received from the monsters in the previous city.

"Come on, if we're talking about crimes, then Kira, Lilith, Elsaris, and Nicole are way worse than me." (I)

"He's not wrong." (Nix)

"As we are all under your command, so our crimes also fall to you." (Kira)

"There's no denying that argument." (Silvia)

"You guys are so mean to me." (I)

"Did anyone see where Loki ended up?" (Athena)

"She went into that building back there." (Ivan)

We all looked back, the place Ivan was pointing to was clearly Cassian.

"Did someone give her money?" (I)

"My money is gone." (Irina)

"Mine too." (Vanessa)

"Mine too." (Ivan)

"How come...my money is gone too." (Kira)

"That's why I don't carry cash anymore." (Nicole)

"Who's going to volunteer to keep an eye on her?" (I)

"..." (All)

"Nobody? Then I choose Ragnar." (I)

"Because I?" (Ragnar)

"Because if she wins something at the Casino you can buy something to eat, whatever you want." (I)

"See you later." (Ragnar)

"He's too easy." (Sakura)

After parting, I'm going to take a look at a tourist spot in the city called the square of the flow of water, in the center of the city, there is a large square where a flow of water passes through several turns throughout the square interconnecting before arriving the large floating water sphere filled with cute fish-type monsters that swim through the streams of water.

"This here is amazing..." (I)

"Let me go." (Lilith)

"I won't let you dive in there, I won't let you take your clothes off in public either." (Vanessa)

"What's the matter, my body is beautiful, my Father who gave me this body..." (Lilith)

Suddenly the landscape disappears in darkness and when I realize I'm on the roof of somewhere facing someone masked giving a hug to Kira who has electric rays being emitted by the body, besides that Byakko in her great form was trying to bite his head behind, but to no avail.

"Master, help me." (Kira)

I look at him, the way he hugs her is with affection, he's not holding any indecent part of her body or any vital spot.

I also don't feel any kind of aggression towards Kira, maybe he's an acquaintance, after all, he brought me here with him.

"Could you let her go, please?" (I)

"No and I wait a little longer and I'll deal with you."

"Let go of me soon, I don't even know who you are!" (Kira)

"Let her go or are you going to make me use force?" (I)

"< Shadow Immobilization Curse >"

Suddenly my body was super rigid, I couldn't move my body at all, it was like I was frozen in time.

"Calm down, I'll explain everything, I've thought about this a thousand times, just give me a moment to remember..."

"That mask, that Aura..."

I see him taking off Kira's mask very carefully as he stares into her face.

"That face... reminds me so much of her face... my dear Joana..."


I can see tears streaming from the mask he wears, he's crying but I don't understand why.

"As for you, I have to have a long and maybe violent conversation with you"

He changes from calm to confusion, changes from tears of sadness to murderous rage and his emotions are not stable at all.

"(I think he's bipolar.)" (I)

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