Will of chaos

Chapter 815 Cap 813: Lower Relative

Pov of an Assassin:

The night Zenos arrived in the city of Cartise.

I was sitting at a food stall on a busy street, and I was waiting for someone, the person I am waiting for is late, but I am a patient man, I need to be very patient in my line of work.

"I want another grilled fruit skewer." (I)

"I want some too and a stiff drink if you have any." (Riley)

"I have something here, but it's not very strong."

"Then give me the bottle." (Riley)

"You don't look well, lass." (I)

"Leave me alone." (Riley)

I reach out to touch the woman's shoulder, but she taps my hand before touching her, thus activating the telepathic magic.

"(You're late.)" (I)

"(Sorry, it took a while for the hypnosis magic item to wear off.)" (Riley)

"(I hate wearing this thing, my head feels like it's going to explode.)" (Riley)

"(Tell me you didn't kill Adventurer.)" (I)

"(I thought about taking my anger out on him, but I was alone when that thing wore off, after that, I came straight here when I realized it was past the agreed time.)" (Riley)

"(Did you make contact with the target?)" (I)

"(In the last 3 days we found 21 people whose features resemble the target, but only 5 were boys.)" (Riley)

"Looks like you got dumped, I'll get you a glass of juice on the house, here's your food."

"We can't always be lucky, but thanks buddy." (I)

I continue to eat and drink as does Riley as our mental conversation continues without anyone noticing.

"(Were any of the boys Target?)" (I)

"(None of them seemed to be Vampire, but there were two that caught my attention, one was being accompanied by a Dragonewt and the other was being accompanied by a female Demon.)" (Riley)

"(Why did they get your attention?)" (I)

"(The two looked strong, they managed to capture us, luckily they were deceived by the false story.)" (Riley)

"(The story of the missing girl is not false, I sent her to another city for the family to do this contract in the Adventurer's Guild as a cover for our plan.)" (I)

We need some preparation for this plan, but at least everything is going well.

"(Did you really need to hypnotize me like that?)" (Riley)

"(Caution never hurts, you know how I am with targets we know so little about.)" (I)

"(You say you haven't found the target, but I'm sure it could be one of the 5 boys, he must be in disguise, our contact in the Dark Elf village sent a message saying when he would come.)" (I)

"(What do we do then?)" (Riley)

"(Let's kill the 5 just to be sure.)" (I)

"(I go after the brat with the Demon woman, I didn't like the way she looked at me.)" (Riley)

"(Do what you want, I'll go after one of the other 4 later, give me their information and their Auras.)" (I)

"(Good thing this thing works on its own, I didn't even remember what it was with that hypnosis.)" (Riley)

She had a magic item that takes Aura samples and images of everyone who passes too close to her, with that we have the face and Aura of the Targets.


Pov Zenos:

After I defeated the floor boss, I still had 4/5 of my mana pool, but for just 1 attack to sing that much energy was much more than I imagined.

"We already collected the ice element magic stones in his body, this will be useful since we don't have many in the Dungeon." (Irina)

"We can deal with that later, but for now let's stop exploring the Dungeon and my training." (I)

"Is this about the person from before?" (Irius)

"Yes, we can talk in the hotel room, let's go." (I)

I leave the Dungeon with the others and we go back to the city directly to my rented room, on the way a shadow leaves an alley and falls in my shadow.

When we enter the room I raise my hand and something leaps from my shadow onto my hand, it was a small black leech that had a purple mist around it.

"What a beautiful Leech reminds me of the master of yesteryear." (Ibuki)

"Is that a Lesser Familiar?" (Irina)

"Yes, I call them Shadow Leeches." (I)

"When did you create this thing?" (Irius)

"I've been trying to create these Soulless Familiars since we left the Dark Continent, I needed to study more magical theory to do this, and I also needed to spend a lot of time meditating to figure out what form to give them." (I)

"It has to be a shape that has a strong connection with your mind, something engraved deep within you." (Irina)

"That's why I chose something I once was, I chose the shape of the race I was born into this world for." (I)

A Lesser Familiar is a soulless creature that feeds only on the energy of its creator, its power and abilities depend entirely on who created it, but these things cannot evolve and follow only instructions.

"I sent this little friend along with a few others into the shadows of the couple who tried to get me yesterday." (I)

"I thought they were Adventurers." (Ibuki)

"One of them was, but the other person, the woman was the one who tried to attack us today inside the Dungeon, I felt her Aura and in that brief moment I told this little thing to come back to me leaving the others in her shadow." (I)

"If I meditate I can connect with them, but I can't fully connect with them like I do with Nix and the others." (I)

"What do we do?" (Irina)

"I'll send two specialists to get her." (I)

As soon as I finished speaking, two people come out of my shadow accompanied by Fairies who go back inside the Dungeon after finishing delivering these two people.

"What did you call us for?" (Elsaris)

"Is this the city full of Dungeons?" (Kira)

"I have a little job for you two." (I)

"Who do we have to kill?" (Elsaris)

"Who spoke of killing someone?" (I)

Elsaris turns to Ibuki, so I can see that Ibuki is giving off slight murderous intent.

"We're not going to kill anyone, at least not before we get some answers." (I)

I place my finger on Kira's forehead and Elsaris meanwhile do non-elemental magic for simple telepathic magic, then share with them the information my little Familiar has given me such as where this woman is, what she looks like, her name, and a sample of her Aura.

"Bring this woman, she is SSS Grade so it shouldn't be difficult for you." (I)

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