Will of chaos

Chapter 813 Cap 811: Cartise City

Me and the others were starting to wear the mask when we left the alley, I don't want to be recognized by people from the Church of Light, but I also didn't want to be mistaken for a girl again.


"(Let's not cry, master.)" (Nix)

"(With your appearance anyone can mistake you for a girl, a beautiful girl.)" (Nix)


"(This is not helping...)" (I)

"(We can't do anything about your appearance, but look on the bright side, you're beautiful.)" (Nix)


"(I could change the structure of my bones and body, so I would be able to have some masculine characteristics at least.)" (I)

"(You don't want to live a lie, just accept who you are, only then will you find true happiness in your life.)" (Silvia)

"..." (I)

Suddenly I hear Silvia's childish voice inside my head as she talks to Nix telepathically, and I can feel her Aura inside me going to my eyes.

"(How did you do it?)" (I)

"(I have spent hundreds of thousands of years using Elf Kings and Queens as my representatives with the rest of the world, I know that the connection between Master and Familiars is not a one-way street.)" (Silvia)

"(Because of that I know how to manipulate our connection far beyond what you can imagine, with that I felt your sadness and tried to see what had happened through your eyes.)" (Silvia)

"(But I soon find out that this is because of her appearance...)" (Silvia)

"(This is a very important matter for me.)" (I)


For the next few minutes, I spent most of the time telling Silvia not to use me as her eyes and ears without warning.

While talking to Nix and Silvia in my head, I was still paying attention to the surroundings, something that caught my attention was a group of Cyclops, but these weren't monsters, they were tall and had only one giant eye that occupied almost half of their face, but unlike the monsters I've fought in the past, this group was wearing Adventurer clothes made from monster leather while acting like normal people.

I clearly understood that they were Demis, they seemed to be Catastrophe Grade in strength, but they are still weaker than me, so I could sense their Auras while hiding from them.

Besides them, there were many other races, but most of them were still Humans, what made me most disconcerted was seeing a group of Adventurers composed of Humans and Demons laughing together.

It seems that the hatred of those who live in the Dark Continent and the Morror Continent does not extend to the other continents.

I also noticed the street patterns in the city, one thing I always paid attention to was these things to make sure I'm not inside a big magic circle like it was in the past in the Makari Kingdom.

In addition to the people, another thing that surprised me was the magical technology, the streets were very wide, and most of the time people walked through the streets leaving a space in the middle of the street for Carriages pulled by metal Golems that looked more like robots to pass, too I saw something that looked like a flying car pass over my head, I realized that I was using the element of space to keep myself afloat while using the element of wind for propulsion.

It was very interesting, but I let it go as I continued to roam the streets for a few more minutes, then I formed a picture in my mind of the streets I had passed through to find that this city had a Magic circle already formed of the streets.

But while I'm worried about this Silvia talks in my mind that this is a layered magic circle planned since the construction of the city, she said that every Adventurer focused city will have its streets like this, this is a high value thing to do, but of great importance to have in places that are clearly in dangerous areas.

With a request my Nix brought Elsaris to serve as a guide, I don't want to call Margareth so I don't draw attention from people who hate my sister.

Elsaris had already been to this city during her younger years, she said she was trained here, so she guided me to a simple-looking pension, but which has a restaurant on the first floor.

Diana told us about this being a Hotel only for those who don't want to be persecuted, this place is managed by the Black Market.

We all went there where I got a big room for all of us, after that, I spent some time talking until I chose to go to a Dungeon.

After deliberating for a while, I decided to start with the Forest of Beasts dungeon, this is one of the hardest dungeons here, that's because of the wide variety of beast-type monsters inside the dungeon.

I chose this place to train for today, it will also be a good way to find enemies with increasing strength where I can always look for a stronger monster.

I had to run across rooftops to get to the city gates, I only did it because I saw hundreds of people doing the same.

Another reason to choose the Forest of Beasts Dungeon is the Dungeon that is closest to the city when we are comparing various points about the Dungeons of that city.


Inside the Forest of Beasts Dungeon.

As my idea this time was to train, it was just me, Freya, and Vanessa present, in addition to some of my Family members.

There were a lot of people charging money to take other people deeper into the Dungeon using Teleportation between the different safe rooms on each floor.

I managed to negotiate with one of these sellers that I found to be Adventurers earning an extra income in a safe way.

With that, I managed to register on several floors so I can teleport as I wish if I want to continue wanting to increase the difficulty of training.

We started with the floor where SSS grade monsters are, in this place the first monsters I had to fight were Werewolves.

As a first test, I went to fight only one while the others were very overprotective, I fought him with just my fists.

As expected, the monster was torn to pieces with just one punch and it was very slow, it showed me that they were too weak for a fight, so I moved on to the next test, I take off my shirt and leave the next monster that confronts us attack to use your claws on me.

The SS Grade Werewolf's claws weren't even able to scratch my skin and when I made him bite down on the scales on my wrist, the Werewolf's teeth snapped.

Upon realizing that it was unbeatable against Grade SS monsters, I then moved to a few more floors lower where I found a type of Bear mixed with gorilla, it was a Grade SSS monster.

I repeat the same trainings I did before, I let the monster cut me in the chest, but again not a single scratch was left on my skin.

After that I let him do another attack where my scales are, but no damage was left again.

As soon as I went down to a floor where we encountered Lower Catastrophe Grade monsters, this was a type of Lizard made of stones.

This lizard was bigger than me, as the monster attacked me right away, I just let it continue, to my surprise a scratch was shown on my chest as I was thrown back, so I switched to the test of scales, when I went attacked on the scales, I realized that my defense was better than before my evolution by a large margin.


I end the day for a rest in the rented room, I've been avoiding looking at my statuses anymore, but I can't seem to let it go.

I change clothes to get more comfortable, then go to my bed where I sit to meditate for a few minutes to get my mind and body ready, then open my statuses.

HP: 199040/199040

MP: 270000/270000

Ki: 270000/270000

EP: 270000/270000

PS: 50000/50000

Strength: 97200

Dexterity: 61000

Agility: 65900

Defense: 70000

Intelligence: 300000

Magic defense: 100000

Charm: 200000

Luck: -99


I skip my race, Jobs, titles, and lineages which are things I already know, then I go to my body stats, the increase in energy levels and physical characteristics are exorbitant to me.

I like anyone am happy with my vitality getting stronger, but another thing I noticed was my Luck increased by just 1 point, it was so ridiculous that I felt like punching someone in the face.

Another thing I was thinking about is this addition to my status, this PS thing must be Holy Power.

My stat boosts have been quite large, it looks like I'll need some time to adapt to my newfound strength.

I'm thinking of going to the Adventurer's Guild tomorrow before going back to the same Dungeon as today, this time I'll look for stronger monsters for my training.

I took one last look at my very different statuses than I had imagined, after the shock of my new status, I didn't know how to react to it, it was a good thing to feel so much power coursing through my body continuously like this it's amazing.

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