Will of chaos

Chapter 793 Cap 791: Finding Dark Elf King Heston

After waiting a few days I was informed that I will be able to meet with the leader of this village tomorrow morning.

Now it was night and I was on top of a tree looking at the starry sky with Margareth standing beside me.

"Are you sure about this?" (I)

"Holy war is inevitable, everyone knows that, but they don't know why." (Margareth)

"But you know?" (I)

"Yes, but it's no use telling you, not with your current strength, you have no place in the great events to come." (Margareth)

"Your master could help, why doesn't she take care of herself to be at full strength when needed?" (I)

"My master doesn't know how to act in a group, which will be necessary, she is strong but too impulsive for this conflict, she knows that too." (Margareth)


"Then why do I have to get involved?" (I)

"You and my mistress will get involved willy-nilly due to the Goddess Selene, plus you have Saints and Champions around you, so give it up." (Margareth)

I already imagined that something like this could happen, but I didn't know it would happen so soon, the way Margareth talks makes it sound like it could happen in the next few years, it worries me, I and the others are very weak right now, the people of this continent have higher levels of power.

"(Gotta get stronger.)" (I)


The next morning, Diana, Vanessa, Freya, and my family members go to meet the Elf King of this village, I heard about his fight against a Titan of Nature, the Dark Elves are warriors by nature and like to talk about their conquests in combat.

One thing I've noticed since coming here is that I don't see any World Trees, that's not the kind of thing you can easily hide.

We followed a Dark Elf with blonde hair, her skin was a little lighter than the other Dark Elves, but her muscles were bigger than anyone else I've seen in this village, her name is Xannyr.

It takes us to the middle of the village where there is a big lake, when we get closer we continue walking, and to my surprise Xannyr started to walk over the surface of the water, when I tried I realized that I was also walking over the water.

We followed her to the middle of the lake where the water in the lake changes color, the water in the rest of that lake was blue like the other lakes here, but in the middle of the lake where I am the water was green, besides that it didn't show our reflection but a colossal tree.

"You just need to jump in here, if you don't have bad intentions it will be easy to pass." (Xannyr)

After she said that, she jumped into the water and I could see her standing on the other side waiting for us, we all followed without hesitation, as I passed I felt a sensation similar to passing through the crack in space to enter a Separate Space.

"We're close, follow me." (Xannyr)

We came out in a tropical garden, behind me was a small lake that threw me over the edge as I passed, after everyone left I followed Xannyr along with everyone to what looked like a small mountain carved with towers, windows, stairs, and doors.

Behind this small mountain was the same colossal tree I saw before, this World Tree was bigger than the others I saw, but it looked more like a petrified tree with its surface appearing to be made of stone, it resembles a steep mountain wall more than the other than with the bark of a tree.

We entered through large doors carved directly out of the mountain, I noticed there were many Fairies and Spirits all over the place.

Everyone always greeted me and Freya as we passed, some even flew around us as if dancing, the Fairies, and Spirits who were normal sizes were always laughing as if they were at an endless party.

Walking inside the mountain we went through some corridors until we reached big doors that lead to a throne room or that's what I thought it would be, it was actually a field of fruit trees with a hammock where a Dark Elf was lying snoring up to a Dark Elf appears out of nowhere with a celestial appearance kicking him out of the net.

"Who was the bastard..."

"We have a visitor, you've had enough rest."

When the man falls from the hammock I notice that he was shirtless with almost his entire torso wrapped in bandages, he had little muscle, but the visible parts of his body were full of scars showing that he is an experienced warrior.

"Welcome, I am Heston, King of the Dark Elves of this village and chosen by the World Tree." (King Heston)

"That brute who woke me up is Hest, the spirit of the World Tree..." (King Heston)

"Don't call me a brute or I'll stop healing you." (Hest)

cough cough

"I meant, this gentle lady beside me is the spirit of the World Tree." (I)

"I'm Zenos, these are Diana, Vanessa, and Freya." (I)

"The others are my Familiars Ragnar, Nix, Layla, Orion, Sakura, and Hinata." (I)

And I introduce myself to the others as the woman who led us grows wings on her back and flies away through the open wall behind the garden of trees.

"I heard that Margareth, the servant of the Living Brutality was with you." (King Heston)

"She said she didn't want to come." (I)

"But I do." (Hest)


The woman snaps her fingers and Margareth appears in a bikini and full of water, she was in a swimming position when she fell face down on the ground.

"That wasn't funny." (Margareth)

"It was a little." (Hest)

"Why did you bring me? I was swimming in a competition, and I was going to win..." (Margareth)

"You were last, the Mermaid Warrior was first followed by the great Lamia." (Hest)

"True, I was never going to win that, now I don't need to call the bet I made anymore." (Margareth)

"I think we can all sit down for a chat now, follow me." (King Heston)

A red mist envelops Margareth for a few seconds before she appears in her usual Warrior Maid outfit.

We all walked together behind Dark Elf King Heston as we crossed the tree garden to the other side where we found a wooden table at the foot of the World Tree.

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