Will of chaos

Chapter 770 Cap 768: Navary Kingdom Part 1

After returning to the room I tell most people and all the Demons to go back inside the Dungeon, then I tell Nix to close the gate while Marcos follows the fleet of ships that continues to surround us back to the Continent.

I made those who had already been seen stay with me, the voyage in this way lasted some 6 days, we were not approached once more by people from the other ships.

It didn't take long to see the silhouette of the Central Continent after 5 days of travel, and I felt the big change in the environment.

The elemental energy and the 3 natural energies were much stronger, and the balance of nature was also stronger than I had ever seen, because of all this I noticed something else, but I had to confirm once we got to land to be sure.


As we got closer to the Central Continent, the more boats and Ships we were seeing, I even started to see some Floating Ships, it reminded me of the Floating Ship I stole in the Dark Continent, I hope Nicolas manages to do a good job with that, I have high expectations.

One thing that surprised me was when we got close to the port because I started to see weirder things like people flying using some kind of magic or technique, flying mounts, floating carriages pulled by flying mounts, boats that appear from under the water, carriages that walked on water or freeze the surface of the water to walk.

There were a lot of strange things that made my eyes light up at the thought that this was what a magical world was supposed to look like.

I look at the port city that we are approaching and shovel everything made of marble of various colors, but what stands out the most is a large Palace 100 meters high made of white marble with light blue grooves, the sunlight seems to illuminate such a magnificent Palace.

In addition, I noticed that the city seems to have no end extending in both directions, I also noticed the large number of ships with the same colors as those escorting us, there were even dozens of these ships flying.

"Have you heard of this Navary Kingdom, Vanessa?" (I)

"Yes, they are a somewhat unique Kingdom in their way of thinking." (Vanessa)

"They have the common language as an official in the nation, their military strength on land is almost zero, but their military strength in water is easily the largest on the continent." (Vanessa)

"If you get a map of the Central Continent, you'll notice that the Navary Kingdom looks like a thick line that goes around 1/3 of the coast of every continent." (Vanessa)

"They are the biggest suppliers of marine products and specialized in the trade." (Vanessa)

"They also only have two cities, a city at the bottom of the ocean and this city that we're seeing a part of." (Vanessa)

Vanessa points to the city in front of us, then points to the horizon on the right and the horizon on the left as she finishes her explanation.

"Their city runs through the entire territory on land, one being the city with the largest population on the continent, seen from above the city only has one or two main streets at certain points that go from one end of the city to the other." (Vanessa)

I don't know the exact size of this continent, but I've heard that it's bigger than the Dark Continent and the Morror Continent together, which means that this city almost crosses this continent, what a strange way to create a Kingdom.

"I don't understand, how are they able to maintain a Kingdom with a city of this size without being attacked by nature due to the destruction required to build this city?" (I)

"Why they compensated for the destruction by creating gardens and planting lots of trees all over town, you can't see it from here, but it will be visible once we get to town." (Vanessa)

"Also, because the city is built just by the coast, it didn't have to destroy much of the nature, which was essential to make this possible." (Vanessa)

"I don't know if we will have that opportunity." (I)

"We can leave the Kingdom and come back in disguise later." (Orion)

"That might be an interesting idea, but let's see how things go at the Palace first." (I)

"How do they control such a big city? Especially with such a large population?" (Nix)

"They have government buildings scattered throughout the city, this Kingdom's navy also patrols the entire length of the Kingdom, which makes it safer for merchants to come across the Ocean." (Vanessa)

"I imagine that for merchants and even travelers it must be safer to arrive in this Kingdom and travel through its streets until they are closer to their destination, right?" (I)

"Exactly, this is a Kingdom with a history of thousands of years, more than half of its population is made up of travelers who are just passing through." (Vanessa)

This Kingdom is very interesting, I understand the main idea of ​​the rulers of this Kingdom, or at least of its founders, was to monopolize maritime trade, a very ambitious idea.

"Why do other Kingdoms and Empires allow them to occupy so much space on the coast of the Central Continent?" (Diana)

"Because of its size, it should be relatively easy to invade and dominate the city since it is so extensive, even more so if several Kingdoms act together since this Navary Kingdom must border several Kingdoms." (Sakura)

"The reason is simple, convenience, am I right?" (I)

"As expected, you've noticed the main problem." (Vanessa)

"Like this?" (Diana)

"This Navary Kingdom serves as a great shield for other nations to stop the waves of Monsters coming from the Ocean, it should also serve as an excellent trading partner." (I)

"Exactly, but that's not the whole reason, there will always be greedy Kingdoms that think they can attack them, but realize too late that it's impossible to hold these lands." (Vanessa)

"When they are attacked they flee to the warships, then the siege of the warships against the invaders begins, as the whole city is very close to the coast, there are no places outside the range of the ships' attacks, so the attackers always are forced to return." (Vanessa)

"Soon after, all trade treaties with that nation are cut for 100 years and only come back after that period if they pay compensation triple the value of damages caused by the conflicts." (Vanessa)

"That's a very interesting tactic." (I)

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