Will of chaos

Chapter 762 Cap 760: Monstrosity

Pov Mermaid Queen Eloise:

"You're going to die today!!!"

This monstrous figure appeared out of nowhere directing limitless murderous intent towards me.

"< Deadly Onslaught >"

"< Water Prison >" (I)

Before I understood what was happening he disappeared from my sight in a sudden attack that I reacted by pure instinct using an ability of my trident.

The water around him condenses into several needles that should stop him from moving, I say should because he ignores the water needles going through the force in a suicide attack, then tries to cut me with his claws, he was faster than me, so I use the Staff of the Seawatcher to defend myself and even then I was pushed more than 100 meters back through a nearby building.

"< Layered Mana Barrier >" (I)

"< Claws of Judgment >"

"< Ocean Current >" (I)

"< Lightning Breath >"

Without waiting for a next attack I create 25 barriers in layers after being slammed into a building, after stabilizing I feel the water shift behind me and I turn around in time to see its big claws breaking most of my barriers.

I take advantage of the reaction time my barriers have bought me and use a water element spell creating a strong maximum current to hammer him into the ground while he's too close to be able to dodge, but against my expectations, he slightly opens his big jaw using a thunder element breath attack that interrupts my attack while electrifying the surrounding water served as a secondary attack.

"Who are you!?" (I)


"< Explosive Fist >"

The repercussion of the collision of our two attacks caused what was left of my barriers to shatter as some burns appeared on my body.

I try to buy time as I watch my bravest warriors try to join the fight, as this creature uttered those words at first means it can hear me, but it ignored me as it spread an extremely sinister Aura in the surroundings and coated its fists with that Aura to attack me.

I keep the Staff of the Watcher of the Seas to use my two hands to hold my trident, in such a close fight I won't have time to use magic and so I will have to fight using the Martial Arts of the Sirens of my nation.

This monster's Aura was very strong and oppressive, I could feel its Aura trying to corrupt my body and mind with fear, pain, and various kinds of abnormal status, but I managed to resist it somehow using my own Aura around my body, her Aura was the most horrible thing I've ever felt and it felt like she was judging me, something I can't even accept the thought of.

As his attacks were faster and more powerful than I could handle on my own, I had to focus on deflecting his attacks and waiting for a good opportunity to attack or until my best warriors were by my side.

Dodging his attacks was getting harder and harder, and his movements were unpredictable, there were times I thought it was going to be a punch and then an elbow almost hit me, another time a forward lunge became a front kick that I used my fin to hit his leg a little more to the side.

In the meantime where I was dodging his attacks with great difficulty, my warriors tried to attack him from all directions, I thought that when I realized that he would try to defend himself against them and give me the opportunity to attack, but I was wrong.

The enemy ignores the attacks that have passed through his body as if he were an illusion, but his powerful attacks against me show that it is not an illusion.

"< Cursed Blade >"

"Huhh!!" (I)

"< Cry from the Depths >" (I)

Distracted by the hope of my warriors' attacks against the enemy and having only parried attacks with its arms and legs, I forgot to pay attention to its tail which glowed with a purple light as it pierced my side.

I endure the pain while activating an ability knowing I will hit my warriors by accident, I scream creating heavy sound waves that push the enemy back pulling the blade of his tail out of my body and increasing the wound.

"Bastard... hugh!" (I)

cough cough

My vision blurred for a second as sudden pain and weakness hit me, I spat out some blood and realized my skin had started to rot near the wound on my side.

"Majesty beware!" (General Glennda)


An attack came from my back, when I looked I realized that my own Shadow had hit me and before I could react a big jaw was right in front of my face trying to close with my head inside, I dodged my head hastily but he bites my while grabs my body to rip my shoulder away from my body.


"< Blood Eater >"

"..." (I)

"Majesty!!!!" (all)

He was smiling as a part of his Aura that was injected inside my body seeped into my veins, then my blood started to burn like acid as I felt things moving inside my body, the pain was so much that I couldn't even scream.

It didn't take me long to know what these things were moving inside my body when one of them opened up a wound with teeth in my skin protruding out of my remaining arm, it was some sort of red Worm or Leech with a circular spout full of teeth crystal glasses.

"Those who hurt my family have never received my forgiveness!"

"Die being devoured from the inside out by your own blood!"

"NO!!!" (all)

Before I could understand what he was saying or who was yelling, one of my eyes exploded as another one of those things popped out of my eye and I felt several more coming out all over my body as my vision darkened.

,m "(Was my daughter right in the end!?)" (I)

Gradually the pain and my senses were leaving one by one as I fell into an unnerving darkness.

I knew I was dying, but not being able to lead my people to the prosperity I promised when I had finally destroyed our ancient enemies filled me with grief.

All I could say was count on my daughter from now on, I hope she abandons her naivete to become the Queen I know she can become.

"(Even if I die it doesn't matter, the Sirens will be safe...)" (I)

In this way, even my mind went blank as I fell into the oblivion of death.

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