Will of chaos

Chapter 728 Cap 726: A New Kind Of Danger For Zenos

After the Blood Temple Vampires left and Alvin continued to guide us through a few restaurants, I slipped out of Nix's shadow to walk alongside everyone else and Vanessa came to stand beside me.

"It's not right for a Father to abandon his Daughter in a desperate moment, did you know that?" (Vanessa)

"I'm a terrible father." (I)

"Then show some guilt or remorse." (Vanessa)

"For that, I would have to feel remorse, which I don't at all." (I)

"I'll get you..." (Vanessa)

"You weren't in any danger, everyone is from the Blood temple." (I)

"I've always hated that part where people suddenly appear to be on their knees, people around looking." (Vanessa)


"When they came, I thought it was for you?" (Vanessa)

"Clearly you have more prestige than I do." (I)

"Everyone knows about me, my mom said they teach everyone about me." (Vanessa)

"I'm not yet a Saint." (Vanessa)

"You are not a simple Priestess either, we all know you will soon be a Saint." (I)

"But it's too early to start treating me like a Saint." (Vanessa)

"They should have kneeled down to you." (Vanessa)

"I didn't want that, so I was relieved when they got to you, but I still hid in case." (I)

As we walked we were being watched by many people, perhaps because of the diversity of our group, or because almost everyone was wearing clothes with no symbols of any religion other than Diana, Vanessa, and Karina.

I've been feeling many types of stares, but the ones that worry me are some stares that give me a shiver down my back, for some reason since leaving the body I've felt like prey being watched by the predator.

But there were so many people paying attention to us that I couldn't tell which direction it was coming from, but my instincts were telling me to run.

I once again considered using my Aura, but I know it will cause more problems than helping me, so I try not to think about who is watching us, as long as they don't make a move against us.


We stopped near a construction still in progress, it appeared to be a small mansion, and it was in a side neighborhood of the city close to the city gates.

"This will be your home, we don't normally do that, but we make an exception by having a Champion of a God with you and other people of high prestige status." (Alvin)

"Do I have to pay for the house?" (I)

"No, as you can see, we're not incurring any costs on this house." (Alvin)

"You can also open your dungeon here if you want." (Alvin)

I look at Alvin in amazement not knowing how he found out about the Dungeon, he seems to notice my gaze as he turns to me.

"Don't worry, I just recognize the trait of a Dungeon Master in your Aura, you're not the first to come to this island." (Alvin)

"Are there other Dungeon Masters on this island?" (I)

"Only one, besides you don't have to worry about anything, I don't intend to divulge this information to others and it would be almost impossible for them to find out." (Alvin)

I look at Alvin's almost alien face trying to figure out if he's telling the truth, but it's almost impossible to try to understand such an alien expression, the only thing I could do was trust my instincts that say everything is fine.

"I'd like to ask you a question." (I)

"Feel free to ask whatever you want." (Alvin)

"Do you know who's been watching us?" (I)

"Yes, almost all Religions have eyes watching you now." (Alvin)

"Do you know why they're doing this?" (I)

"You probably already know about Miss Vanessa being a Saint." (Alvin)

"I'm not a Saint… not yet at least." (Vanessa)

If these people try to do something to us I think I have to avoid killing them, maybe just tying them up with my lines and hanging them naked in the center of town should be punishment enough as long as they start fighting.

I have to avoid breaking the rules of this island, clearly, Alvin is much stronger than me, so strong that I can't measure his strength and probably the owner of the island must be even stronger than him, so I'll try to behave as best I can.

"Anybody else have any more questions?" (Alvin)

I look at the others and they all shake their heads in denial.

"We have no more doubts, for now, thank you very much for guiding us." (I)

"I'm just doing my duty, plus your house should be ready in a few more hours." (Alvin)

"Can we go get something to eat, Ibuki is almost fainting from hunger." (Diana)

"Food..." (Ibuki)

I look at Ibuki with empty eyes and drooling dangling from one of Diana's arms.

"So let's take a look at these restaurants we saw earlier." (I)

On the way, I noticed that some people were surrounding us, but strangely they didn't seem to be hostile, but I still felt very uncomfortable for some reason.

It didn't take long for us to be surrounded by people in pink clothes, almost all of them were very beautiful women, but there were also some men, for some reason they were all looking right at me.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Zenos." (I)

"May I know what you want?" (I)

"I would like to welcome you to Cyrion Isle, I am a Priestess of the Fertility Goddess, my name is Amelia." (Amelia)

"May I know why they're holding us back, Miss Amelia?" (I)

"Sorry, we're just so thrilled to meet someone as unique as you, I can feel so many bloodlines inside you..." (Amelia)

The way she talks in the middle becomes weird and at the end, she licks her lips with a red face, plus she's not the only one, all these people in pink are looking at me in a similar way, but Amelia is still by far the most close to losing control, his body is even shaking.

"Imagine the great family we could raise, so many children, so many races, how wonderful..." (Amelia)

"Master, I think you should run." (Diana)

"Yes, this woman has eyes very similar to Diana's, that could be dangerous for you." (Vanessa)

"That was needless to say." (Diana)

"But it wasn't a lie." (Kira)

"But you don't have to tell others that." (Diana)

While they argued I used the element of water to create mist and fled into someone's shadow before being taken away by a bunch of perverts.

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