Will of chaos

Chapter 705 Cap 703: Commercial Competition Part 4

Pov Lyra:

This competition is already mine, I have hundreds of types of potions and from my research, I know that there are two Dungeons near this city, in addition to being a center of Commerce of this continent.

I have potions to use in combat like acids, poisons, and explosions.

I have healing potions to heal external wounds, heal broken bones, increase vitality, restore Ki, restore spiritual energy and restore mana.

I have potions to increase resistance against various element types, to increase physical resistance, and to increase magic resistance.

I have potions to clear various types of affliction like sleep, charm, madness, different types of poison, and petrification.

I even have potions for the most intimate moments like helping the soldier to be ready, to increase libido, to increase the energy that lasts longer, and to prevent pregnancy.

I wanted to sell the most exotic potions I created, but the master forbade it saying it was dangerous to sell to unknown people.

The master even forbade me to sell the potions I make for Érica to use on him, which I agree, those potions would kill a normal person since I made them thinking about overcoming the various resistances he has.

Even the lust, libido and sleep potions I'm selling have restrictions, the master has a Moon Spirit by my side during some questions I have to ask where these potions will be used.

Nira told me that most of these potions are banned on the Morror Continent, but Elsaris and Lilian said they are allowed on this continent, so I think everything will be fine.

I called some Elves and Lamias as my assistants, they are the ones who help me in my work normally.

When I opened the store I left a sign on the door talking about the promotion of stamina potions in the Demon language, I studied this language with one of my moms when I was younger, she taught me several languages ​​so I would be able to study a greater variety of books magicians.


It was late at night when a big client came in, he came early and knew he would be back after his performance.

"I see you liked my potions." (I)

"I loved your potions, I was able to serve triple my daily customers and we're not even busy yet."

"I told you you were missing a great opportunity." (I)

"Please say the potions aren't over."

"The ones with vigor were all sold, a green-haired succubus took it all." (I)

"Green hair? I only know one like that in this town with that hair color."

"I should have known she would, she owns one of my competitors, but while my store only has men working, her store is more varied with both genders."

"So she got ahead of you, he spent a small fortune buying my potions." (I)

"I can't compete against her, her establishment is twice the size of mine, but my clientele is more select."

"Sell me every libido, lust, and magical recovery potion you have."

"There are a total of 85 potions with a total value of 411 gold coins." (I)

"Here's the payout, even if it's a little more expensive, it's worth it for the lingering effect."

"Thank you and come back often." (I)

I see the Devil leaving, he owns a men's brothel, and he was the first to buy from my store, but not the only one, apart from that type of customer, the Adventurers were my biggest customers, depleting my potions for the most part.

I smile with the realization that I will crush my rivals in this competition, my Father always taught me that in a competition the winner takes the path and I will take this award.

"Good night, do you still have any speed boosting potions?"

"I will have it tomorrow, many Adventurers have been here in the afternoon running out of my supply today." (I)

"So I'll be back in the morning, would you have the potions tomorrow?"

"Yea." (I)


Pov Rakan:

I was happy with my shop, the focus of the shop was magic scrolls, but there were also many kinds of books on magic theory from my point of view.

Magic scrolls were very varied and single-use for a reason, a magic scroll has a predetermined level, this means that the strength, elemental affinity, or ability of the owner has no bearing on the strength of the scroll.

A magic scroll can be activated using global coins or the person's own mana, unlike a ritual spell that must be controlled during its activation, a magic scroll is easy to control as its effect is already determined.

Magic scrolls are more expensive than potions but cheaper than magic items.

Unlike potions that cannot be used continuously because of their diminishing effects, a magic scroll can be used continuously as long as it has the energy to activate.

Because of this, almost all Adventurers like to have a few magic scrolls to save their lives in a life-or-death moment.

Strangely, Dungeon people don't like using magic scrolls, they only believe in their own personal strength, they don't even like using attack potions from what Lyra once told me.

I like their mentality, relying too much on external items can get people killed, I myself saw this happen to that Demon prince I was putting up with when I was forced into slavery in the past.


I was having a really fun discussion with one of my clients, she was holding one of my books in her hand.

"The theory of elemental affinity conversion using a ritual magic circle with a magic crystal sounds very interesting, how did you think of it?"

"At the time I was taking orders from an idiot, he made irrational requests, I had all the materials I needed, but I was always acting alone." (I)

"Because of that, I had to improvise a lot, creating magic rituals following this theory allows one to use any kind of ritual magic, but it has the drawback of increasing the cost in mana and in magic control." (I)

"That makes sense since you would have to create layered or interlocking magic, those two problems would be impossible to get rid of."

"Yes, so even if this theory is valid, it is still recommended to seek help from mages specialized in the necessary element for the ritual magic you need." (I)

I was content talking to this woman, she was a Witch, their Aura is unmistakable, and their love and obsession with magic is also well known.

Many are afraid to befriend witches as they are easily obsessed with things they like and their minds are incapable of being bound by rules, laws, or morals.

Érica who evolves into a Witch Demon is a perfect example of this, her research on curses would be against the laws of any nation I can imagine, and her obsessions with studying her magic and Master Zenos are also very well known, not even Master Zenos can control her completely.

"You know, I'd love to continue this conversation later."

"I would really like that..." (I)

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