Will of chaos

Chapter 703 Cap 701: Commercial Competition Part 2

Pov Anton:

Today was the first day I opened the shop inside the Commerce Guild, this place is bigger than I heard, my shop was set up just the way I asked for it, earth element mages specializing in construction really do a quick job.

I had 2 Ogres, 1 Orc woman, 1 Oni, and 1 Ghoul as assistants, they are my main assistants within the Dungeon too, they are excellent Blacksmiths.

My shop is full of armors with different types of spells or abilities in them, it also has the swords, spears and other weapons, not all of them are jobs that I did myself, there are also jobs that my assistants did, I want to see how the people of this city do react to it.

Just after I opened the door a man was already outside, a Dragonewt with very short hair and two imposing horns on his head.

When I opened the doors he wasn't even looking at me, his eyes were stuck on the wall at the back of the shop sra a shield made of black crystal scales, I made it with the master's scales he lost during his training, it felt like a waste to play it was such a rare material.

I made this shield as a test or that's what I wanted but when I started crafting this thing my Blacksmith instincts started messing with my head, I threw myself into work for over 2 weeks while using several very rare items I got in the dungeon vault.

This shield ended up becoming a growth item, this type of item binds to the owner getting stronger along with it, in addition, it needs to be taken back to a good Blacksmith to be perfected to the next level, this type of item is destroyed when the owner dies.

It was the first growth item I made and I'm not even sure how I made it, that was my pride, so I left it as a decoration in a visible place.

I look again at the Dragonewt in front of my door, he seems frozen in place, and his eyes never move, it seems that even when the door was closed he could see the shield.

"It is not for sale." (I)


It seems like when I speak he wakes up, he blinks his eyes before looking at me a little confused, then he looks back at the shield before looking at me.

"Where did you get that shield?"

"I did it." (I)

"Did you make a Dragon shield? Where did you get the scales? I've never seen Dragon scales like this before."

"Are you going to buy something or are you going to ask my trade secrets?" (I)

"I buy it, give me that shield, I buy it at any price."

"I already told you that shield is not for sale, but if you need anything other than it, we can talk." (I)

"I give 10 crystal coins."

"No." (I)

"I'll give you 100, if you want I can give you 1000 crystal coins."

"You're deaf, I said it's not for sale." (I)

"You don't understand, I need this..."

The insistent idiot acted very fast running towards the shield, he pushed two of my assistants to get to the shield, but before touching the shield he froze in place as a voice I recognized came along with a powerful Aura.

"You don't need anything, get out of here before I make you stay forever." (Zenos)

"True... Dragon..."

I could see the terror and awe in this Dragonewt's eyes, I reach for him and grab his arm before flinging him through the door.

"Thanks for the help master, that idiot has gone mad." (I)

Master Zenos emerges from the shadow of a bookshelf as he looks at the shield.

"Are those scales mine?" (Zenos)

"Yes, you lose a lot during your training sessions." (I)

"I think you better not show it around, it has my Aura marked on the shield, that's what attracted that idiot." (Zenos)

"I just wanted to use it as decoration, but I think I'd better take it off, I think I'll give it to Barok, it will suit him, it would be a waste not to use something like this." (I)


Pov Leonardo:

I was admiring my shop before it opened, I know I shouldn't have many customers when I open today, art is something that normally only nobles buy.

Few ordinary people would spend their money on something that has no functionality, only Merchants and Nobles spend their money on these things for the emotions they evoke in people.

I have a few statues made of stone, wood, and one of crystal, but most of my art is in paintings and drawings.

I have always believed that we should paint with our feelings and draw with our vision of the world, traveling with master Zenos I was able to experience many things and see many places, it seems that I never lack inspiration.

I don't make art with what I imagine or dream, I make art with what I see and feel, that's why I love helping to create cities, a work of art where people can live, a work of art that is constantly changing and full of life, this is the pinnacle of art.

I open the store door with a big smile, I must be the only one who entered this competition with no intention of winning, even with such a tempting prize.

All I want is to know how people will see my art, I want to see if people can connect with these precious moments for me.


All through the morning, a lot of people passed by my store, a lot more people than I expected, they were walking around my store like it was an exhibition where they could see everything for free.

I allowed it with a smile because I was happy with people's reaction.

"Excuse me, are you the owner of the store?"

Suddenly a beautiful man with hair as red as fire and skin as white as snow appears, this was a beautiful man.

"Yes what can I do for you?" (I)

"Could you tell me who is the artist who created this city?"

I look at the painting of the city he was pointing at, it was a city in ruins, it was full of bodies everywhere and the sky was darkening as the twin moons rose on the horizon, in the middle of this scene there was a woman with pink hair and red wings praying on their knees, there were also people of various races with their heads bowed while a red haired child holding a dagger close to his outstretched arm let his blood fall to the ground mixing with the blood of the fallen.

"That would be me, what can I do for you." (I)

"This painting is incredible, it demonstrates the destruction of battle, the desolation for the dead, and the homage of the living through blood."

"Not many know the ancient traditions of a Blood Temple funeral service."

"What's the name of this painting."

"Blood Burial." (I)

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